
Prerequisiti interni

  1. ev5pWjqCwpLZqQ6o
    • Estrarre il connettore del sensore temperatura del disco rigido verso il bordo superiore dell'iMac per scollegarlo dal connettore femmina sulla scheda logica.

    I don't think this is necessary, I'd just leave it since you're removing the other end from the drive.

    maccentric -

    Want to add a comment on this w/reference to HDD & thermal sensor. HDD used: WD1002FAEX - 1TB WD Black. Temperature sensor on this model iMac has a little tab/plastic protrusion, Apple HDD actually has specific opening for it. With this HDD/any after market WD HDD you should use small electrical wire cutters, and just cut off the offending piece of plastic from the iMac sensor. Insert it as specified, closest to SATA/PCB board, take a picture first before taking it out, and it works like a champ!

    MaximBorzov -

    Sure enough, I had the same problem of the temperature sensor not fitting because of the plastic protrusion on the Apple connector. Instead of using a wire cutter to remove the protrusion, I filed it with a metal file (careful to place a rag cloth underneath, where all the filing dust would drop). It fit wonderfully after that.

    girlscandotoo -

    I am getting ready to swap out my wife's drive for an SSD. Since there are no moving parts do i need to be concerned with the temperature sensor?

    I picked up a 240GB PNY CS1200 Series drive. Its smaller than the original but she doesnt use that much anyways.

    Robert Hancock -

  2. mVfMPLrTPr26tO5c
    • Rimuovere le due viti Torx T10 da 9 mm che fissano la staffa superiore del disco rigido al case esterno.

    T8 screw on my Mid-2010.

    rch -

  3. kIMcrfWvQINlO5mu
    • Ruotare leggermente il disco rigido dal case esterno e sollevarlo dai piedini di montaggio verso il bordo superiore dell'iMac.

    • Fare attenzione a non entrare in contatto con la scheda AirPort durante il sollevamento del disco rigido dal suo alloggiamento.

    Instead of trying to not hit the Airport card, spend 10 seconds to unscrew the one screw, pull it out of the socket and set it aside.

    maccentric -

    WATCH IT! When pulling out the hard drive or putting in the new one, stay clear of the strong magnets that hold the glass pane in place. I was so focused on following those steps closely, and when I had the HDD clear I kind of relaxed a bit too much and – "CLONK" – the magnet pulled the HDD and ruined it.

    Roberting -

    I have fitted a barracuda tb sata hdd ,i have partitioned the drive in d/utility .I have made a bootable us. stick containing os x and it says mac osx cannot be installed to your computer , even though itis displYed as verified in disk utility .......Plese help me !!!!!!

    therumourcastro -

  4. 5WIVjQlewZCQoxVX
    • Scollegare i connettori SATA di alimentazione e dati dai rispettivi connettori femmina, estraendo ciascuno di essi dal disco rigido.

    Computer doesn’t see the new hard drive. Mid year 2010 iMac, #2389. Removed Seagate Barracuda 7200 500 gig drive. Installed Toshiba 7200, 1tb drive. Computer starts, screen lights but I get a ?. So I started in recovery mode but it doesn’t see a hard drive to load to. I have an external backup and it dies see that drive. Tried reinstalling the os over the internet but when it looks for a hard drive it doesn’t see one. The fan is running…starts off slowly but as timne goes by it gradyally speeds up.

    Any help is apprecioated

    Paul Theriault -


Per riassemblare il dispositivo, seguire queste istruzioni in ordine inverso.

Andrew Bookholt

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