< List of applications

List of applications/Documents

Documents and texts

Text editors

See also Wikipedia:Comparison of text editors.

Some of the lighter-weight Integrated development environments can also serve as text editors.

Vi-style text editors

  • Amp Text editor written in Rust, that aims to take the core interaction model of Vim, simplify it, and bundle in the essential features required for a modern text editor.
https://amp.rs/ || ampAUR
  • Aretext Minimalist text editor with vim-compatible key bindings.
https://aretext.org/ || aretextAUR
  • BusyBox vi Provides "a small 'vi' clone". Can be invoked with busybox vi.
https://git.busybox.net/busybox/tree/editors/vi.c || busybox
  • Kakoune Modal editor. Fewer keystrokes. Selection based, multi-cursor editing. Orthogonal design.
https://github.com/mawww/kakoune || kakoune
  • Helix A post-modern modal text editor.
https://helix-editor.com/ || helix
  • Neovim Vim's rebirth for the 21st century.
https://neovim.io/ || neovim
  • Neovim-Qt Qt GUI for Neovim.
https://github.com/equalsraf/neovim-qt || neovim-qt
  • vi The original ex/vi text editor.
http://ex-vi.sourceforge.net/ || vi
  • Vim Advanced text editor that seeks to provide the power of the de-facto Unix editor 'vi', with a more complete feature set.
https://www.vim.org/ || with GUI: gvim, without GUI: vim
  • Vis Modern, legacy free, simple yet efficient vim-like editor.
https://github.com/martanne/vis || vis

Emacs-style text editors


  • dte Small, easy to use editor with multi-tabbed interface, syntax highlighting, ctags navigation, etc.
https://craigbarnes.gitlab.io/dte/ || dteAUR
  • e3 Tiny editor without dependencies, written in assembly.
https://sites.google.com/site/e3editor/ || e3
  • slap Sublime-like terminal-based text editor.
https://github.com/slap-editor/slap || slapAUR
  • Tilde Intuitive text editor with Windows-like key bindings.
https://os.ghalkes.nl/tilde/ || tildeAUR


  • Enki Text editor for programmers.
http://enki-editor.org/ || enki-editorAUR
  • FeatherPad Minimal Qt5 plain text editor featuring a native dark theme and support for tabs, printing and syntax highlighting.
https://github.com/tsujan/FeatherPad || featherpad
  • Kate Full-featured programmer's editor for the KDE desktop with MDI and a filesystem browser.
https://kate-editor.org/ || kate
  • L3afpad Simple text editor forked from Leafpad, supports GTK 3.
https://github.com/stevenhoneyman/l3afpad || l3afpad
  • Nota Easy to use text editor with a simple interface with support for tabbed documents, syntax highlighting for various languages, Focus mode, annotations, configurable fonts, and colors, a side panel with an integrated file browser, and more.
https://mauikit.org/ || maui-nota
  • QSciTE Qt clone of the SciTE text and code editor.
https://code.google.com/archive/p/qscite/ || qsciteAUR
  • Visual Studio Code Editor for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications.
https://code.visualstudio.com || code
  • XEdit Simple text editor for the X Window System.
https://www.x.org/wiki || xorg-xedit

    Office suites

    See also Wikipedia:Comparison of office suites.

    • WPS Office Proprietary office productivity suite, previously known as Kingsoft Office.
    https://www.wps.com/ || wps-officeAUR

      Word processors

      See also Wikipedia:Comparison of word processors.

      • Ted Easy to use GTK-based rich text processor (with footnote support).
      https://nllgg.nl/Ted/ || tedAUR
        WYSIWYG HTML editors
        Desktop publishing
        • Scribus Desktop publishing program. Uses hyphen and its language packs for hyphenation.
        https://www.scribus.net/ || scribus



        See also Wikipedia:Comparison of spreadsheet software.

        • Calligra Sheets Powerful spreadsheet application included in the Calligra Suite.
        https://www.calligra.org/sheets/ || calligra
        • LibreOffice Calc Full-featured spreadsheet application included in the LibreOffice suite.
        https://www.libreoffice.org/discover/calc/ || libreoffice-still or libreoffice-fresh

        Database tools

        For DBMS-specific tools, see:

        See also Wikipedia:Comparison of database tools.

