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Background and Identification

Human skills originated with the first steps taken by humankind (try telling your newborn walking isn’t a skill!). Alternatively, they might have originated with the first breaths humans took. Breathing air would definitely be an impressive skill for a koi fish. Skills are, after all, all relative, but they are the protagonists of every history book, enabling humankind to cultivate crops, build civilizations, invent the airplane, and make it to the Moon. Skills, however, aren’t only for serious pursuits, but they are also the backbone of whistling the loudest, perfectly mimicking a bird call, and tying your shoes insanely fast.

Many skills are miscellaneous and don’t seem to fit well in any category because, well, they’re too awesome. From how to build a fire to how to make the perfect pizza, these miscellaneous skill guides have you covered. Additionally, if you’re struggling to pack a carry-on bag, there’s a guide for that, too.

You can identify a skill as miscellaneous by playing a word association game. If you realize your skill doesn’t associate with anything or you keep accidentally saying the skill itself again, it might be a miscellaneous skill. Alternatively, you can peruse the guides above and see if your miscellaneous skill falls in one of those categories.

Additional Information