
Segui questa guida per sostituire o aggiornare il disco a stato solido del tuo MacBook Air da 13" inizio 2017. Questo MacBook Air usa un connettore proprietario per il disco, e quindi non è compatibile con i classici drive M.2 senza l'utilizzo di un adattatore.

Prima di cominciare la tua riparazione, se è possibile, fai un backup del tuo SSD. Poi familiarizza con il ripristino via internet oppure crea un'unità esterna di boot così da essere pronto per installare macOS sulla tua nuova unità e trasferire tutti i tuoi dati sul nuovo SSD.

Infine, ti consigliamo caldamente di installare macOS 10.13 High Sierra (o più recenti) prima di sostituire l'SSD originale del tuo MacBook Air. Molti SSD nuovi richiedono driver aggiornati non presenti nelle versioni precedenti a High Sierra.

  1. ntWnApPFnVyDIwGF
    • Prima di procedere, spegni il tuo Macbook. Chiudi il display e appoggialo su una superficie morbida, con la parte superiore in basso.

    • Usa un cacciavite P5 Pentalobe per rimuovere le dieci viti che tengono in posizione il case inferiore, delle seguenti lunghezze:

    • Due viti da 9 mm

    • Otto viti da 2,6 mm

    Pulling the fan cable out was terrifying but you actually just pull on the cable itself. No way to get any leverage at the connector to dislodge it. Did come out easily but like I said, scared me!

    allison -

    Draai de schroefjes voorzichtig los en leg ze op een stabiele plek neer en let erop dat de schroefje een verschillende lengte hebben.

    bwgvanderveer -

    I thought I could replace my 256 Gb SSD with 512? regards

    ola m -

    Do you have good Test Point Voltages? It appears there are silver colored Test points on the I/O Board. I am working on a water spill and trying to troubleshoot if both the I/O board and the Logic need replaced.

    andrew -

    It's probably not necessary but may be a little safer to completely discharge the old battery before replacing it.

    Larry Smith -

    tell a model that was not inferior to the speed of the one in the laptop.

    Thank you

    ilyabuhov -

    Do i need to order tools separately to replace the battery i just ordered?

    anne uhlir -

    im looking for a Logic Board for a

    Apple - MacBook Air® - 13.3" Display - Intel Core i5 - 8GB Memory - 128GB Flash Storage (Latest Model) - Silver Model: MQD32LL/A

    Any help is appreciated.

    Jamie Comstock -

    P5 pentalobe screwdrivers are too big! The correct size for these screws are p4 pentalobe. P5 pentalobe was just able, with difficulty, to turn some of the screws. If the screws were at all tight, my p5 was unable to get them out, and started to strip the screws. A p4 screwdriver fit better and removed the screws with ease. (I was using high quality Wiha brand screwdrivers.)

    William Skinner -

    I had same experience (with MacBook Air 13-inch Mid-2012) … had to get P4, which worked swimmingly

    eric -

    Very simple installation. The screwdriver heads were exactly what we’re needed, one head for the outside case screws, the other for the screws holding the battery in place. The computer started right up. Now to see how the battery holds up, but I have a good feeling about this!

    Dennis Eaton -

    My P5 and the T5 worked perfectly with my early 2015 Air 13”! And it is super fast! Thank you iFixit!

    Pennny Beach -

    The supplied kit and instructions worked perfectly!

    Nikolay Andreev -

    Comments that the P5 pentalobe are too large are absolutely spot-on. There is no way the P5 pentalobe bit I have will work with the MacBook Air without destroying the screws. Hard target search for P4 pentalobe bit in progress…..

    joemoog -

    Bonjour j’aimerais changer mon SSD de 128 Go pour en mettre un de 512 Go. Je ne sais pas ce qu’il faut prendre car il faut qu’il soit compatible avec le macbook air A1466. J’aurais vu un Samsung Evo 970 500 Go mais si je ne me trompe pas, il faut un adaptateur.

    Merci pour votre aide.

    chicco33 -

    oui, vous aurez besoin d’un adaptateur, pour completez le changement.

    Dan -

    The tool kit should include tweezers for re-inserting the battery connector.

    Andre Clement -

    P5 pentalobe worked perfectly for me. Instructions were spot-on. Antenna connections were a bit fiddly to refit but got them in ok.

    michaelquinnell -

    Maybe the problem some are experiencing is that the designations are confusing (blame Apple rather than iFixit). the P2 is also known as PL1. The P5 is also known as PL4. The P6 is also known as PL5. So it is possible to mistake the P6 (PL5) for the P5 (PL4), meaning it (P6-PL5) will be too big, while the P5 (PL4) will be just right. Sort of a 3 Bears explanation, but it is very confusing.

