
Utilizzare questa guida per aggiornare la memoria RAM dell'iMac.

  1. T2LC3fppSadG5TQm
    • Stacca il cavo di alimentazione insieme a tutte le periferiche.

    • Poggiare l'iMac rivolto verso il basso su una superficie pulita e morbida come indicato.

    • Verificare che non siano presenti tracce di sporco o detriti sulla superficie di lavoro, poiché potrebbero graffiare il pannello di vetro nella parte anteriore dell'iMac. Si consiglia di posizionare un asciugamano fra l'iMac e la superficie di lavoro.

    • Allentare le tre viti con testa a croce che fissano lo sportello di accesso al bordo inferiore dell'iMac.

    • Le tre viti resteranno all'interno dello sportello di accesso.

    • Rimuovere lo sportello di accesso.

    Before beginning unplug your iMac.

    Henry Barnett -

    The screws are not phillips #1 as implied above. My phillips#2 bit fit.

    John McWilliams -

    Yes phillips #2 is the correct Bit

    Heath -

    Whenever I go this “deep” into any computer that has a motherboard battery, like the CR2032 for this iMac, I’ll add a new battery to my workflow. I’m in the “neighborhood” anyway.

    The battery is in a spring-loaded compartment, which requires patience and persistence.

    I make sure to test the new battery before installation. (The “3-2-1 Rule” applies: 3 of something means 2, 2 means 1, and 1 means none - I keep spare batteries on hand.)

    When I took part in my dual-drive adventure, I also added a thorough dusting (outside/outdoors) - phew!

    Carrick -

    • Far scorrere delicatamente la linguetta di plastica nera della memoria RAM dal relativo slot.

    • Estrarre la linguetta di plastica nera dal bordo inferiore dell'iMac per estrarre il modulo (o i moduli) su quel lato dell'alloggiamento della memoria RAM.

    • L'operazione potrebbe richiedere della forza.

    It is far harder than I thought you have to pull REALLY hard and then there will be a little click and than you can gently pull out the RAM.

    Alison Newton -

    Press really hard, to the point you think you’ll cut your thumb, you’ll hear a slight ‘click’. If it’s not properly installed, the iMac will ‘beep, beep, beep’ In protest upon booting…

    Brian -

    I found it best to make use of the factory ‘pull tabs’. Much much easier than trying to pull the ram out by hand. It may seem like a good idea but, don’t be tempted to use pliers.

    Brian -

    Just FYI you can install 32GB’s of RAM in this machine. I have been using it this way for over 2 years now.

    Heath -

    Thanks for your Useful guide …. iMac Intel 21.5" EMC 2428 RAM Replacement was performed step by step on my Imac and every thing is perfect right now.

    Jaime Salazar -

    I was able to remove one side of the ram, but the other side would not budge. I was afraid that I was going to rip the plastic tab out of the computer. Any suggestions?

    Paula McCaulla -

    Do you know if 3 ram modules installed would work ? or if it should only be 1, 2 or 4 ?

    I currently have 2x2gb installed, but I only want to add 1x4gb to have 8gb in total.


    Nikokow -

    Only install 1, 2, or 4. And preferably with the same gb for each module.

    Snuf Box -

  3. ausPCmV1yGbZA5L2
    • Far scorrere il vecchio modulo RAM (o i moduli) fuori dai rispettivi slot nell'alloggiamento e conservarli altrove.

    would this be a good time to increase the size of the RAM too? Would it be as simple as slipping the new RAM in when redoing the steps? Thanks

    timreespt -

  4. OJCMcKYpmsPkSQDx
    • Ripetere la procedura dei passaggi precedenti per rimuovere il modulo o i moduli RAM dall'altra parte dell'alloggiamento.

  5. dpCmaoqiUSpL1UDy
    • Durante l'installazione dei nuovi moduli RAM, è importante orientarli correttamente.

    • Verificare che il piccolo intaglio presente su ciascun modulo RAM (indicato nella prima immagine) corrisponda alla sporgenza in ciascuno slot (seconda immagine).

    • L'iMac dispone di quattro slot per la memoria RAM. Far scorrere ciascun modulo nel proprio slot in senso orizzontale. In questo modo, si eviterà di incastrare i moduli sugli slot adiacenti.

    • Dopo aver orientato i nuovi moduli RAM correttamente, farli scorrere delicatamente e completamente nell'iMac, utilizzando i pollici per fissarli saldamente nei rispettivi connettori.