        • GdaBrowser Graphical tool to get a quick access to a database's structure and contents.
        https://www.gnome-db.org/GdaBrowser || libgda
        • Sequeler SQL client built in Vala and Gtk. It allows you to connect to your local and remote databases, write SQL in a handy text editor with language recognition, and visualize SELECT results in a Gtk.Grid Widget.
        https://github.com/Alecaddd/sequeler || sequelerAUR
        Plain-text database utilities

        These kinds of software are in a substance somewhat between text processing core utilities like awk, spreadsheets and production-level database system. And they usually come with a non-SQL command-line interface.

          "Simplified" database software (beginner-friendly database tools)
          • Glom Easy-to-use database designer and user interface.
          https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/glom/ || glom

          Formula editors

          See also #TeX formula editors and Wikipedia:Formula editor.

          Markup languages

          See also Wikipedia:Comparison of document markup languages.


          See also Wikipedia:AsciiDoc.

          • AsciiDoc The original implementation, written in Python. Used by Arch for generating pacman's man pages..
          https://asciidoc.org/ || asciidoc


            See also the official website and Wikipedia:Markdown.

            • Marked Markdown parser and compiler built for speed.
            https://marked.js.org/ || marked
            • Pandoc also supports Markdown.
            Python implementations
            Ruby implementations
            • mdless Pure Ruby terminal-based markdown viewer/interpeter.
            https://github.com/ttscoff/mdless || ruby-mdlessAUR
            Markdown editors
            • ghostwriter Distraction-free Markdown editor.
            https://wereturtle.github.io/ghostwriter/ || ghostwriter
            • ReText Simple text editor for Markdown and reStructuredText.
            https://github.com/retext-project/retext || retext

            Typesetting systems

            • Lout A lightware document formatting system. Reads a high-level description of a document similar in style to LaTeX and produces a PostScript.
            https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/lout || lout

            TeX editors

            With TeX, LaTeX and friends, creation of any scientific document, article, journal, etc. is made commonplace.

            See also Wikipedia:Comparison of TeX editors and Wikibooks:LaTeX/Installation#Editors.

            • GNOME LaTeX LaTeX editor for the GNOME Desktop including support for code completion, compiling and project management.
            https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/GNOME-LaTeX || gnome-latex
            • TeXworks Simple TeX front-end program modeled after TeXShop.
            https://tug.org/texworks/ || texworks

            TeX formula editors

            • KLatexFormula GUI for generating images from LaTeX equations.
            https://klatexformula.sourceforge.io/ || klatexformulaAUR

              XML editors

              See also Wikipedia:Comparison of XML editors.

              Document converters

              See also #Markup languages and PDF, PS and DjVu.

              • catdoc Converter for Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and RTF files to text.
              https://wagner.pp.ru/~vitus/software/catdoc/ || catdoc
              • unoconv Libreoffice-based document converter.
              http://dag.wiee.rs/home-made/unoconv/ || unoconv

                Bibliographic reference managers

                See also Wikipedia:Comparison of reference management software.

                • Mendeley Desktop Proprietary reference manager and academic social network.
                https://www.mendeley.com/ || mendeleydesktopAUR

                Readers and viewers

                  PDF and DjVu

                  See PDF, PS and DjVu.


                  • Bookworm Simple, focused e-book reader for Elementary OS with EPUB, PDF, Mobipocket and Comicbook support.
                  https://babluboy.github.io/bookworm/ || bookworm
                  • Lector Qt based e-book reader with PDF, EPUB, Kindle, Mobipocket and Comicbook support.
                  https://github.com/BasioMeusPuga/Lector || lectorAUR

                    Some PDF viewers like apvlv, Atril, MuPDF, Okular and Xreader also support the EPUB format.

                    Comic book

                    • Komikku Online/offline manga reader for GNOME.
                    https://gitlab.com/valos/Komikku || komikkuAUR
                    • Manga Reader Manga reader for local files. Supports zip, rar, tar, 7z, cbz, cbr, cbt, cb7 files and also folders.
                    https://gitlab.com/g-fb/mangareader || mangareaderAUR

                    Some PDF and E-book viewers like Atril, Bookworm, Calibre, Evince, Foliate, Lector, MuPDF, Okular, Xreader and Zathura also support the Comicbook format.


                    See also Wikipedia:Microsoft Compiled HTML Help.

                    Some PDF and E-book viewers like Cool Reader, FBReader and Okular also support the CHM format.

                    Document managers

                    • Paperwork Personal document manager. It manages scanned documents and PDFs.
                    https://openpaper.work/ || paperwork

                      Scanning software

                      See SANE#Frontends


                        See also Wikipedia:Comparison of optical character recognition software.