    Thomas Lewis -

    To add to this. In searching for the P5 screwdriver to buy in UK, as far as I can tell, it is also known as

    Pentalobe 1.2(mm)


    P4 = 0.8

    P6 = 1.5

    Just unscrewed the back case of MacBook Air 13” mid 2011, with no problems using Pentalobe 1.2

    nijafe -

    I have not replaced a display on the A1369 but have done many A1466 which is a newer 13” model. They seem really similar and its not clear why one needs to remove the logic board to remove the display. The antenna cables on the A1466 dont have to rest under the logic board but can be tucked in the hinge crevice. Cant this same thing be done with the A1369?

    Sean Love -

    Did mine today - but new battery wasnt charging. Went back in and noticed the battery connector cable was not quite 100% “seated. It was sticking out by less than a millimetre! - you need to give it quite a firm push in to get it seated properly. Otherwise - all ok .

    John Brennand -

    Just installed on a MacBookAir6,2 (13-inch, Early 2014).

    Was very easy.

    New iFixit battery looks great so far:

    Full Charge Capacity (mAh): 4922 -> 7333

    Jonathan Cross -

    can you tell me which size of screwdrivers you’ve used to crack it up, please? I have the same model and size,

    hawk_lpc -

    Screw P5 Pentalobe 1.2

    Mario Verlent -

    Install went flawlessly. Only challange was reattaching blue tooth antennas. Those sockets are so tiny.

    Joel Sebastian -

    Installation was a little challenging at first because the instructions on this site did not perfectly match my model (late 2013 to early 2015).

    Found this video on YouTube which described the procedure perfectly

    Also the Ifixit kit I received was well put together with everything I needed and more. The calibration went perfectly and I am very pleased. Will buy again!!

    Donald Niamath -

    Gently pulled out connector of old battery, then pressed and held the power switch for 1 minute. Unscrewed and removed the old battery. Pressed and held power switch for 1 minute again. I know from previous work that this helps drain charge from spontaneous recharging as the dielectric recovers. Gently “fine tuned” leads from new battery to connector till connector stuck out at right angle to the edge of battery. Held the battery by the edges and let the connector slide into the socket. Set the battery down and put the screws in all the way. Then checked that the connector was completely seated before tightening the screws. The laptop come on immediately and showed 98% charge and registered normal (checked in “About this Mac”. Very happy to this point. Now for calibration.

    Amir Zaidi -

    Thank you very much for the guilde. My MBA2011 had reborn !

    Billy Wong -

    Allow for electrostatics, otherwise you may cook components on the logicboard /motherboard (like I did with one of these!)

    See great advice: Electrostatic Discharge

    Fletcher Cole -

    … und wenn du eines von diesen wirklich kleinen Schräubchen vermisst: bevor du den Boden aufkehrst oder mit einem starken Magneten absuchst, schau mal am seitlichen (magnetischen) Ladekabelanschluss nach … ?

    ... and if you miss one of these really small screws: before you sweep the floor or search it with a strong magnet, take a look at the (magnetic) charging cable connection on the side … ?

    Blatt -

    Fot All People ha ing trouble finding their SSD


    instead press


    I just installed Monterrey with WD black sn 770 SSD in m'y macbook air 2015

    Albert -

    IFixit just had me submit "my story" re. fixing my MacBook Air 2013.

    This repair was NOT difficult. The battery is enclosed in a plastic frame. It is NOT glued in like the newer models of Apple laptops. And unlike older laptops, the battery is not totally enclosed in a plastic housing. So once you remove the screws holding the batterie's frame, you can remove the battery.

    Follow the instructions. Read the comments. Also read the comments re. installing a new battery.

    Good luck. - Eric J.

    ECJohansen -

    On the back of the laptop, notice that each screw is angled a little bit inward, aiming toward the middle of the laptop. Keep your screwdriver lined up with the screw (angled a bit outward as seen at 01:23 in the video: This will help you get a good bite on the screw to get it out and avoid stripping the head of the screw.

    Use the same angle when putting each screw back in. If the screw is in line with its hole it should not feel like you are fighting to screw it in. If it does, check your angle and back up a little; you should feel the screw fall into line.

    Rich Garella -

    IFixit just had me submit "my story" re. fixing my MacBook Air 2013.

    This repair was NOT difficult. The battery is enclosed in a plastic frame.

    shrhh -

  2. AuaSrWoUvoATMoyN
    • Inserisci le tue dita tra il display e il case inferiore e tira verso l'alto per separare il case inferiore dal MacBook Air.

    • Rimuovi il case inferiore e mettilo da parte.

