
    • The JuiceBox doesn't talk directly to your phone, or anything local. It talks only to JuiceNet - the cloud server that crunches all the data.

    • The box remembers one WiFi network, and only one WiFi network. It will constantly try connecting to this last-known network as long as it's powered up, retrying every few seconds, for all eternity until the heat death of the universe.

    • The WiFi processor is independent of the safety/J1772 processor. That is to say, it'll charge without WiFi, and the only thing WiFi can do to affect charging is change settings - like a schedule or access control.

    • There are no settings or history stored on the box (technically, history IS stored on the box, but the server/app-side UX is god-awful and doesn't retrieve or process the locally-stored event and energy data). So, everything about the box is done remotely - user control, what car it is, time-of-use, cost, etc., is all cloud-based.

    • The only persistent settings stored in the box are three: WiFi name, WiFi password, and the "offline amperage" - known in the web interface as "Wire Rating". The offline amperage is used when the box first starts, until the box gets a run-time charging rate command from JuiceNet. Anything below 6 amps is "stop charging".

    • You cannot connect JuiceBox to a network that requires web-based login. Networks like "xfinitywifi" won't work because they need a web browser to open to sign-in, and the JuiceBox isn't a web browser. If you can add its MAC address ( wlan.mac - see PC setup instructions) to your whitelist, it may work.

    • Modern JuiceBoxes (late 2018 to present) - running ZAP (Zentri Application) firmware - can automatically update their WiFi processor (but not the core/safety processor) when new firmware is available. You know you have a ZAP box if your Setup network has no password ("JuiceNet-###").

    • Older JuiceBoxes (late 2015-late 2018) run the basic ZentriOS core firmware, with no application - acting as "dumb modems" to stream real-time data to the cloud UDP server. These boxes have a Setup mode network with the password "GoElectric" - as written in the manual. Many of these can be updated to ZAP - but read on to why you might not want to.

    • The web setup application was removed from ZAP-based firmware for unknown reasons around mid-2020. This makes it near impossible to set up WiFi outside the EV JuiceNet app, or to save correct settings when the app is incorrectly saying they're not valid, or to connect to a hidden network. It's hard to say if updating is a good thing anymore.

    • Even older JuiceBoxes (2014-2015) have the basic ZentriOS core firmware, but run on older AMW006 modules - in JuiceBox v8.12 and older. These can't be upgraded, and many are stuck with the version they have - though they can be updated to point to a new server, the core processor may not be speaking a modern protocol language.

    • Finally, the very first Kickstarter-era (2013-2014) JuiceBoxes have a Roving Networks WiFly module inside. These can be updated all the way to talk to the modern JuiceNet, but ... it takes wizard skill. Wizard training may come in the later pages of these guides!

  1. L6eEpLT2MG4PAebe
    • JuiceBox gives you setup access within the first 2 to 5 minutes after powering it up. The network name will be either "JuiceBox-###" or "JuiceNet-###" (3 random ID digits).

    • Get a computer or phone ready first. In the EV JuiceNet app, tap the "+" icon in the device list (swipe the right-side menu open and tap "My JuiceNet devices" to get to the list to press the +), then press the "connect device to wifi" big button, then skip to the step that says to plug in your box.

    • Unplug the JuiceBox from power, wait 5 seconds (or the LEDs to go out), then plug it back in.

    • Wait 30 seconds. Newer boxes have an extremely long startup delay due to a timing bug that makes it spam "$$$" to the WiFi processor to get to command mode (it no longer uses command mode, so it times out), before finally starting WiFi setup. Older boxes do it immediately.

    • Finally, tap next in the app, or on PC, connect to the "JuiceNet-###" WiFi network (with GoElectric password, if needed). On iOS, tap the graphic at the bottom to open your phone settings, then go back to the main settings page and tap WiFi, and connect to the JuiceNet network.

    • Back in the app, it should say "Success! Your JuiceNet device (sic) is connected to JuiceNet-###". It should then show you a list of the WiFi networks that are visible to the JuiceBox. On PC, skip down a few steps for manual instructions.

    • Tap your WiFi network name, and enter the password. Then confirm and proceed to verification.

