
The inverter powers the LCD backlight and is not a difficult part to replace.

  1. YZoXHUacZ1kSTE6U
    • Remove the battery.

    • Turn the keyboard locking screw so that it is parallel to the space bar.

    • Pull the keyboard release tabs toward you and lift up on the keyboard until it pops free.

    • Rest the keyboard face down on the trackpad area.

    • Disconnect the keyboard connector from the logic board.

  3. VERxswsGFMMuHOeR
    • Your laptop should look approximately like this.

  4. dCorUcQyX4sFBoM6
    • Release the tabs on each side of the RAM chip at the same time. These tabs lock the chip in place and releasing them will cause the chip to ÒpopÓ up.

    • Pull the RAM chip out.

    • Repeat this process if a second RAM chip is installed.

    Don't forget to spread the brackets on the sides apart to release the chips.

    Calion -

    yes, I missed that and the little notches that hold the upper RAM broke.

    Jamba -

    • Turn the G4 over.

    • Remove the eight T8 Torx screws from the lower case.

  5. 3KYExhddvMEhwaoK
    • Using your thumbs, slide the lower case away from you.

    • The lower case may stick in the front on a tab just above the center of the DVD drive. Be careful as you work the case off, or you may break the thin strip of plastic just above the drive.

    • Lift the lower case off.

  6. Zek6mWyNbNXhBOuL
    • Your laptop should look approximately like this.

  7. IItYKO4yZVBqGYqg
    • Skip this step if your computer does not have an Airport card.

    • Firmly grasp the plastic tab attached to the Airport card and pull up and to the left.

    • Disconnect the antenna cable from the left side of the Airport card.

    I'm not sure what the point is for this step. This helped not at all in getting the drive out. Also, the cable is taped down, and must be untaped before the card will come out.

    Calion -

  8. M2gmuLVZEpGZ5Joj
    • Disconnect the hard drive ribbon from the logic board using a spudger or the tip of your finger, removing tape as necessary.

  9. OR6toB5S3hxAPKNJ
    • To free the hard drive, remove the two T8 Torx screws from the right wall of the battery housing.

  10. 22UYFHIXwRXt21Re
    • Remove the hard drive by gently grasping the orange ribbon cable and lifting the left edge up and out of the computer.

    • There are four rubber bumpers that fit over the hard drive screws. Ensure that these bumpers come out when you remove the hard drive.

  11. dDUAmlgEU2KJ1BFY
    • Your laptop should look approximately like this.

  12. VJnr4T4tWYxGCXUj
    • If your G4 has a CD-RW or Combo drive, the pictures in the following steps will not exactly match your computer.

    • Before continuing, place a soft cloth on your work surface to rest the computer on. Turn the G4 over, making sure the DVD drive doesn't fall out. Place the computer on the cloth.

  13. AaOJfriWcCwiJ6Uj
    • Bend the silver metal EMI clip so that it is vertical. This part may fall out after removing the DVD drive.

    • The EMI clip is not essential for reassembling the computer. If the clip falls out, don't worry about putting it back in.

    You don't actually have to bend the EMI clip. You can use a 2mm or smaller slotted screwdriver to pry the clip up and out.

    Sugar Fish -

    Sugar Fish was dead-on about using a 2mm slotted screwdriver! But I must say, I’m not sure why this step is here at this point in the guide. I went ahead and removed the clip back in Step 4, after having removed the RAM, with no adverse issues.

    Michael Triplett -

  14. sIZrlYFXRMKrGlZ5
    • Turn the G4 over.

    • Disconnect the orange DVD ribbon cable from the logic board using a spudger or the tip of your finger

    • Remove the DVD drive by lifting the right edge up and out of the computer.

    • If you have a CD or any other object jammed in your optical drive, we have an optical drive repair guide.

  16. XbhSbTefljeMkKD5
    • Turn the G4 over.

    • Using a 5 mm nut driver or needle-nose pliers, remove the hex nut from the modem.

  17. aGiiIehiTOjkB2bp
    • Lift the modem out by pulling up and to the right.

    • The plastic shielding on the modem may catch on the computer's case. Rocking the modem from side to side will help free the modem.

  18. yF1uiZpY6NgYVmGs
    • Disconnect the connector cable from the modem.

  19. USbr4orTEfZGhWaq
    • Remove the single T8 Torx screw located near the silver heat pipe.

    It may be helpful to note that there are two side by side - you want the one holding the bracket to the AirPort cage - it will be on the left as this picture is oriented. A little hard to spot under the edge of the silver shield...

    robert -

    This is a 4.5mm long screw.

