Appropedia's offline content bundle

See OLPC:Creating a collection for detailed instructions.

This is the page for material to be added to devices which can be used for offline browsing (see Appropedia:Offline browsing for more information on doing this with Appropedia). The XO laptop (OLPC) is the largest and most obvious target, but it is hoped that it will be easy to use on other netbooks, nettops and mobile phones. Join us in providing useful information to children and their communities around the world. We can help by:

  • Adding pages below. The best pages are those that are complete, well laid out, accessible to children.[1]
  • Editing useful pages to make them ready for inclusion.
  • Helping to translate pages. We haven't started this yet - if you start a translated page, or wish to comment, please leave a note on the discussion page.

Adding pages to the bundle

Note: Open access pages, those marked with the {{open access}} template, cannot be added to the bundle, as all works must be under an open license (e.g. CC-BY-SA, CC-BY, GFDL or FAL). However an extra bundle could be made with these pages, which users could add on their own after receiving the machines.[2]

Mark the page with the suitable template. Depending whether consensus has been reached, and whether the page is ready, use one of these three templates:

  • {{offline content bundle}} - when you are certain the page is suitable, or consensus has been reached among those working on this bundle project.
  • {{offline content bundle improve}} - when the page is potentially or definitely suitable, but it needs work.
  • {{offline content bundle proposed}} - when you want to suggest a page, but are not sure.

Bundle pages are found in Category:Offline content bundle, and prospective pages within its subcategories.

The old way is to edit the sitemap, go to: User:Chriswaterguy/OLPC frontpage/sitemap. Clicking the edit button for a section will take you to that page in edit mode.

A manual page is still needed as a final step to avoid pages being added at the last minute and not being checked. Just paste the links in the page (e.g. using WikEd to make it easier).

Creating the bundle

(The person creating the bundle should make the bundle from the sitemap page, which is free of notices and categories.

After creating the bundle, please add the next release date, if known.)


This page has been created for the Free Content Jam at Wikimania in Taipei, August 2007. The aim of the content jam is to create content for inclusion in the the XO-1W (previously known as the $100 Laptop or Children's Machine) which is being developed by OLPC.W For more information see the talk page.


  1. The target age is 6 to 16. It is okay to have some content which is above this target age, to provide a challenge, especially for gifted children and those with an interest in a particular area; and to provide useful information to their communities.
  2. WikiHow faces the same issue, as they use a non-commercial license - see OLPC:Talk:WikiHow #How to make wikiHow's NC content available to XO users - SJ's second comment explains about adding it to OLPC's collections page.

The {{Offline content bundle sitemap}} is transcluded below:


This sitemap is constructed manually from the "OLPC content bundle" categories. It should be updated when a bundle is being prepared, and should contain no links except for pages to be included in the bundle.

History and Understanding

Water and sanitation





How tos

This article is issued from Appropedia. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.