    • About half the time, it will improperly fail to verify the password and tell you the password is wrong. Usually, this isn't correct. Just try it again with the same password (frustrating bug, I know). It should confirm, and if it proceeds past this page, that network is stored in the box and it's just a matter of waiting.

    I did everything as above and it worked. Except that after completing everything and showing configuration as complete, is again asks me to add a device. Using the top 3 bar, i see it is connected but have no way to select anything other than the screen that asks me to add a device. Done this almost a dozen times, the configuration is complete, and a success as shows up on the screen, but the same thing repeats again where it asks me to scan a code that does not let me do anything else. One of the worst apps I have worked with and frustrating because I’ve already bought the juicebox and gotten it installed.

    Skb -

    @skb41422 - I don't blame ya. The current state of app with JuiceBox/Enel is truly terrible. An unfinished garbage fire was rushed out the door where I'm sure they spent so much time fighting with each other, they never bothered to coordinate on creating an app/platform that actually works. Right now, many users are stuck in limbo, with their boxes forcibly "moved" to the new server, and the old system is in a state of decay. You can't tell what server/platform your box is configured to talk to, and you can't (and even support can't!) switch your box to the old platform either.

    Once you've set up wifi once, you don't have to do it again. If the Network LED is solid (connected), it becomes a challenge of hunting down where the box is located - is it on the new server, or old server? Does your current account "own" it, or will it be an impossible struggle to regain "ownership" of the box in the new (or old) system? You've got to figure it out your own, as not even support can help.

    It's a mess. Good luck, though!

    Matt Falcon -

    BTW, the old app is "EV JuiceNet" in the iOS app store, and the new app is called "Enel X Way" in the iOS app store. That'll at least help sort out which-is-which and may help you find your box. If you're prompted for a "sharing code", consider that a dead-end -- it means the box was found, but a different account has it associated. It has been the case that "migrated" accounts will end up owning the box - so you may have signed-up to the Enel X Way app using a different email, and that's why it's not coming up. Or maybe you'll sign-up and your box will just be there (as it migrated)! It's a roll of the dice.

    Matt Falcon -

    • On PC, once you connect to the JuiceNet-### network, try going to or you might get a browser popup that says "Page not found" due to the web setup app being removed. However, if you get a Zentri connection page, just go ahead and set it up that way and ignore the rest of this.

    • If you get the "page not found" page, just go to the following URLs, in order. Unlike most normal URLs, here, you DO include the spaces and quotes in the URL (the browser should translate them to URL encoding). Also be warned that a hash (#) or percent (%) in your PW needs to be manually encoded (as %23 for a hash #, or %25 for a percent %)

    • wl s "Your Network Name"

    • wl p "Your Password"


    • stop

    • You're done, and the network is manually stored in the box now. It will constantly try connecting to this network from this moment on. Proceed to setting up JuiceNet!

    • You can technically do these manual setup steps on a mobile device as well, but mobile devices tend to be "smarter than you" and iOS in particular is EXTREMELY difficult to get to cooperate - it doesn't automatically convert spaces in the URL, and won't enable WiFi if it doesn't have internet (as in setup mode), so a laptop is highly recommended.

    this worked! Thank you soo much. Would only add that it may only work on a 2.4Ghz network. Wouldn't work with a Mesh

    Eric Cucchi -

    My Juice box was built in late 2017

    Can this process be applied to point the box to the new juicenet server? I got these directions from the folks at Enel X but nothing shows up for or - as described above.

    We have determined that your JuiceNet device needs to be pointed to a new server.

    Here are the instructions:

    Turn off power to the unit and wait 30 seconds,

    Turn power back on

    Open a list of wifi networks on a smart device and join the network SSID that starts with JuiceBox. The password is "GoElectric" ******Note that if using a cellular device you will need to turn off Mobile/cellular data to prevent the next step from failing to find server via the cellular network.

    Go to a web browser and enter "" or into the address field and press enter

    On the page that comes up with the list of wifi networks look for the menu on the left side and choose Console

    Enter the following command sequence pressing enter after each:


    set ud c h

    After reboot that tab will be forever frozen so

    Todd Byers -

    Late 2017? Those instructions almost definitely don't apply anymore, then. The "set ud c h" stuff is for boxes made from early 2015 to late 2016, maybe (but even by late 2016, I'm pretty sure everything was using "" which should still be valid today).

