
WordPress is web software you can use to create a beautiful website or blog. For Wordpress a bunch of plugins are available.

Install lighttpd, PHP, and MySql

For installing the additional packages first activate community packages:

vi /etc/apk/repositories

Uncomment the following:


Update the packagelist:

apk update

Install the additional packages:

apk add lighttpd php7-common php7-session php7-iconv php7-json php7-gd php7-curl php7-xml php7-mysqli php7-imap php7-cgi fcgi php7-pdo php7-pdo_mysql php7-soap php7-xmlrpc php7-posix php7-mcrypt php7-gettext php7-ldap php7-ctype php7-dom php7-simplexml

Configure Lighttpd

Edit lighttpd.conf

vi /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf

Uncomment line:

include "mod_fastcgi.conf"

Start lighttpd service and add to needed runlevel

rc-service lighttpd start && rc-update add lighttpd default

Install extra packages:

apk add wget php5-mysql mysql mysql-client php5-zlib

Restart Lighttpd:

/etc/init.d/lighttpd restart

Installing and configuring WordPress

Create a directory named webapps

mkdir -p /usr/share/webapps/

Download the latest Wordpress source files

cd /usr/share/webapps/ wget http://wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz

Unpack the archive and delete it afterwards

tar -xzvf latest.tar.gz rm latest.tar.gz

Change the folder persmissions

chown -R lighttpd /usr/share/webapps/

Create a symlink to the wordpress folder

ln -s /usr/share/webapps/wordpress/ /var/www/localhost/htdocs/wordpress

Config and start MySql

/usr/bin/mysql_install_db --user=mysql /etc/init.d/mariadb start && rc-update add mariadb default /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'password'

Create the WordPress database

mysql -u root -p

CREATE DATABASE wordpress; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON wordpress.* TO 'wordpress'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'wordpress password'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; EXIT

Config your WordPress

Browse to http://WEBSERVER_IP_ADDRESS/wordpress/

  • Click on: "Create a Configuration File"
  • Click on: "Let’s go!"
  • Database Name: wordpress
  • User Name: wordpress
  • Password: <wordpress password>
  • Database Host: localhost
  • Table Prefix: wp_

You may need create the wp-config.php manually, so modify define the 'DB_NAME', DB_USER and DB_PASSWORD, then copy and paste the text into it. After you've done that, click "Run the install."

  • Enter Information as needed
  • Site Title
  • Username
  • Password, twice
  • Your E-mail

After you've done that, click "Install WordPress"

You have WordPress working, to access go to http://WEBSERVER_IP_ADDRESS/wordpress and enjoy!

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