Mail server

A mail server consists of multiple components. A mail transfer agent (MTA) receives and sends emails via SMTP. Received and accepted emails are then passed to a mail delivery agent (MDA), which stores the mail in a mailbox (usually in mbox or Maildir format). If you want users to be able to remotely access their mail using email clients (MUA), you need to run a POP3 and/or IMAP server.


All of these software include a mail delivery agent.

  • dma Tiny mail transport agent. || dmaAUR
  • Exim A highly configurable mail transfer agent. || exim
  • OpenSMTPD A mail transfer agent, part of the OpenBSD project. || opensmtpd
  • Postfix A mail transfer agent, meant to be fast, easy to administer, and secure. || postfix

POP3/IMAP servers

  • Courier A mail transfer agent, providing POP3, IMAP, webmail and mailing list services as individual components. || courier-mtaAUR
  • Cyrus IMAP A mail transfer agent with a custom mail spool format, provides POP3 and IMAP services. || cyrus-imapdAUR
  • Dovecot An IMAP and POP3 server written to be secure, fast and simple to set up. || dovecot || imap

Standalone MTAs

These packages all provide a executable with similar options.

Standalone MDAs

  • fdm A simple program for delivering and filtering mail. || fdm
  • Procmail A program for filtering, sorting and storing email (unmaintained). || procmailAUR

    See also Wikipedia:Comparison of e-mail servers.


    Accept mail from other MTAs.25SMTPSTARTTLS
    Accept submissions from MUAs.587SMTPSTARTTLS
    465SMTPSimplicit TLS
    Let MUAs access mail. 110POP3STARTTLS
    995POP3Simplicit TLS
    993IMAPSimplicit TLS

    MX record

    Hosting a mail server requires a domain name with an MX record pointing to the domain name of your mail transfer agent. The domain name used as the value of the MX record must map to at least one address record (A, AAAA) and must not have a CNAME record to conform with RFC 2181, otherwise you may not get mail from some mail servers. Configuring DNS records is usually done from the configuration interface of your domain name registrar.


    To obtain a certificate, see OpenSSL#Usage.


    There are various email authentication techniques.

    Sender Policy Framework

    From Wikipedia:

    Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is an email validation protocol designed to detect and block email spoofing by providing a mechanism to allow receiving mail exchangers to verify that incoming mail from a domain comes from an IP Address authorized by that domain's administrators.

    To allow other mail exchangers to validate mails apparently sent from your domain, you need to set a DNS TXT record as explained in the Wikipedia article (there is also an online wizard). To validate incoming mail using SPF you need to configure your mail transfer agent to use a SPF implementation. There are several SPF implementations available: , and .

    SPF validation support
    Courier , built-in
    Sendmail through Milter and spfmilter-acmeAUR
    Exim Yes, requires libspf2
    Cyrus IMAP

    The following websites let you validate your SPF record:

    Sender Rewriting Scheme

    The Sender Rewriting Scheme (SRS) is a secure scheme to allow forwardable bounces for server-side forwarded emails without breaking the Sender Policy Framework.

    For Postfix, see Postfix#Sender Rewriting Scheme.


    DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is a domain-level email authentication method designed to detect email spoofing.

    Available DKIM implementations are OpenDKIM and .


    There are several options to help you test DNS records, deliver ability, and encryption support.

    Dedicated tools

      Dedicated websites

      There are several handy web sites that can help you testing.

      Tips and tricks

      Most mail servers can be configured to strip users' IP addresses and user agents from outgoing mail.

      Available extras that can usually be integrated are:

      This article is issued from Archlinux. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.