
Usa questa guida per sostituire una batteria vecchia o guasta. Se la tua batteria è gonfia, prendi adeguate precauzioni.

  1. YkoEfqbWbrNPgNSB
    • Rimuovi le dieci viti seguenti, che fissano il case inferiore a quello superiore:

    • Sette viti con testa a croce da 3 mm.

    • Tre viti con testa a croce da 13,5 mm.

  2. KmDGlwcxPu6ph3sm
    • Solleva con entrambe le mani il case inferiore in prossimità della presa d'aria per estrarre le due levette di fissaggio al case superiore.

    • Rimuovi il case inferiore e mettilo da una parte.

  3. LHeE6iVx3STyDO3D
    • La batteria è fissata al case superiore mediante tre viti Pentalobe a cinque punte. È possibile rimuoverle mediante questo apposito cacciavite.

    • Se non haui un cacciavite Pentalobe, puoi usare un normale cacciavite a taglio da 1,5 mm. Verifica che la testa del cacciavite piatto si inserisca fermamente fra due delle cinque punte della testa della vite prima di iniziare a svitare, altrimenti rischi di spanare la testa della vite.

    • Se la punta del cacciavite si muove troppo nella testa della vite, prima di procedere prova punte più grandi finché non si inseriscono senza gioco.

    • Non occorre necessariamente seguire i passaggi da 3 a 7 per rimuovere la batteria per sostituire il disco rigido. Tuttavia, si consiglia di rimuovere tutte le fonti di alimentazione dai componenti elettronici prima di operare su di essi.

    It really depends on how thick the 1.5 mm flathead screwdriver is. I tried a low-cost tool and almost destroyed the screw. So be carefull

    Paul -

    Unfortunately, when I added a second hard drive via these instructions, all went well but Bluetooth is now MIA. Can anyone help?

    Peter Payne -

    I agree...

    I have bought a used MacBook Pro, when problems arise, opening Corps was trying to turn the screw, but with poor quality could not turn a screwdriver, only to ruin the screw. Try to buy ifixit Screwdriver set. Good luck to all and thank you ifixit team for such assistance as Thank you.

    remjok -

  4. xGAhgZZyYYcDTHGa
    • Rimuovi le due viti di sicurezza Pentalobe esposte lungo il bordo superiore della batteria.

    The screws holding my battery were all worn out since an earlier removal. So instead of ruining them even more I put some saran wrap on the tip of my pentalobe driver and gently unscrewed them.

    magnus -

    I have a problem with these screw. They a completly warn and I need some new ones to fix the new Battery.

    Does anyone know which thread it is and which length?

    alexanderleith -

  5. Cu1rp51DpHW16GLl
    • Usa la punta di uno spudger per piegare all'indietro l'aletta dell'adesivo che avverte di non rimuovere la batteria "Warning: Do not remove the battery" mentre rimuovi le viti Pentalobe nascoste sotto.

  6. QphNb6fJqTBD2cYF
    • Solleva la batteria tirandola dalla linguetta di plastica e falla scorrere lontano dal bordo lungo del case superiore.

    • Non tentare ancora di rimuovere completamente la batteria.

  7. BQ1JtoRMPS3hs3VU
    • Inclina la batteria all'indietro quanto basta per rendere accessibile il connettore del cavo della batteria.

    • Tira via il connettore del cavo della batteria dallo zoccolo sulla scheda logica e rimuovi la batteria dal case superiore.

    • Se stai installando una nuova batteria, dovresti calibrarla non appena è possibile.


Per riassemblare il dispositivo, seguire queste istruzioni in ordine inverso.

Walter Galan

693762 Reputazione

20 commenti

Changing this battery for a friend went as smooth as silk. I've done this many times before so that was no surprise, but now the battery (bought from ifixit) shows only 85% charge even after being left all night to charge, and the charger stopped charging and shows the light on the charger shows green.

What have we done wrong and what do we need to do about it?

