< Dm-crypt

dm-crypt/Mounting at login

It is possible to configure PAM and systemd to automatically mount a dm-crypt encrypted home partition when its owner logs in, and to unmount it when they log out.

This tutorial assumes you have already created your encrypted partition, as described in Dm-crypt/Encrypting a non-root file system.

  • You need to use the same password for your user account and for LUKS.
  • In all the examples, replace username with your username, 1000 with your user ID and PARTITION with the name of your encrypted partition's device.

Unlocking at login

pam_exec can be used to unlock the device at login. Edit /etc/pam.d/system-login and add the line below emphasized in bold after auth include system-auth:


auth       include    system-auth
'''auth       optional   pam_exec.so expose_authtok /etc/pam_cryptsetup.sh


Then create the mentioned script.

Make the script executable.

Mounting and unmounting automatically

systemd-logind maintains for as long as at least one session is active for the user. It is started automatically after a first successful login and stopped after a logout from the last session. Hence, we can create and enable a unit for the mapped volume and connect it to in order to make it mount and unmount automatically:

Locking after unmounting

After unmounting, the device will still be unlocked, and it will be possible to mount it without re-entering password. You can create and enable a service that starts when the device gets unlocked () and dies after the device gets unmounted (), locking the device in the process (ExecStop=cryptsetup close):


ExecStop=/usr/bin/cryptsetup close home-''username''

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