
Lo sblocco del bootloader vi permetterà di installare dei firmware custom sul vostro telefono Android a vi darà tutti i privilegi di accesso per effettuare modifiche al telefono. Ad esempio potrete decidere quali applicazioni verranno pre-caricate oppure perfino sostituire il sistema operativo.

Alcuni bootloader non sono bloccati, altri possono essere sbloccati utilizzando un comando fastboot standard mentre altri ancora hanno bisogno di un codice di sblocco fornito dal costruttore. Ci sono anche telefoni che non prevedono alcun metodo di sblocco, per cui possono essere sbloccati soltanto tramite un programma exploit. Di solito si tratta di dispositivi acquistati tramite contratti con gli operatori telefonici.

In questa guida vi mostrerò solo come si sblocca il bootloader tramite un comando fastboot standard.


  • Sbloccare il bootloader ripristinerà il telefono ai dati di fabbrica, quindi accertati di aver fatto un back up!
  • Questa operazione potrebbe annullare la garanzia di alcuni produttori.
  • Un bootloader sbloccato farà scattare il Play Integrity API (prima SafetyNet Attestation API), il che può far smettere di funzionare alcuni servizi come GPay.
  • Questo renderà il tuo dispositivo vulnerabile agli hacker con accesso fisico al tuo telefono, quindi non farlo su un dispositivo su cui trasporterai segreti di stato o dell'azienda.

Ulteriori informazioni

    • Per prima cosa dobbiamo trovare il numero di build.

    • Di solito questo numero si trova in Info telefono > Numero di build oppure in Sistema > Info telefono > Numero di build, ma dato che la sua ubicazione può variare da dispositivo a dispositivo, la funzione cerca resta l'opzione migliore.

  2. dZljVNRjUgSx2yp5
    • Ora dovrete solo toccare ripetutamente il numero di build fino a che non comparirà un messaggio che dice "Ora sei uno sviluppatore!" Io ho già attivato le opzioni sviluppatore, quindi non devo farlo di nuovo.

    • Se avete impostato un codice di blocco, il sistema potrebbe chiedervi di inserirlo.

  3. CYfMStLfhU3LGT6b
    • Nelle opzioni sviluppatore cercate la voce "Attiva lo sblocco OEM" e attivatela.

    • Se ne avete uno impostato, potrebbe essere richiesto il codice di sblocco.

    I can't enable the OEM on my phone

    Ibsan Furgassa -

    • Nelle opzioni sviluppatore, cercate la voce "Debug USB" e attivatela.

  5. D2AwKGELHrj6G1Hl
    • Collega il telefono al tuo computer tramite un cavo da USB-C a USB-A.

    • Se hai un cavo difettoso, potresti riscontrare alcuni problemi. Alcuni dispositivi più vecchi potrebbero anche avere problemi con USB 3 in modalità fastboot.

    • Abbassa il menu delle notifiche e selezionate la voce Ricarica USB.

    • Seleziona quindi l'opzione Trasferimento File/Android Auto.

    • Su alcuni vecchi dispositivi questa opzione potrebbe essere denominata MTP.

    Well that takes care of that cuz I don't have a regular PC but I will save these directions since Someone is donating a Chromebook to me, I went back to consumer cellular after they went with ATT instead of TMobile also & ATT installed software and what looks like bootloader and something about binding? Permissions say NO or NA but they were allowed to do this anyway! I'm furious

    deb patterson -

  6. JSs6S3EdtJORw3SK
    • Aprite il terminale sul vostro computer con la SDK Platform Tools installata e digitate adb devices

    • Ora dovrebbe apparire un popup sul vostro telefono. Spuntate la casella e cliccate su consenti.

    • Non ho aggiunto la cartella platform-tools al PATH. Ecco perché devo aprire la finestra del terminale nella cartella platform-tools e inserire .\ come prefisso per i comandi."

    • Potete eseguire il comando una seconda volta per verificare che abbia funzionato. Ora dovreste vedere la scritta device al posto di unauthorized.

    PS C:\Users\ADMIN> adb reboot bootloader

    adb : The term 'adb' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function,

    script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a

    path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.

    At line:1 char:1

    + adb reboot bootloader

    + ~~~

    + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (adb:String) [], CommandNotF


    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

    help me pls how do I do that

    Lê Minh Khôi -

    Since you probably haven't "installed" the platform tools, you'd have to use the terminal in the folder you downloaded. You could do that by first running the command cd C:\[location of the folder]\platform-tools first and adding a .\ in front of every subsequent command, like I do in the guide images. Alternatively, if you have a current version of Windows 10 or 11, you can actually install the platform tools via the Microsoft Store by running winget install --id=Google.PlatformTools -e

    Sebastian -

    Okay, so how do I get into the terminal mode on my laptop?

    ArlinaEinstein -

  7. aNayoXwsQqmBED6i
    • Eseguite il comando adb reboot bootloader

    • Aspettate che il vostro dispositivo avvii il bootloader, quindi eseguite il comando fastboot flashing unlock

    • Su alcuni dispositivi il comando è fastboot oem unlock

    • Se ricevi un messaggio di errore del tipo FAILED (remote: 'Failed to unlock, decrypt failed!'), il tuo telefono ha un bootloader bloccato e ha bisogno di un codice di sblocco fornito dal produttore.

    • Ora dovreste vedere un prompt simile a quello che vedete nella fotografia. Utilizzate il bilanciere del volume per selezionare l'opzione unlock the bootloader e confermate premendo il pulsante di accensione.