    Only way that'd still be valid is if they lost access to the domain such to be unable to redirect the old name,, to the new domain. Early boxes (late 2014-early 2015) used the comically bad "" as the server name, and that caused a ton of problems.

    So, back at hand:

    You might be getting stuck at producing the "Page not found" error under the new ZAP firmware. That, itself, means you don't need to mess with it (these instructions don't apply to you, thus). So, if you are getting that "Page not found" error, you can ignore their advice - it's already running the latest firmware and correct settings.

    Matt Falcon -

    • Once you've got it set up, the app should add the box to your account automatically, if it has no other users. If it has other users, it'll ask for a "pairing pin" which can be found from another user with access on their main page (look for the "users" icon/button that says "Guest Sharing Pin").

    • On web/PC, go to and log in. On the main screen, click the purple "+" button in the upper-right of the screen, then click "New JuiceNet Device". It should show your unit in the list of detected devices, so you click it there and it'll fill into the field. Then, click the "Add" button below, and you're done!

    • If it gives an error that it's already owned by someone else, you need the app to reset its ownership (it's not implemented in the web version). Add it in the app and at the screen asking for the PIN, tap "Reset Ownership" and follow the steps. At the end, after completing the plug/unplug cycle, it may hang. Simply exit and re-add it, it'll work.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Matt Falcon

Membro da: 09/05/15

2231 Reputazione

9 commenti

SUPER helpful -- thanks, I was wondering why the web app turned into "page not found" after I upgraded the JuiceBox to the latest firmware.

Chris Aiken -

Is there anything I can do if I forget the PIN?

Paul Warnicke -

@paulwarnicke - PIN shouldn't be something you "can forget" - it's not necessary for the owner of the box to know the PIN. The PIN is supposed to be something you would use if you're sharing the box with someone.

A request for PIN comes up when the box is "owned" by someone else, though. If you're the owner and you're being asked for a PIN, there should be a "reset ownership" button on the old app that you can use to regain access to the box you rightly own.

However, in the absolutely botched roll-out of the "new" platform, "Enel X Way", they've managed to both bungle the ownership of boxes (they end up pre-allocated to assumed email accounts of the old users), and failed to implement any form of ownership reset (a critical feature the old platform had since the beginning). So, if their assumption of ownership was wrong, you're just screwed, no path to reset without contacting support.

The PIN is not part of the box itself - it's solely limited to the gears and machinations of Enel's servers. The fix is entirely within their control.

Matt Falcon -

After I changed my Wifi router, I was not able to get my Juicebox online. It's a dual band router, so I don't think that's the issue. When I unplug if and plug it back in, I can't get the juicebox to connect to its Juicebox network. The network just doesnt show in my iPhone.

Any suggestions?

Tim Owen -

Got LEDs on the front? If so, use the blue LED to determine when it's going to Setup mode.

If not... well... you can open the lid (see "relay replacement" guide for warnings, precautions, tools, etc) and look for the group of 3 flashing LEDs on the board. The red one indicates it's in Setup mode - it only comes on/flashes when it's in Setup mode.

From Setup mode, you can switch the WiFi network name easily!

Matt Falcon -

Thanks for the prompt reply. Blue led never shown will try your suggestion

Peerayuth pasutarachart -

My charger too does not show up on available wifi networks. Has been working fine since we got it 4+ years ago but then for some reason ( we did not change routers etc) it went "offline" It's probably a 2018 model, without LED lights. We have a very strong wifi connection with everything else. Have called tech support with enel x multiple times, been on hold for an hour while the person "researched" it but didn't have any answers. Any suggestions? Thanks!

eberle ewing -

Thanks, by using step #4 http commands with an iPad, I was able getting out of a loop hole.

Guy Tremblay -


My juicebox 32 just remember my first setup WiFi which I mistakenly choose at the first time and now it stuck on pink led . I tried many times shutting down circuit breaker and start again, blue led won't shows up anymore. Anyone please help...thanks

Peerayuth pasutarachart -