
Are you tired of pant legs that are too long and get caught under your shoes, causing you to trip or stumble? What if I told you all you needed was some double-sided fabric tape, iron or press, and a ruler to hem up those pants?

  1. cy6xcZL3osu4K2ji
    • First, you want to try on the pants that need hemming.

  2. PcKYEvLnUIGcC2Lb
    • Fold up the pants to the desired length you would like.

  3. vg3CSppONOoJDWq3
    • Use a ruler to make sure the length is the same all around.

  4. omG2ZaI6MZhdTMvW
    • Use a washable chalk marker to mark where you want the pant leg to come up to.

  5. x4VnEDrrUEVS5FYj
    • Fold up the pants to the desired length using the chalk line as your guide.

  6. IYnWMGf1UVPhZwa6
    • Use an iron or press to create a fold or crease in the pants to the desired length marked by the chalk.

  7. jQZGvnLlMtLvKKNA
    • Creating a fold or crease will help keep your pant length the same on all sides.

  8. ugaRfCm6xSqBJcfy
    • Place the double-sided fabric tape on the edge of the pant legs.

    • I used a total of 4 - 1/2"x3" strips for each pant leg.

  9. LY4GdLjuTgxlNBRK
    • Press firmly for about 10 seconds on the tape to make sure it sticks to the pant leg.

  10. PAmlAOj23WjWDl5D
    • Remove the remaining backing of the tape.

  11. UQW24nTHJo12XB4I
    • Press firmly on all sides of the pants for about 10 seconds to make sure the tape adheres to all sides.

  12. uVFZkyGEquf1DDTB
    • Try on the pants one last time to make sure they are the desired length to prevent you from tripping over them.


You don't need a sewing machine to hem a pair of overly long pants.


Membro da: 07/10/23

205 Reputazione

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