
  • ascii-rain Comfy rain for your console written in C with Ncurses. || ascii-rain-gitAUR
  • Asciiquarium An aquarium/sea animation in ASCII art. || asciiquarium
  • Banner Print large banners to ASCII terminals. || banner
  • bash-pipes An animated pipes terminal screensaver. || bash-pipesAUR
  • boxes Text mode box and comment drawing filter. || boxesAUR
  • cbonsai A bonsai tree generator, written in C using ncurses. || cbonsaiAUR
  • catimg Print images in a terminal with 256 colors support. || catimg
  • cmatrix Animation that plays in terminal based on the text from "The Matrix". || cmatrix
  • TOIlet Free replacement for the FIGlet utility. || toiletAUR
  • tty-clock A digital clock in ncurses. || tty-clockAUR

    For diagrams there is

    Arch ASCII logos

    See the original forum thread.

    From 3.6.5-1:

    From 0.4.7-1:

    From 0.5-2:

    ArchWiki's birthday celebration:

                                                   ,- " " " -.
                                                  /     _     \
                                                 :     / |     ;     ,- " " "-.
                                                 \     | |     /    /   ____   \
                                                  \    |_|    /    ;    |  |    ;
                                                    `.. ,, ..´     \    |__|    /
                                                      /✿\           \          /
                                                        )             `. ,, .´
         _             _  __        ___ _    _         (                /✿\
        / \   _ __ ___| |_\ \      / (_) | _(_)         )                (
       / _ \ | '__/ __| '_ \ \ /\ / /| | |/ / |        (                  )
      / ___ \| | | (__| | | \ V  V / | |   <| | ....... ) .*..---...*.....*
     /_/   \_\_|  \___|_| |_|\_/\_/  |_|_|\_\_| ....♫♪հձթթყ ъﻨгէհժձყ eժﻨէﻨon ♫

    User art:

                    . *######@            
               @######`     %#####o       
              @######@       ######%      
            -@#######h       ######@.`    
           /#####h**``       `**%@####@   
          @H@*`                    `*%#@  
         *`                            `* 

    by Cyllos

    by LnLcFlx

    Code page 437 save (e.g. ):

    by Hendrikto (modified from the version by LnLcFlx)


    Here are some examples of and fortune used together:

    Default cow with fortune

    • Combined with the program :
    $ cowthink $(fortune)
    ( The best cure for insomnia is to get a )
    ( lot of sleep. -W.C. Fields             )
            o   ^__^
             o  (oo)\_______
                (__)\       )\/\
                    ||----w |
                    ||     ||
    • Display a potentially offensive fortune:
    $ cowsay $(fortune -o)
    < Chastity is its own punishment. >
            \   ^__^
             \  (oo)\_______
                (__)\       )\/\
                    ||----w |
                    ||     ||

    The ASCII images are generated by text files located in , and all themes can be listed with the . These files can be edited to the user's liking; custom images can also be created from scratch or found on the net. The easiest way create a custom cow file is to use an existing one as a template. To test the custom file:

    $ cowsay -f /path/to/file $(fortune)

    Random cow with fortune

    $ fortune -c | cowthink -f $(find /usr/share/cows -type f | shuf -n 1)
    ( (computers) % A language that doesn't )
    ( affect the way you think about                  )
    ( programming is not worth knowing.       )
             o      (__)
              o     /oo|
               o   (_"_)*+++++++++*
                        //I#\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \   I \
                       I[I|I | | | | |   I I `
                       I`I ' /  /  /  '  '     I I
                       I I                       I I
                      ~ ~                     ~ ~

    Random custom cow with fortune

    Complex commands can be chained to produce detailed ASCII art such as this Futurama example.

    • Display a random cow with a random facial expression and wrap long lines of fortune text:
    $ fortune -a | fmt -80 -s | $(shuf -n 1 -e cowsay cowthink) -$(shuf -n 1 -e b d g p s t w y) -f $(shuf -n 1 -e $(cowsay -l | tail -n +2)) -n
    ( Fry: I must be a robot. Why else would )
    ( human women refuse to date me?         )
                 ,'``.._   ,'``.
               (                 )@@@;:@@@@)@@@\  _,-.
                `.              (@@@//@@@@@@@@@@`'@@@@\
                 :               `.//@@)@@@@@@)@@@@@,@;
                 |`.            _,'/@@@@@@@)@@@@)@,'@,'
                ,'\ ``--....-)='    `._,@@\    )@@@'``._
               /@_@`.       (@)      /@@@@@)  ; / \ \`-.'
              (@@@`-:`.     `' ___..'@@_,-'   |/   `.)
               `-. `.`.``-----``--,@@.'
                 |/`.\`'        ,',');
                     `         (/  (/


    For full 256-colored cowsay-like art use (version 3.0 has 422 ponies). The syntax is the same, meaning $ ponysay message to say something and for a complete list of ponies. To select a pony to display, run , where is a pony. To create more ponies use and store them in ~/.local/share/ponysay/ponies and for desktop and TTY, respectively.

    See also

    This article is issued from Archlinux. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.