    Hw long step take

    Josh Chibs -

    for me it says what can i do? and nothing happens

    C:\Windows\System32>fastboot flashing unlock

    < waiting for any device >

    Murathan Kilic -

    That means that it can't find your device. Have you made sure it's properly connected? Maybe a loose connection? If you are using a USB 3 cable, try using a USB 2 cable instead. USB 3 cables can sometimes cause problems. Sometimes you need to install a USB driver for your device as well, but if ADB worked Fastboot should typically work as well without installing any additional drivers.

    Sebastian -

    I get stuck at the fastboot flashing unlock/ fastboot oem unlock step.

    When i use adb reboot bootloader the phone screen does turn on, but show nothing... is that right?

    Also is it ok that my phone disconnects briefly after the adb line?

    oajk -

    The brief disconnect is normal, since the device is rebooting, but it should show a rudimentary interface instead of just showing a blank screen. Doesfastboot device report a device even though the screen shows nothing? If so, maybe you can continue anyways.

    Sebastian -

    I keep getting: "remote: 'the command you input is restricted on locked hw'" What do I do?

    The RadioDemon -

    Are you trying to unlock an Amazon Fire device? I don't really have much experience with more locked down devices, you might find someone who can help you on the XDA Forum or Reddit.

    Sebastian -

    I need help and the command works fine but my phone turns off to show me the menu problem is that my automatic mode is charging only and not file transfer

    Le pro -


Per ribloccare il bootloader eseguite il comando fastboot flashing lock

Bloccate il bootloader soltanto se state utilizzando il firmware di fabbrica, altrimenti il vostro dispositivo verrà brickato!


Membro da: 19/08/18

19300 Reputazione

17 commenti

You have shared a very useful post i really like it keep going on, thanks for sharing such an informative content about Samsung Bootloader Unlock with us. I like to visit this helpful blog again for further updates on this beneficial post.☺️

File Rehab -

I'm using a Nokia G60 I was offered.

When I try "fastboot oem unlock" I get:

FAILED (remote: 'Failed to unlock, decrypt failed!')

Please update the guide for such cases.

Thank you

Bruno -

As far as I know, Nokia phones need an unlock code from the manufacturer. I don't have much experience with this, so I suggest you ask/search around on forums like xda developers or reddit. It might even help to directly ask the Nokia support for help. Depending on who you end up with they might even help you out.

Sebastian -

did it work with any realme device?

ëĺäžäžÿ -

Realme requires you to run an app beforehand, but the rest of the process should be pretty similar.

Sebastian -

I didn't complete this step by step but it seems like a pretty well put together and quite possibly useful so I think you deserve the 30 points anyway. going to save this guy and check back in after Ive tried it out

Dago Gomez -

Device does nothing once it restarts to enter bootloader. What to do? No other key combination works too. Device is Coradir C01.

Coco Mark -

Don't waste time, if the hardware has locked oem and that oem unlock is greyed out, you cannot unlock it. You'll need a specific code or unlocking tool from hardware manufacturer to unlock any tablet that has the boatloader locked. there is no other way around it. only a few tablets can load new firmware that was not original. nexus 7 you can load android on it. most tablets you need manufacturers tool to communicate with the software in the chip level. you can remove the chip and put chip in it but that is too much work the tablet is stuck with the OEM software. and you cannot even upgrade it. contact the manufacturer. only pixel cell phones or some cell phones you can unlock oem. these cell phones are subsidize by the cell phone company and you can only use the cell phone on their network. that is the reason you cannot unlock it from business perspective. you subscribe 5 year phone plan and cell phone is free promotions. What you have wrong tech advice telling people you can unlock it when you cannot.

tech2025 -

Motorola g41

Jose -


I am getting the following error; Any idea why could I do?

$ fastboot flashing unlock or $ fastboot oem unlock

FAILED (remote: 'unknown command')
fastboot: error: Command failed

cvaa -

The LG G5 works a bit differently, LineageOS has great instructions for that device, though.

Sebastian -

Forgot to mention it is LG G5 phone.

cvaa -

Hello , Why am i getting this error,?

C:\Program Files (x86)\adb_fastboot>fastboot oem unlock


FAILED (remote: Token Verify Failed, Reboot the device


finished. total time: 0.004s

C:\Program Files (x86)\adb_fastboot>fastboot oem unlock 445G-H3CN-YRUR-UOX


FAILED (remote: Token Verify Failed, Reboot the device


finished. total time: 0.005s

I used fastboot flashing unlock also but nothing, same error.

Note- The phone I am trying to unlock was locked using ADB ( fastboot oem lock ).

Please help. I used even Xiaomi's official unlock tool (latest v) but says " This device is not activated. Please activate it and try again.

Thank You!

Hacker Aro -

ich bekomme nachdem "fastboot flashing unlock" die Meldung "wait for any device". Was habe ich falsch gemacht?

rene -

Das bedeutet das er kein verbundenes Gerät erkennt. Das könnte viele Gründe haben, z. B. ein Wackelkontakt im Stecker, ein billiges Kabel oder ein USB 3 Kabel. Fastboot ist aus irgendeinem Grund im Gegensatz zu ADB recht empfindlich.

Sebastian -

Was gibt es für Möglichkeiten den bootloader anderweitig zu entriegeln? ich habe jetzt schon viele Kabeln an unterschiedlichen buchsen verbunden, unterschiedliche treiber und adb tools versucht. ich verzweifle allmählich.

rene -

Was für ein Handy hast du denn? Es könnte auch sein, dass der Bootloader auf deinem Handy nicht entsperrt werden kann.

Sebastian -