
Il vostro peluche preferito ha subito uno strappo? Seguite questa guida per far tornare il vostro amichetto peloso come nuovo

    • Raduna tutto il necessario.

    • Individua lo strappo sul tuo peluche.

    • Misura la quantità di filo necessaria per ricucire interamente lo strappo.

    • La quantità di filo da usare varia a seconda delle dimensioni dello strappo. In ogni caso, è sempre meglio usare filo in eccesso piuttosto che tagliarne troppo poco.

  2. 2KNRFRxMaTNfepe5
    • Spingi il filo attraverso la cruna dell’ago. Assicurati che il filo si possa tirare completamente attraverso la cruna.

    • Lavorare con gli aghi potrebbe essere pericoloso.

    That's great but I need to fix it with hem tape is that possible

    Sue Armstrong -

    That's great but I would like to use hem clothing tape is that possible

    Sue Armstrong -

  3. PLifqyMqCgWN3VRA
    • Prendi e avvicina le due estremità del filo.

    • Annoda le due estremità tra di loro con un doppio nodo.

  4. NGxhYGbQdOnJbpNE
    • Taglia la parte di filo in eccesso all’estremità del doppio nodo.

  5. jPgbQMOATUaSf5ic
    • Posiziona l’ago da cucito sulla parte superiore dello strappo.

    • Inserisci l’ago, partendo dalla parte interna del tessuto.

    • Inserire l’ago partendo dall’interno nasconderà il nodo.

  6. CMuKVl36Yx1It2xe
    • Inizia a ricucire lo strappo. Sposta l’ago dal punto di partenza verso l’altro lato dello strappo.

    • Spingi l’ago dalla parte esterna del tessuto.

    • Riporta l’ago verso il lato da cui si è iniziato a cucire e spingilo nuovamente nella parte interna del tessuto.

  7. XraBoDJwhSp1JqQX
    • Continua a rammendare lungo lo strappo fino a raggiungere il bordo opposto.

  8. cSxFDsNdBrUMyDMB
    • Per eseguire l’ultima cucitura, fai passare l’ago attraverso l’anello che si sarà creato, prima di tirare il filo.

    • Ripeti questo passaggio un altra volta per assicurare ulteriormente il nodo.

    • Tira l’ago con decisione.

    • Non tirare l’ago con troppa forza o rischierai di spezzare il filo.

  9. LNGOo15xwZRo1XPp
    • Dopo aver stretto bene il nodo, taglia l’estremità del filo.

Gracie Campbell

Membro da: 29/09/15

1551 Reputazione

10 commenti

I have a vintage Mickey Mouse (1970s) he has red velvet shorts with yellow felt buttons. It looks like they were just attached by adhesive when made. One of the buttons have been lost due to time and left a bare patch of velvet. I am unable to find hints or suggestions on how to repair our Mickey. It was my husband's as a child and our youngest was in love with it until the button disappeared. He wont play with it now because he think he hurt it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Heidi Carstens -

You could sew on Another button, I'm sure you could find a very similar button on Amazon and quickly thread it back together, good as new. If you need any more help, just let me know :)

Zara Hunt -

How about you try to make a duplicate button and sew it on to your Mickey. You can probably make one by cutting two pieces of yellow felt fabric and sewing them together, you can then sem the button on Mickey where the bare patch is. If it looks awkward, then you can make another button and replace it with the other (original) button if it looks different from the new one you made. You can always make a new button, but maybe not an original one.

By doing this repair, you might take some of the vintageness out of Mickey, but your son would be happy and play with him again. Which is more important? Don’t forget the reason why Mickey was made in the first place. You'll be restoring Mickey’s purpose of being played by children again!

Omar Farid -

Simple and easy to follow instructions! Thank you so much!

I’m still only learning to sew, and a dog we were looking after decided to chew on my little sister’s FAVOURITE unicorn stuffy, and left a HUGE tear in it. Searched for ages to find instructions on how to sew it back up, but they were all extremely complicated, overdone, or way too confusing to follow. This one, however, was amazing! I was able to fix it for her like new! Thank you!

Maddy Smith -

I have a Large Fireman Sam Plushie and between the feet and the legs the stuffed toy is ripped. What should I do?

Fireman Sam UK -

Thanks It was fun to fix my toy

Noah Kinsler -

i have a beenie baby with holes and this did not help but i thank you for help thou

Izzie Murray -

My mini Doxie likes chewing on her toys still at 12 years old, and all the stuffed animals would eventually come undone from my oh not so spectacular sew job. I can do alot of things but it seems sewing is the elusive hobby and trait. I never could successfully sew anything. I'm hoping I followed the instructions completely, and it doesn't come unravelled. The 2 things done different are starting on the inside and then double knotting in the beginning and end. I never could get my threads to knot properly. Thank you for this handy guide. Pictures help alot.

amandacooper39 -

I only have thick thread and I have no other material and my most precious toy ripped and I don't know what to do :(

Kat -

ich habe ein Kuscheltier und bei dem fehlt ein Bein wie kann ich das wieder dran nähen?

Leon Pohl -