Lord Groundhog -

You need to calibrate the new battery. Charge until it won't charge any more. Unplug the computer and leave it until it puts itself to sleep from low battery. Make sure your settings are as low a threshold as possible (3%) I think is the minimum. Then plug it in and charge back to 100%.

Daniel Henry -

Further note: we tried running off the battery, and when it was at 44% tried to recharge it using another charger that we knew was working. The battery indicator says the battery is not charging.

Lord Groundhog -

Hola buenas. necesito comprar una bateria para mi macbook pro 15", de mediados del 2009, en el que la tapa se abre entera. no se que modelo de bateria es, me podriais decir el nombre o referencia que lleva por favor??? me estoy volviendo loca buscando por internet.

Eugenia Padero -

It's possible to be necessary to reset the battery controller SMC.

It's the last step to do

jpchagnon -

If the battery is non removable (MacBook Pro from 2009) :

Shut down your Mac.

Unplug the MagSafe or USB-C power adapter from your computer.

Using the built-in keyboard, press Shift-Control-Option on the left side of the keyboard, then press the power button at the same time. Hold these keys and the power button for 10 seconds.

Release all keys.

Reconnect the power adapter.

Press the power button again to turn on your Mac.

Si la batterie n’est pas amovible

Éteignez l’ordinateur.

Branchez l’adaptateur secteur MagSafe ou USB-C à une source d’alimentation, ainsi qu’à votre Mac.

À l’aide du clavier intégré, appuyez sur Maj + Contrôle + Option dans la partie gauche du clavier, et appuyez en même temps sur le bouton d’alimentation.

Relâchez toutes les touches, puis appuyez à nouveau sur le bouton d’alimentation pour allumer votre Mac.

jpchagnon -

Attention à la traduction de l’article suivant:

If the battery is non removable (MacBook Pro from 2009) :

Shut down your Mac.

Unplug the MagSafe or USB-C power adapter from your computer.

Using the built-in keyboard, press Shift-Control-Option on the left side of the keyboard, then press the power button at the same time. Hold these keys and the power button for 10 seconds.

Release all keys.

Reconnect the power adapter.

Press the power button again to turn on your Mac.

Si la batterie n’est pas amovible

Éteignez l’ordinateur.

Débranchez l’adaptateur secteur MagSafe ou USB-C de votre votre Mac.

À l’aide du clavier intégré, appuyez sur Maj + Contrôle + Option dans la partie gauche du clavier, et appuyez en même temps sur le bouton d’alimentation.

Relâchez toutes les touches, puis appuyez à nouveau sur le bouton d’alimentation pour allumer votre Mac.

Pascal Galliot -

Thanks so much for posting this great, well-written, and well-documented tutorial. Couldn't have done it without you. Probably just made me $2-300. :)

dave_dd -

The battery I received has a pad on the bottom on one end that was not on the original battery. this interfers with the trackpad clicking mechanism. Did they send the wrong battery (it fits otherwise)? Should I remove this pad?

Larry Anovitz -

The instructions for step five are kind of ironic.

Spam Junk -

Angeblich ist der Akku im MacBook Pro 5,4 fest verbaut (geklebt). Wie bekommt man ihn dann heraus?

Thomas Paul -

Thank you very much for the detailed instructions, it helped greatly.

I just replaced my battery and was done in 20 minutes and everything is working fine.

NR -

Greate man Thanks I will follow the guide

Manoj -

You're welcome.

Francis García -

Xion Midmklo sdmdl kdodk ?

fghfgjhfg ghjghjf -

Worked fine for me for almost 7 month. Then over sudden the battery was dead. Charging was not possible anymore and MAC-OS indicated, that the battery has to be changed immediatly. When connecting the Charger the green LED went on, fainted and went on again for several times.

SMC-Reset had no effect on my problem. What do you suggest i should do?

ga-z -

I forgot to tell that os is booting fine without any issues but only with the DC charger connected to the system.

ga-z -

This guide worked as written except that the screw holes of new battery were off by a hair. One would need shaved off the plastic inside one of the outer holes or cram the one of screws with force. This issue may very with battery producer.

markjville -

Done, a second time :-)

GeorgG -