
Se la portiera di un'auto non si chiude improvvisamente, potrebbe essere dovuto a un fermo della portiera dell'auto bloccato. A volte un chiavistello può bloccarsi se qualcuno lo ha accidentalmente sbattuto in posizione bloccata mentre la porta era aperta. Su molte auto più recenti, è possibile ripristinare il fermo semplicemente tirando la maniglia della porta interna o esterna, ma nei casi in cui ciò non bastasse, questa guida descriverà come ripristinare manualmente il fermo.

  1. yZQcKvwakyOGPENk
    • Sulla portiera dell'auto che non si chiude, esaminare il fermo della portiera situato vicino alla maniglia sul lato della portiera.

    • Il fermo della portiera dell'auto sarà bloccato in posizione chiusa.

    Tür ist im geschlossenen Zustand blockiert

    Hubert schaub -

  2. viNQTPfCaUKOPJ2a
    • Posizionare un cacciavite tra le gambe del chiavistello della porta bloccata.

    • È possibile utilizzare un cacciavite di qualsiasi dimensione che si adatti al fermo.

  3. UT5Vc5WHYCBEa3aF
    • Tirare la maniglia esterna della portiera dell'auto.

  4. JhKk2hGKfEnTMyHb
    • Mentre si tira la maniglia esterna della porta, spingere il cacciavite contro la gamba sinistra del fermo.

  5. reS4aZ425m3pbCmX
    • Utilizzare il cacciavite per spingere il fermo verso l'alto nella posizione finale sbloccata.

    Thank you so much for your help

    mitv xiaomi -

  6. F3ADZy63fhdPykM5
    • Chiudere la portiera dell'auto per assicurarsi che il fermo sia stato ripristinato correttamente.

    Thank GOD for google! I didn’t know what to do. Very informative.

    Shahied Page -

    Du bist mein Held!

    Jörg Hümmer -

    Merci beaucoup !

    Sam -

Kennedy Coleman

Membro da: 29/04/20

412 Reputazione

14 commenti

Thanks a lot, you have saved me from one !&&* of a problem!

dee Knight -

This helped me so much!! Thank you!!!

Jasmine Roman -

Perfect. So simple. Excellent advice once again from iFixit. Thank you.

Bill Smith -

Thank you so much! I figured it out because of this post!

Sharan Sahota -

I love this solution. It literally just saved me. Thank you soo much.

Edith Turkson -

YES! I tried following other guides/videos and was still struggling, but you noting to lift the handle made all the difference. Thank you so much!

dlgornan -

Was washing me uncle’s car when i just decided to fiddle with the inside lock with the key, who knew it'd make me spend 30 minutes out in the finger nibbling cold trying to use the same key to unfiddle what i just fiddled. Just happened to open google to pull an exterior wachama-call-it and then refiddle that key.

Oluwaseun Ajifowobaje -

Thank you so much. It was so easy. In my mind, I was already thinking I was going to have to call a tow truck, have it towed, and get a rental car. The directions are clear and concise. It took all of 4 seconds after I read the instructions.

kyellowtooth -

Not really helpful if you have to manually do this literally every time you want to get in and out of the car, which is the situation I’m stuck in right now…

Chrisanna Hibbitts -

hi....use a metal nail file if you have one or something similar ( or the tip of a key.... the manual lock type) if possible....i know not ideal but it's better than nothing if you're stuck somewhere

wjoh5v9 -

and ladies if you are somewhere where you haven't got access to a flathead screwdriver....a metal nail file will also help

wjoh5v9 -

Selbes problem aber andersherum…Tür lässt sich nicht öffnen wegen verschobenen Schloss…lösung?

julian.herber -

Helped a lot. My brother did something to the latch and it got stuck. If I didn’t find this, he would’ve been crying 🤣 Thank you so much for the help!

Little_Tree 31 -

But what if it does it every time?? What’s the part called? Can someone change it themselves or does it have to go to a shop. I can change a clutch, brakes, spark plugs all the filters and I can read and follow directions. Plus Kia has this awesome online manual year make model specific unlike rhe old books so I’m thinking I got this and if not dukes of hazard style here we come. Probably break a leg trying to jump out the window of my sorento though.

Natasha Long -