    When reinstalling RAM in this machine or any iMac with upgradable RAM slots push hard to get them to go in (Apple really did make this one harder than it needed to be). If you don't push hard it won't go in and your computer won't work. (trust me on this learned the hard way)

    Robert Wacker -

    I am having trouble with bottom 2 slots. As I get beeping sounds when using them. When removed it boots properly. I tried & tried to push the 2 , 2GB ram modules into the bottom slots BUT all get is beeping. Guess I have to settle for 4GB Rather than 8 unless someone has a suggestion.

    Doug -

    Try swapping the to the other slots & don’t forget to press really hard until you hear the ‘click’.

    Brian -

    Is there an expirience to settle 1600 MgH Ram instead 1333 MgH manual required?

    Mikhail B. Bryanskiy -

    The Memory Maxxer RAM upgrade kit for the iMac 12,1 EMC 2428 suggests the machine can run 32 gb but Apple’s website says it can run a maximum of 16 gb.

    Are we sure 32 gb can run on this machine?


    steedz -

    Added 16GB for a total of 20GB, runs great, do make sure of the “click”, the beep is disturbing

    Butt Muffins -

    2x2 GB 1333 MHz RAM were installed as delivered. I couldn’t manage to get those two out of their slots. I don’t want to damage anything. So, I put 2x8 GB RAM 1333 MHz RAM bars in the other two empty spare slots to have 20 GB RAM in total. The iMac runs fine with it. As described above, make sure to push RAM until they ‘click’ in completely.

    Matthias Brandl -

    Why are we taking out the RAM modules just to put them back in on the next step ?

    Jesse Fenton -

    Why do we need the spudger?

    Ross -


Per riassemblare il dispositivo, seguire queste istruzioni in ordine inverso.

Andrew Bookholt

585555 Reputazione

10 commenti

Can i ad up to 32gb?

Nebirous Szandor -

I need to know this as well.....

Mauritz Janeke -

From what I read in the specs for this model it can support up to 16GB

Hutch Jorgensen -

You can't put 8GB modules in these slots. I tried. Apparently the architecture does not support addressing the extra memory in each slot. My iMac would not successfully boot or run for very long before rebooting. So, you have 2GB and 4GB module options, in pairs, among the 4 slots. That should provide 4GB (two 2GBs), 8GB (four 2GBs or two 4GBs), 12GB (pair of each) and 16GB (four 4GBs) options for total RAM.

I'm no expert, but this was my experience.

Larry -

My iMac is a i3 core, can I do the same thing with the same chips?

tighteststudio -

Thank you for the fix manual. I managed to change my memories in 5 minutes.

Tho it was a mistake to be in a hurry to try all, cause at begining I got the 3 beep warning and iMac didnt want to boot.

I opened again, tried 2x4GB instead of the initial 4x4GB, and it worked.... tried again 4x4GB but swaping memories (not that its something relevant but supposed helped me reconnect all better).

Now my oldie iMac has 16GB instead of 4GB and it works great.

Thank you!

alejandroquezada78 -

Success! I don't have a lot of strength in my fingers and it took all of it to pull those tabs out, and then to push the new modules in but finally I got that pleasant feeling of the pins fitting into the slots the way they should. So the iMac has gone from 2 hardworking RAM modules to much zippier 4. Thanks for the guide!!

ccdavid1 -

Hi everyone !

I’d like to boost my iMac 21,5”, 3.06GHZ, INTEL CORE i3 (>mid 2010) ; I already installed a new SSHD and I’d like to change the RAM. I have a few questions though :

The original RAM is 2GB DDR3 1333MHZ PC3-10600S SODIMM, serial number M471B 5673 FHO-CH9 SAMSUNG

1. Is it possible to upgrade the RAM and use 4GB DDR other than 1333 MHZ PC3-10600S ?

2. Is the serial number important ? Do I have to get the exact same ?

3. Do i have to use the SAMSUNG brand or any other brand like Crucial is compatible for my mac ?

4. Can i Replace CORE i3 by CORE i5 ? Is it compatible with the initial motherboard ?

Thanks everyone ! Thank you for the very useful tutorial !



Upgraded from 4 GB to 16 GB. It worked great thanks for creating this guide.

Patrick Haertel -

I kept the 2 original 2GB modules and added two 4GB modules to the slots above each so now the left and right banks each have a 2GB and 4GB RAM module. Seems to work fine, but is this the configuration that allows interleaving to occur?

Scott Fearing -