
Eclipse it is an open source community project aimed at providing a universal development platform. The Eclipse project is best known for its multiplatform integrated development environment (IDE). Arch Linux packages (and this guide) are specifically related to the IDE.

Eclipse IDE is largely written in Java, but can be used to develop applications in many languages, including Java, C / C++, PHP, Perl, Rust and Python. The IDE can also provide subversion support and task management.


Install one of the following packages:

You cannot install several of them at the same time as they conflict, see FS#45577: choose the package above which meets your needs immediately and add support for the additional languages you need through #Plugins.


Many plugins are easily installed using pacman (look Eclipse plugin package guidelines for more information). This will also keep them updated. Alternatively, you can choose the Eclipse Marketplace or the internal plugin manager.

Add the default update site

Be sure to verify that the default update site for your version of Eclipse is configured so that plug-in dependencies can be installed automatically. Recent versions of Eclipse should already have the default update site set properly. To verify or update, go to Help > Install New Software. The drop-down list for the field labeled as Work with: should list an option named Eclipse Repository with a site that looks like (for example for version 2021-09). If a default site is not available, you can choose Add to add one. You can find sites for recent versions under To check your Eclipse version go to Help > About Eclipse Platform (or any About option available in your installation).

Eclipse Marketplace

Note: make sure you have followed the Add the default update site section.

To use the Eclipse Marketplace, install it, go to Help > Install new software then, switch to the default update site in the Work with section and go to General Purpose Tools > Marketplace Client. Select it, click next, and follow the instructions until you finish. Restart Eclipse and it will be available in Help > Eclipse Marketplace.

Plugin manager

Note: make sure you have followed the Add the default update site section.

Use Eclipse's plugin manager to download and install plugins from their original repositories: in this case you have to find the needed repository in the plugin's website, then go to Help > Install New Software..., enter the repository in the Work with field, select the plugin to install from the list below and follow the instructions.

  • If you install plugins with Eclipse's plugin manager, you are advised to launch Eclipse as root: this way the plugins will be installed in /usr/lib/eclipse/plugins/; if you installed them as normal user, they would be stored in a version-dependent folder inside ~/.eclipse/, and, after upgrading Eclipse, they would not be recognized any longer.
  • Do not use Eclipse as root for your everyday work.

Updates via plugin manager

Run Eclipse and select Help > Check for Updates. If you have installed them as root as advised in the section above, you have to run Eclipse as root.

For plugins to be updated, you should check to have their update repositories enabled in Window > Preferences > Install/Update > Available Software Sites: you can find each plugin's repository(es) on the respective project website. To add, edit, remove... repositories just use the buttons on the right of the Available Software Sites panel. For Eclipse 4.5 (Mars), check you have enabled this repository:

To receive update notifications, go to Window > Preferences > Install/Update > Automatic Updates. If you want to receive notifications for plugins installed as root, you should run Eclipse as root, go to Window > Preferences > Install/Update > Available Software Sites, select the repositories related to the installed plugins and Export them, then run Eclipse as normal user and Import them in the same panel.

List of plugins

  • AVR AVR microcontroller plugin. || eclipse-avrAUR
  • Aptana HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript/Ruby/Rails/PHP/Pydev/Django support. Also available as standalone application. || aptana-studioAUR
  • Subversive Alternative Subversion support. || eclipse-subversiveAUR
  • TeXlipse LaTeX support. || eclipse-texlipseAUR

    Enable javadoc integration

    Want to see API entries when hovering the mouse pointer over standard Java methods?

    Online version

    If you have constant Internet access on your machine, you can use the on-line documentation:

    1. Go to Window > Preferences, then go to Java > Installed JREs.
    2. There should be one named "java" with the type "Standard VM". Select this and click Edit.
    3. Select the item under "JRE system libraries:", then click Javadoc Location....
    4. Enter "" in the "Javadoc location path:" text field.

    Offline version

    You can store the documentation locally by installing the package. Eclipse may be able to find the javadocs automatically. If that does not work, set Javadoc location for rt.jar to .


    Ctrl+X closes Eclipse

    Part of this bug. Just look in and delete the wrong combination. Usually it is the first one.

    Dark theme

    Eclipse supplies a Dark theme which can be enabled in Window > Preferences > General > Appearance and selecting the Dark theme.

    The dark theme uses its own colours rather than the GTK theme colours, if you prefer it to fully respect GTK colour settings, then remove or move to backup sub folder all of the .css files from , replacing the version with the appropriate version number.

    Change Default Window Title Font Size

    You cannot change the window title font size using the Eclipse preferences, you must edit the actual theme .css files. These are located under directory, where version is the actual theme version number.

    Use an text editor to edit the appropriate file, e.g. e4_default_gtk.css if you are using the "GTK theme".

    In this file, search for , and change the font-size to your desired size:

    .MPartStack {
           font-size: 9;
           swt-simple: false;
           swt-mru-visible: false;

    Disable GTK 3

    If the SWT GTK 3 UI gets buggy or unusable, it can be disabled by prepending environment variable when starting Eclipse:

    SWT_GTK3=0 eclipse

    Another option to achieve the same effect is to add the following to Eclipse's ini file, before :


    Eclipse is not compatible with . See

    Show in System Explorer does not work

    See this guide. Go to Window > Preferences > General > Workspace and change the command launching system explorer. As Xfce user you may like to change it to to open the selected folder with thunar.

    Display issues under Wayland

    When running Eclipse on Wayland, you may encounter rendering issues such as slow response time to mouse events or chopped dialog windows (Bug report ). A possible workaround for this issue is to force Eclipse to run under XWayland.

    With the superuser, edit the file /usr/bin/eclipse and append this line before the line:

       export GDK_BACKEND=x11

    This will force the execution of Eclipse on XWayland.

    See also

    This article is issued from Archlinux. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.