
This guide provides instructions on how to replace a Xbox 360 controller's cord. Be aware that minimum soldering skills are needed as the controller's circuit board can be permanently damaged if not handled properly.

Before starting this guide, make sure you have:

  • micro screwdriver
  • soldering iron and wire
  • desoldering wick
  • replacement USB cord
  1. AFLqxaNmYyBWmonv
    • Remove the tamper seal sticker from the back of the controller.

  2. 3sxRjqMFn4X1C2kH
    • Remove the seven screws from the back of the controller.

  3. bhXnCVMMIb2S5XXG
    • Separate the front and back face-plates of the controller.

    • Use spudger or plastic opening tools if necessary.

  4. BPKmU2GOSsPVdkkJ
    • Remove the Tumblers from the front face-plate.

    • Do not disconnect the tumblers from the circuit board.

    Why shouldn't we disconnect the tumblers?

    If there's an important reason to leave the tumblers attached for this repair, please explain it.

    Do they actually need to stay on for this particular repair to work correctly? Or do you just feel that disconnecting them is an unnecessary extra step?

    I've taken my controller apart before to replace the joysticks & paint the case.

    I unplugged & replugged the tumblers with no problems. In fact, I found disconnecting them made the pcb much easier to handle without them attached & flopping around.

    Plus it protects the wires from getting broken from unnecessary twisting & flopping while handling the pcb.

    I have even seen controllers that the owner removed the tumblers entirely (to lighten the weight of the controller) & the controller was perfectly functional (sans vibration effect) without them.

    So please explain why you’re saying “don't disconnect” them.

    Nerfbomb -

    I second this, they’re plugged, there is no physical reason not to detach them and prevent desoldering their contacts.

    Ed B -

  5. dP3sWSVnWYrGjIOp
    • Remove the circuit board from the front face-plate with the tumblers still attached.

    • Be careful not to remove the buttons from the front face-plate to avoid further complications.

  6. CVRpg13CLgKQHSs4
    • Place the circuit board on a non-conductive surface with the thumb sticks facing up, and the USB cord facing you.

    • Static surfaces may damage the circuit board.

  7. EgUv3DBkThJLki6u
    • Turn on the soldering iron,

    • Remove the solder, which is directly to the right of the left thumb stick, from the four linear nodes by using the desoldering wick and the soldering iron.

    • Circuit board should remain in the same position as is shown in step 6.

    • Improper use of the soldering iron will result in injury.

    • Direct contact between the circuit board and soldering iron may damage the board.

  8. eDh4QhHGYNnlhXqn
    • Remove the wire housing from the opposite side of the circuit board.

    • Do not apply excessive force on the circuit board. This will cause it to break.

  9. 3pLLYv2G6OKqiK1r
    • Connect the new housing and new wire to the back side of the circuit board. The wire should come out from the top of the controller.

    • The order of the wires (from left to right) is: black, green, white, red.

  10. npP5pB4eebZSHojn
    • Repeat step 6.

    Hola que tal? Excelente trabajo!! Te podría consultar del componente U3 como lo puedo comprar? En mi joystick se quemó y empezó a sobrecalentarse el chip Microsoft no veo código ni nada. De ante mano muchas gracias!!

    Lucho Mdo -

  11. UmkCulf1ZxBMaMh5
    • Re-solder the four nodes (left to right) with the soldering iron and soldering wire.

  12. gFqAU2UDaTMSGn6Z
    • Reassemble, and get back to gaming!

    Genial la explicación, pude cambiar el cable, te podría pedir un favor? El componente U3 como se llama? Podés ver su número para pedirlo? Lo tengo quemado y empieza a levantar mucha temperatura.

    Lucho Mdo -


By following these steps, you will be able to replace your Xbox 360 controller's USB cord. Hopefully this guide is useful to you and will elongate the life capacity of your Xbox 360 controller.

Sam Bahl

Member since: 22/09/15

888 Reputation


Where did you bought the replacement wire/cord?

gatchie24 -

The first one took me 1 hour and half, the second one 20 minutes. Here are some comments.

- It was very hard to unsolder the defective USB plug. I had to use a high temperature on the solder iron, and pull the plug from the other side as I was alternating between the 4 pins.

- There are 4 pins but 5 holes on the board. Make sure to check what one is useless before unsoldering.

- It is best to dismount the controller face down and to keep it that way. The face plate has all the buttons and they will fall if you turn it upside up.

Jean-Yves Tinevez -

What happen if I disconnect the tumblers

Xander Redstorm -

Thank you for this explicitly post.

Albert Einstein -

добрый день! могут ли значения конденсатора c3 и c6 этого контроллера? и ссылку, если это возможно.

Dmitry “Mickey” Fomin -

Good day! Can the capacitor values C3 and C6 of this controller? And a link if possible.

Dmitry “Mickey” Fomin -

i found it incredibly hard to remove the USB plug from it, especially because my controller (though the same Microsoft one) had a silver box soldered just below that point blocking off that side to solder with, i had to switch to my larger solder because the little one i use didn’t seem to get hot enough. spent nearly 2 hours tying to do this and plug it in and doesn’t work, think might have damaged to the PCB too much trying to remove the thing (its only a little singed) just gonna have to get a new controller instead it seems

thiscatsmells -

Maybe i’m a little late but if you want to unplug that white plastic square you should heat the solder and use a solder sucker and then try to pull it from the other side

Santiago Mondragón G -

Do I need the USB replacement cable? Can I not just cut the end off a USB cable I have lying around and solder that to the board?

Stuart Coutts -

You can use any cable

Santiago Mondragón G -

Can I use a normal Xbox 360 controller cable for a windows 360 controller?

Sugar Bomb Gaming -

after replacement cable, my controller blinks three times and off… then not recognize on pc.. any solution?

rafuleto i j -

Can I use just a regular usb wire and soldier tje ejds of that directly to the circuit board it does have to have the harness thingy?

Sara -

Hola que tal? Alguien me podría ayudar y decirme cómo comprar el componente U3 del mismo joystick de la foto? Se me quemó por una mala instala del puerto USB. De ante mano gracias!!

Lucho Mdo -