
tmuxp is a session manager for the tmux terminal multiplexer. Compare to tmuxinator or teamocil.


Install the tmuxp package.


tmuxp accepts both JSON and YAML configurations. The YAML markup is similar to tmuxinator's.

You can put configurations in any directory to access them via 3 ways:

  1. Via absolute or relative file path tmuxp load file, tmuxp load ../myconfig
  2. tmuxp checks for files in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/tmuxp (usually $HOME/.config/tmuxp), and $TMUXP_CONFIGDIR path (default ). Files inside can be loaded via filename, e.g. . So would be loadable via .
  3. Via .tmuxp.yaml in a project or directory (so you can store configs in a VCS per-project / folder. And then tmuxp load path/to/dir

A sample YAML configuration with 4 panes:

session_name: 4-pane-split
- window_name: dev window
  layout: tiled
    - cd ~/                    # run as a first command in all panes
    - shell_command:           # pane no. 1
        - cd /var/log          # run multiple commands in this pane
        - ls -al | grep \.log
    - echo second pane         # pane no. 2
    - echo third pane          # pane no. 3
    - echo forth pane          # pane no. 4

tmuxp is also capable of running arbitrary scripts before building tmux sessions via . In this example, from the tmuxp project itself, a bootstrap script runs which creates a virtualenv (python package environment) for the project and installs dependency packages. In addition, the session configures all panes to source the project's virtualenv:

session_name: tmuxp
start_directory: ./ # load session relative to config location (project root).
before_script: ./ # ./ to load relative to project root.
- window_name: tmuxp
  focus: True
  layout: main-horizontal
    main-pane-height: 35
    - '[ -d .venv -a -f .venv/bin/activate ] && source .venv/bin/activate'
  - focus: true
  - pane 
  - make watch_test
- window_name: docs
  layout: main-horizontal
    main-pane-height: 35
  start_directory: doc/
    - '[ -d ../.venv -a -f ../.venv/bin/activate ] && source ../.venv/bin/activate'
  - focus: true
  - pane
  - make serve
  - make watch

More examples are available in the documentation showcasing YAML, as well as JSON configurations.

See also

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