
This guide is for owners of the Fiat 500 Abarth who are unsure about how to replace the rear taillight and the bulbs within it. Taillights are extremely important and legally needed in most places, so it is always important to ensure that yours are always working. When a bulb burns out, you lose one of your lights that tells other drivers what you are doing which can be very dangerous on the road, so it is best to fix them as soon as possible. There are very few hazards in this process, however the biggest advice to offer is to take each step slowly and carefully, making sure you stick to the directions as much as possible. To add on to that, make sure to read through the directions fully before starting, and read each step all the way through before beginning that step to ensure you are aware of what you need to do and what warnings the step is advising. This is a straightforward process that anyone should be able to complete with little issue. Time to get started on the project!

  1. 3gCvWqmT64RLJqKj
    • Remove the two 10 mm bolts to the side of the taillight.

  2. ScaUgLCSfBgwfsDG
    • Using a pry tool or something flat, carefully get in-between the light and the car and pry the light off.

    • The light still has cable connections to the car body, so be sure not to rip these during removal.

  3. qvmEnDFXVJaODWrK
    • There are several little clips on this module.

    • Unclip the clips on the back of the light and remove the panel.

    Note: On US, Brazilian; and Canadian cars the clipped on cover is held in by T20 or T25 Torx screws (depending on location).

    Rocco Lauro -

  4. FXaG4BDCAp4kdLrG
    • Remove the burnt out bulb by pulling it out from the panel.

    Ciao a tutti,

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    Trovo solo il kit completo del fanale.


    marco b -

  5. 4ywiAw2llNABJDQa
    • Clip the panel back onto the light and put it back into the frame of the car.

    • Replace the two bolts with a 10 mm socket.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Tim Polishchuk

Member since: 11/01/21

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