    There is a nub on the inside of the case which is attached to the battery. When you try to pull it open, it appears to be attached to the plastic casing of the battery, which sometimes splits. I gently unhooked the nub from the battery before removing the case fully. This seems to happen if the battery has suffered some drop damage (plastic parts broken around screws and parts of plastic frame split). Just an FYI in case your lower case doesn't pull away easily.

    Jeannie Crowley -

    To add - the slim 1cm tab “nub” is on the centre of the back cover & fits into a hole in the battery frame. I ran my fingers around the whole of the cover to eventually here it click out.

    nijafe -

    When closing this back up make sure that the antenna cable is tucked away neatly

    Gabriel -

    So this is a legit back cover for MacBook Air?


    What about disconnecting the battery?

    Luke -

    I bought the part and tools from iFixit and followed the directions. The mechanical part went smoothly - maybe 10 minutes to disassemble/replace/reassemble.

    Getting Catalina (the current MacOS) to install was not working until I used Cmd-Opt-R (as noted in the OWC paper sheet that came in the box) which brought up the proper installer - I believe from a pre-prepared bootable SD card but it’s hard to say. From there the install succeeded taking ~1.5 hours.

    Beware that (a) the install requires a working internet connection for verification and updates, and (b) the system must have been running at least macOs 10.13 (High Sierra) before the install in order to have an EFI BIOS that recognizes the SSD.

    Lance Berc -

    As noted by others, be a bit careful removing the lower case. There is an oblong black plastic locator very near the center of the lower case. Unless you gently pry the bottom cover pretty much straight up, you will break the ends off of the locater.

    BobY -

    Thanks for the detailed photos. When repairing equipment, I don’t really like to disassemble plastic parts, they can be damaged, but your screenshots help a lot. For my studies, I am writing an essay comparing the reliability of laptops from various manufacturers and the complexity of their repair, maybe it will be useful for someone to check the essay for plagiarism here essay checker, when comparing different manufacturers, I understood why people love Apple so much. The minimum number of failures. Of course, repairing it in an official service is not cheap, but with the help of such detailed instructions, you can do it yourself and save a lot.

    Nexus -

    The screwdriver bit to use on these case screws is not named, but I found that my "CR-V 1.2" did the job nicely.

    The driver for the screws inside the case are named, as "T5".

    Jim Henderson -

  3. LrxfUsj62I2DqUaT
    • Per assicurarti che nulla sia alimentato e non si possa accendere mentre stai lavorando, è raccomandato scollegare la batteria.

    • Afferra la piccola striscia di plastica trasparente attaccata al connettore della batteria e tirala parallelamente alla scheda verso il bordo anteriore dell'Air.

    • Non sollevare il connettore per disconnetterlo in quanto potresti danneggiarne l'alloggiamento.

    after disconnect the battery, press and hold 5*10 seconds the powerbutton on your keyboard to unload the capacitors

    Marcel -

    how does a person put the battery connector back in?- that is the only thing i’m afraid of touching after putting new fan in.

    a smith -

    I found it was possible to put the battery connector back in as the last step, however having gone through that and found it to be a little challenging, I would actually recommend attaching the battery connector before screwing back in the bracket. That way you’ll put a lot less stress on the connector cable.

    Kevin Epstein -

    When you are plugging the connector back in, make sure to give it some extra pressure to make sure it is all the way in. It may look like it’s in but needs to be pushed harder!

    Connor Dougherty -

    After disconnecting the power, you may skip directly to step 18. I don’t know why someone would think it necessary to disconnect all the other stuff. There is no need whatsoever to do so. The more things you disconnect, the more things you risk damaging. Many of the parts in steps 4 through 17 are quite delicate, and easy damaged.

    The screw in step 18 is easily accessed without removing even the rubber gasket. Regarding step 18, only remove the screw. (This screw is rather long, with long threads.)

    It’s helpful to take photographs of this area before removing the screw, so you’ll know what it’s supposed to look like when you put it back together.

    AnnoniMoose -

    There are only 16 steps in this repair process. I wonder whether you are commenting on a different repair.

    rmccord23 -

    What if your battery doesn’t have that clear tab?

    Carla Tisdale -

    Yep, exactly the issue that I have

    Martin Adams -

    Where can i buy the battery connector?

    Bernie-Khay Dabu -

    Macbook air 2015 battery connector where can I purchase?

    Bernie-Khay Dabu -

    Connector socket came off, can I just glue it into place?