    Teovall -

  20. 2vpEftZMNi5JPjB3
    • Disconnect the three indicated connectors from the logic board.

    • Disconnect the orange PC card cage connector from the logic board.

    • The large multicolor cable may be difficult to free.

    They aren't kidding about the "large multi color" cable. A pair of hemostats and very careful wiggling will do it - NB: the lower portion of the plug, the white plastic holding the pins upright and separate, actually came significantly up, almost off - watch for that and (carefully, of course) gently press it back down - it sits flush on the board surface.

    robert -

  21. r5PXN4gZgv5mP4KV
    • Turn the G4 over.

    • Remove the three T8 Torx screws from the logic board.

    • Be sure not to lose the rubber washers protecting the logic board from the lower two screws.

  22. yKYoAZIpZ6QEcFOJ
    • Disconnect the indicated connectors from the logic board, removing tape as necessary.

    Two other connectors need to be disconnected before you can take out the logic board. One is the power connector which is out of the frame of this photo to the bottom right. The other is the audio connector, out of the frame of this photo to the bottom left, on the left side of the board.

    Sugar Fish -

    • Carefully lift the logic board up and pull it away from you.

    • This step requires some force, but if the logic board will not come up, make sure you have removed all screws and connectors necessary.

    • Remove the logic board from the computer.

  24. BvG5WO6LFxLKKdAT
    • Your laptop should look approximately like this.

  25. mpGrhjw1QjAJN2pm
    • Remove the two T8 Torx screws that secure the PC Card cage.

    The right screw is longer than the left.

    Teovall -

  26. HJZUmqGBpAjI2Hvo
    • Remove the PC Card cage by pulling it to the right and twisting slightly toward you.

    Be careful with the plastic knob that extrudes into the outer case (the PCMCIA card ejector). It's fragile!

    robert -

  27. hHIrZMG5AKx6IBVC
    • Performing the following steps incorrectly can easily damage the display and render it inoperable. The multicolored display data cable is especially fragile.

    • Remove the four black T8 Torx screws from the plastic framework.

  28. 1RLPF2UoRQMWHQws
    • Remove the five silver T8 Torx screws from the metal framework.

  29. XpBxNZTLfyRSBiyF
    • Turn the G4 over.

    • Grasp the plastic framework and pull directly up.

  30. EHPv1fBsQeM46Nqq
    • Position the display at a 45 degree angle and rest the computer on a soft cloth with the back panel ports facing up.

    • Remove the two T8 Torx screws from each clutch cover.

  31. 5JCUtjKadDD26lge
    • Close the display and pull off both clutch covers. You can use a non-metal flathead screwdriver if the clutch covers do not come off easily.

  32. PdcOUHTB1qH1doGN
    • Open the back panel port cover and remove the four T6 Torx screws.

    • The upper screw on each side fastens a small metal mount in place. Be sure to put this part back in when reassembling the computer.

  33. 5BTV2UlLZUHGdph3
    • Disconnect the audio cable at the right side of the computer, removing tape as necessary.

  34. yB6JF44xWCXUkMrF
    • Open the display to a 90 degree angle. Rest the trackpad face down on the work surface and allow the display to hang over the edge. If possible, adjust your chair or work surface height so the display will rest on your legs and the trackpad will lie flat on the work surface.

    • Remove the four T8 Torx screws that fasten the display to the trackpad. The screw closest to the display data cable has a tapered head.

    As you remove the screws that connect the display to the trackpad, the display will detach from the base of the laptop. As the display is now hanging over the side of your work surface, it will fall off when you detach the last screw connecting the display to the trackpad. Be certain not to let it fall and put strain on the inverter cable.

    Sugar Fish -

  35. HPUkbZhZpe25USuq
    • Grasp the metal heat exchanger and pull up and away from you. You may need to move the inverter cable on the right side of the computer in order to rotate the heat exchanger.

  36. MAPwSuEpE66btWnZ
    • Lift up the metal brackets on either side of the upper case.

  37. UoaFETbZQW4efM22
    • Disconnect the inverter cable and carefully thread it through the slot in the upper case.

    • Carefully thread the display and backlight cables individually through the slot in the upper case. Be very careful with the display cable as it is easily damaged.

    • Remove the display assembly.

  38. mj5HryTF4HXLPNUS
    • Lift the inverter board out of the computer.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.


Membro da: 25/09/09

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