
Reflector is a Python script which can retrieve the latest mirror list from the Arch Linux Mirror Status page, filter the most up-to-date mirrors, sort them by speed and overwrite the file /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.


Install the reflector package.


  • In the following examples, /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist will be overwritten. Make a backup before proceeding.
  • Make sure the resulting /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist does not contain entries that you consider untrustworthy before syncing or updating with pacman.

To see all of the available options, run the following command:

$ reflector --help


See reflector(1) §EXAMPLES. Examples overwriting /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist need to be run as root.

Tip: To include Worldwide servers, pass an empty string to the country flag. For example, to include France, Germany, and Worldwide mirrors, one should use --country 'France,Germany,'.


systemd service

Reflector ships with a reflector.service. The service will run reflector with the parameters specified in /etc/xdg/reflector/reflector.conf. The default options in this file should serve as a good starting point and example.

For example, to select the 5 most up-to-date mirrors from France and Germany that support HTTPS and overwrite /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist, use

Enable reflector.service to run Reflector on boot. To run it immediately, start the service.

systemd timer

Reflector provides a systemd timer () that starts the #systemd service reflector.service weekly. The schedule can be changed by editing .

First edit the configuration file as described in #systemd service. After you have updated the configuration file, start and enable .

To refresh the mirrorlist ahead of schedule, start reflector.service.

pacman hook

is not updated regularly, invoking reflector only because some mirror in some part of the globe was added or removed is not relevant. Use instead the timer-based automation. If you do not want mirrorlist.pacnew to be installed at all, use NoExtract in .

See also

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