
You will be using Carbon Copy Cloner for this guide. Cloning a Hard Drive or a Solid State Drive is about as easy as it gets with CCC. Sadly, CCC is only available to macOS users and is not compatible with Linux or Windows. Sometime soon I will create a guide for Windows and Linux users.

  1. 4hjyJCdBPeGFgLPP
    • Download Carbon Copy Cloner from the Bombich Software Website.

    • Install it onto your macOS based computer. You will need administrator privileges later, as well as to move CCC into the Applications folder on your computer.

    • You can download it here.

    • I used CCC 5 for this process and if the user interface changes in the future I will promptly update the guide.

    Aaron, Please post the version info for the app you used.

    Dan -

    @danj Edited. Good idea, thanks!

    [deleted] -

  2. FYX6wKNJr5TmZhfm
    • Once you are at the main screen of Carbon Copy Cloner, insert your SATA based SSD/SSHD/HDD into your enclosure and plug it into your Mac.

    • Under Source Disk, click your current HD/SSD. For example, my current drive is named "Macintosh SSD".

    • Next, select your Target Disk. My target disk is named "Ubuntu". Your disk can have any type of name ex. "Pie".

    • Lastly, click Clone.

    • Enter your administrator Username

    • Enter your administrator Password

    • Then finally, click OK

    • This process can take up to 4+ hours depending on your disk size, so have some patience!


After you finish, install your new Hard Drive/Solid State Drive and test if it works. If it does not, try cloning again. If it still does not work after that, leave a comment and I will try my best to support you.


Member since: 28/08/18

25242 Reputation


I have used CCC for years and years. It is an excellent program!

When upgrading MAC OS to a new version, I always clone a drive before starting the upgrade.

Mal -

What if you have several volumes on each disk ? Does it scan the entire structure and boot options ?

Fran Werttt -

CCC clones per volume, not per disk. So you have to clone each volume on their own, how many are bootable?

Jelan -

I have tried cloning my 2012 Mac book pro with a vector ssd sata111, my Mac does not see the disk when I connect with usb or caddy, this is getting frustrating anyone has the same problem where you mac not seeing the ssd drive

thank you


Peter -

What about using Restore on Disk Utility read on web that this in itself a cloning method don’t have to go for 3rd party apps

GBish -

Unfortunately that method has some glitches for some users. (Like myself) see error OSStatus error 22

Diana Fred -

I’ve used Restore from Disk Utility and it worked very well. First boot with Cmd-R held down. Make sure to Unmount internal and external drives, then select Restore blank drive from old one.

Friedemann Brauer -

Thanks for writing the guide! Will this clone be ready to once I insert the clone drive in? Should I make a boot disk?

Peter Innes -