
This shows how to repair a guitar pot instead of having to replace it with a new one. I was able to fix mine instead of having to take it to a repair shop.

Before you begin be sure to disconnect all cables from the Electric Guitar (mine is a Fender) and read safety precautions. You will have to de-solder some wires before you can remove the pot. Take photos before starting so you know where each wire goes when you reassemble.

  1. ZXSBmBDDCkv1Ypjw
    • Once you have removed the affected pot (potentiometer) from the guitar, set it on a stable surface. Take photos or make note of how everything fits together so you put it all back together the same way. I also made marks to help. Bend back the tabs that hold it together as shown in the photo.

  2. XFmMVTnRYya6MS6L
    • Make note of how it is positioned then lift off the metal stem holder.

  3. fk1xGCIOI5PGY5CU
    • lift off the brown fiberboard piece. You will see the loose piece underneath it that was separated from the stem. Note the hole in the black plastic where the stem used to fit into.

    So, was the root of the problem that the stem had gotten separated from the black plastic piece? Might some glue be good to help avoid the issue in the future?

    Roberto O -

  4. XSRtLJcOqA1PldSg
    • Lift out the loose piece. Note the black tab on it.

  5. dfSEPWGBNBkObvnQ
    • You now have all the pieces laid out. Note that the stem has a slot end that is the same shape as the hole in the loose piece (made of black plastic in the previous photo.

  6. e1RIw2I3vxvAof1Y
    • Start the reassembly process by inserting the stem with the knurled knob end up.

    • Put the metal stem holder piece on top of the brown fiberboard piece aligning them in the process. Be sure to align them in the same orientation that they were in before disassembly. Refer to your starting photos or diagrams.

  8. 1wDKoBoB3YnsRHbB
    • Next start to align the loose piece (black plastic) over the end of the stem. You will have to align the hole in the black plastic piece with the end of the stem. The brown fiberboard piece must be in between at this point. Also note how the small tab on the metal stem holder is not quite matching up with its slot in the fiberboard. See next photo

  9. s3fieF4EYfElx6bu
    • Here the metal stem holder is properly aligned with the fiberboard. This is important because all three pieces must be aligned in order for it to go back together completely. Carefully align the hole in the black plastic piece with the slot on the end of the stem and get it started by pressing down on the black piece till it begins to go together.

  10. Xve4LTESarUgqLIE
    • Find a hard surface to do the next step on. I used a cloth to help stabilize the pot. Note the end of the slotted stem inside the hole of the black plastic piece. It is correctly lined up and just beginning to go into the hole. It will fit very tightly. use a finger to press down more while keeping everything aligned. Takes a lot of pressure.

  11. PIvmtZOR5dqWBX36
    • Take you time and work it gradually until the end of the stem is well inserted in the hole of the black plastic piece. Keep checking to see that all three pieces are still properly aligned. Note that now the stem is more visible above the surface of the black plastic and all 3 pieces are still aligned correctly. At this point it is assembled.

    • You are ready to put it back into the back of the pot. Note the tab inside the metal pot backing. You'll have to put it back in the same alignment that it was in before disassembly. also the plastic tab on the black plastic piece will need to go to either side of the metal tab otherwise you won't be able to put the metal backing on. See next.

  13. NpWS6F251q4XLUfZ
    • Here you see the black tab previously mentioned. Put the two pieces together that you see in the photo in the same alignment that they were before disassembly. Turn the stem either to the left or right so the metal tab in the backing and the black tab are not directly on top of one another and everything should go together tightly. See next.

  14. X6NFwXZKkTUbhybd
    • Here you see that the tabs have been bent back to the position that they were before disassembly and the pot is now reassembled!

  15. qFdTnDBCSQUa5XS6
    • Replace the pot back into the guitar pickguard so it is in its proper alignment on the guitar. Begin to reattach any de-soldered connections. Mine needed two wires reattached. Put yours back together so they are the same as they were before you began disassembly. Refer to your initial photos or diagram.

  16. KUBxX1h1Z3LPWO5v
    • Carefully attach your reassembled pot to the guitar and gently tighten but don't over tighten. Be sure the pot does not twist out of position while you are doing this.

    • Put the knob back on ( I put mine back on with only minimal pressure , just enough to keep it from falling off, I don't want it to come out again!) Done.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Adonis Urick

Membro da: 14/09/16

137 Reputazione

5 commenti

How is this a repair? You just disassemble and reassemble?

Mat May -

The repair is open to interpretation, like the Geneva Convention

Patrick Jackson -

This was not a repair video.

Sal Giambruno -

Did you do anything else besides take apart and reassemble; such as clean all the parts with alcohol?

n2sels -

This is how to repair when the stem pulls out of the wiper driver (black plastic bit with slot). If that has not happened, you do not need this. When it HAS happened (grumble grumble) this video saves ordering a new potentiometer. Or, in my case, all three. Thanks, Chinese Squier factory :rolleyes:.

Jrrarglblarg -