                        • CuneiForm Command line OCR system originally developed and open sourced by Cognitive technologies. Supported languages: eng, ger, fra, rus, swe, spa, ita, ruseng, ukr, srp, hrv, pol, dan, por, dut, cze, rum, hun, bul, slo, lav, lit, est, tur.
                        https://launchpad.net/cuneiform-linux || cuneiform


                        • Linux-Intelligent-Ocr-Solution Easy-OCR solution and Tesseract trainer for converting print into text using either scanner or a camera.
                        https://sourceforge.net/projects/lios/ || lios-gitAUR
                        • Paperwork Personal document manager. It manages scanned documents and PDFs.
                        https://openpaper.work/ || paperwork

                        Note-taking software

                        See also Wikipedia:Comparison of notetaking software.

                        • dnote A simple command line notebook for programmers
                        https://github.com/dnote/dnote || dnote-cli-binAUR
                        • BasKet Application for organizing, sharing, and taking notes. It can manage various types of information such as to-do lists, links, pictures, and other types, similar to a scrapbook.
                        https://basket-notepads.github.io/ || basketAUR
                        • GNOME Notes Note editor for GNOME designed to remain simple to use.
                        https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Notes || gnome-notes
                        • Joplin Note taking and to-do application, which can handle a large number of notes organized into notebooks. Based on the Electron platform.
                        https://joplinapp.org/ || joplinAUR
                        • Notejot Stupidly simple sticky notes applet for elementaryOS.
                        https://github.com/lainsce/notejot || notejotAUR
                        • Notorious Keyboard centric note-taking application with Markdown syntax highlighting support.
                        https://notorious.gabmus.org/ || notorious-gitAUR
                        • TagSpaces Offline personal data manager for managing of your local files. Based on the Electron platform.
                        https://www.tagspaces.org/ || tagspacesAUR
                        • TuxCards Hierarchical notebook to enter and manage ever every kind of notes and ideas in a structured manner.
                        https://tuxcards.de/ || tuxcards
                        • μPad Note-taking app that helps you organise + take notes without restrictions. Based on the Electron platform.
                        https://getmicropad.com || micropadAUR

                        Stylus note-taking

                        • Xournal++ Notetaking software designed around a tablet. C++ rewrite of Xournal with PDF annotation support.
                        https://github.com/xournalpp/xournalpp || xournalpp


                          • Simple Diary Simple and lightweight diary app with Markdown support.
                          https://github.com/johan-bjareholt/simple-diary-gtk || simple-diary-gtkAUR


                          See also Wikipedia:List of concept- and mind-mapping software.

                          • Semantik Mind-mapping application for KDE.
                          https://waf.io/semantik.html || semantikAUR

                          Sticky notes

                          • KNotes Program that lets you write the computer equivalent of sticky notes. Part of kde-pim.
                          https://kontact.kde.org/components/knotes.html[dead link 2022-09-20 ] || knotes

                          Distraction-free writing

                          See also #Markdown editors and Wikipedia:Full-screen writing program.

                          • Quilter Focus on your writing and write beautiful solid stories with the Focus Mode in tow in this Markdown editor.
                          https://github.com/lainsce/quilter || quilterAUR

                            Story writing


                            • KIT Scenarist Simple and powerful application for creating screenplays.
                            https://kitscenarist.ru/en/ || scenarist

                            Dictionary and thesaurus

                            See also Wikipedia:Category:Dictionary software and Wikipedia:DICT#DICT clients.

                            • sdcv Command line dictionary. It provides access to dictionaries in StarDict's format.
                            https://dushistov.github.io/sdcv/ || sdcv
                              • Kiten Japanese reference and study tool. Part of kde-education.
                              https://apps.kde.org/kiten/ || kiten
                              • QStarDict Dictionary program written using Qt. The user interface is similar to StarDict.
                              http://qstardict.ylsoftware.com/ || qstardict

                              Spell checkers

                              See Language checking.

                              Translation and localization

                              See also Wikipedia:Comparison of computer-assisted translation tools.

                              • Crow Translate Simple and lightweight translator that allows to translate and speak text using Google, Yandex and Bing.
                              https://crow-translate.github.io/ || crow-translateAUR
                              • Pology Set of Python tools for dealing with gettext/po-files.
                              https://techbase.kde.org/Localization/Tools/Pology || pologyAUR


                              • barcode A tool to convert text strings to printed bars.
                              https://www.gnu.org/software/barcode/ || barcode


                              • QRab Simply grabs QR code from screen and copies decoded text into clipboard.
                              https://qrab.sourceforge.io/ || qrabAUR
                              This article is issued from Archlinux. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.