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That’s Me!

Cal Poly SLO

Civil Engineering

I am aspiring to be a successful civil engineer and my main goal is just to live a happy life.

My skills include organization and time management.

I am proud of accomplishing 4 quarters of college so far and all the work and jobs I have done or had to get me here.

I fix random easy things, like a broken notebook. I would love to be able to fix my laptop or TV.

I received recognition from my hometown’s city council for working with an anti-bullying and human trafficking awareness club.

I am a member of SCE.

I like to watch shows and movies in my spare time. I also like to read when it’s possible.

I believe this project relates personally with my organization skills and previous experience in groups. I have had an internship, so I have been a part of a professional setting as well.

I have visited Australia 4 or 5 times and I am double jointed in my thumbs.

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Sydney Opera House and Harbor Bridge (left)