OSSTIP/WP4- Display of current Melbourne PT network in chosen tool

WP Essentials

This is a Work Package as part of the OSSTIP project.



  • Software repository of prototype tool,
  • installed example on a Virtual Machine server,
  • Generated map-based analytical displays,
  • documentation of how it was set up.

Estimated Time: Small-Medium

Status: Complete (as of 2014-02-07)

Requirements Summary

The goal of this WP is to develop and test the ability of the public transport network analysis tool selected in OSSTIP/WP2 with the data collected in OSSTIP/WP1, and infrastructure in OSSTIP/WP3 – to actually display and analyse Melbourne’s current public transport network. The output format should support understanding network performance, e.g. in the form of Travel time maps.

This will give a good indication of whether the tool will be practicable for the rest of the project, and give a baseline to work from for integrating the outputs into more advanced work or modelling (e.g. BZEs transport mode-choice model (REF). This should be demo’d and discussed with the team for feedback.


We chose to use OpenTripPlanner to view and analyse the network after evaluation. OTP has good capabilities in terms of performance, integrated web viewer, and ability to further reprocess data afterwards.

OpenTripPlanner has proven effective to display this network and it is now working.

See A June 2013 blog post for comments on setting this up initially, and OSSTIP/Setup of OpenTripPlanner to display Melbourne PT network for instructions for setting this up for Melbourne.

Here is a link to the OTP Graph Builder XML file I used to create a graph based on Melbourne's train, tram and bus network: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2z1gnz2zg9msc8a/graph-builder-melb-train_bus_tram.xml to supplement these instructions.

Currently this display is being run off individual PCs, generally using Eclipse to run a virtual web-server to display results.

It is possible we would want to display this on a real web-server on the 'net to allow the public to access this - but this isn't part of this Work Package. See OSSTIP/WPBZE3 for example for plans to do this with BZE to show the potential of the improved network.

See also: OSSTIP/OpenTripPlanner Issues for some issues with OTP we're trying to resolve to make it more effective in the OSSTIP project.

Sample screenshots

Shown below are some sample screenshots.

OpenTripPlanner being used to plan routes in Melbourne:

OpenTripPlanner Analyst functionality, showing Travel time maps to Monash University in Sth-East Melbourne:

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