    Lisa Mac -

  4. PYUUb4TcQTb6LsgV
    • Rimuovi la singola vite Torx T5 da 2,9 mm che fissa l'SSD alla scheda madre.

    I'm using a T5 Torx screwdriver to remove the SSD retaining screw but it's simply not working, the screwdriver seems slightly too big and I even tried plyers to grab the ends of the screw and turn it but that didn't budge. Are the screws super tight or something? I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong

    smokey9112filmz2 -

    I would also like to know that, i have the same problem tried using a standard T5 Torx and the Pentalobe P5 screwdriver, but the both dont work/fit

    facebookvincent -

    I opened mine with a T-6.

    airshack -

    I ended up using the T5 with a rubber band in between. I wish I would have done this earlier. I stripped a little bit of the screw. You live you learn.

    Senh Mo Chuang -

    After reassembly, press and hold cmd-opt-R immediately after hitting power button

    bob.lombardi -

    T4 worked for me.

    Rafael Sánchez Treviño -

    • Delicatamente alza l'estremità dell'SSD di circa 1 cm e tiralo fuori dal suo socket sulla scheda madre.

    • Non alzare l'SSD più di 1 cm altrimenti potresti danneggiarlo o danneggiare il socket sulla scheda madre.

    • Quando re-installi l'SSD, assicurati che sia alloggiato correttamente prima di rimettere al suo posto la vite di bloccaggio.

    Am I able to upgrade my Macbook Air early 2015 from 128Mb SSD to the SSD Samsung 960 (EVO or Pro) 1TB or 2TB?

    If so, do a need special adapters?

    Ruben Dominguez -

    Is there an adaptor cable or external housing that allows me to transfer the information on my SSD to my other laptop that has a SATA drive?

    Redwood Man -

    There are several available at Other World Computing.

    NerdsLimited -

    OWC 480 GB ssd says, early 2015 MacBook Pro needs thermal pad. what kin of pad is needed before SSD can be replaced.

    rasi_tip -

    Can you recommend an adapter to use a regular m.2 ssd?

    zepa -

    I really don’t recommend using M.2 SSD’s!

    As someone who services Mac’s I tend to see the failures and I’l warn you I see a lot of these M.2 drives with adapter with problems. As one of the first diagnostic processes I pop in my custom Apple Samsung SSD to see if the system works with it. If it does I recommend the power to replace the SSD.

    Dan -

    If I’m ordering a 1TB ssd what exactly should I be asking for ?

    i looked up a replacement for my 2015 Air and the ssd they sent had the slot in the wrong place. Will I need an adapter?

    why did they suggest it would be compatible (it’s an m2)?

    Colin Gray -

    Seems cheap isn’t good

    Colin Gray -

    Is the same procedure suitable for a macbook 13” early 2014?


    robert van spronsen -

    Hey robert, the procedure is exactly the same for the 2014 MBA! You can check out our MacBook Air 2014 SSD replacement guide to check for yourself.

    Taylor Dixon -

    Shouldn’t you disconnect the battery before removing the old SSD? Guide lacks instructions for this so not sure if necessary/ recommended. I recall HDD upgrade guide for my old MBP 2010 included disconnecting the battery, surely same for MBA?

    David Shanahan -

    Yes, always disconnect the battery first before removing other components.

    (Edit: I only skimmed, looking for chat about adapters and such. It’s there.. Step 3. At least, it is now. Maybe it was added after your comment) :)

    Ashlar -

    I’ve got Macbook Air 2012, which has been upgraded with Samsung 860 Evo M.2, I am looking to buy a MacBook Air 2017 and swap its’ original SSD to one which currently sits in my Air 2012. Is MacBook Air 2017 compatible with Samsung 860 Evo M.2?

    Rob Fox -

    My mid-2013 Air has crashed to the point of being unrecoverable - I get the folder with a question mark upon startup and there is no disk to recover from when I finally get to disk utility. After a couple phone calls with Apple, they determined they couldn’t do anything. I’m wondering if I can remove my SSD from the laptop, if I can use an adapter cable to make the files accessible via a cable (preferably to USB C) on my new MacBook Air mid-2020. I appreciate the help, thank you.

    Jack Tynan -

    is there any software updates that need to be done to configure this to work properly or is it a plug and play type of thing?

    Martita Sharlow -

    as long as your on a modern OS version Catalina or higher its plug and play

    Dan -

    I swapped out a larger (non-OEM) SSD in my MacBook Air. Everything works fine except now when I wake my computer from sleep, I’m just given a black screen and the logon screen doesn’t load. I usually have to force shutdown and restart whenever waking from sleep, kind of annoying. Any hints as to what may be the issue?

    Cameron Miller -

    Swapping the SSD is pretty straight forward if you have the needed tools. Took me less than 15 min. including cleaning the the interior with compressed air. Thanks for the tutorial.

    St. Maier -

    Tutorial looks great! My worries are what to do once I have put the laptop back together again. If I swop my 500 GB to a 1 TB SSD (w/o adaptor), can I just start it up with my Time Machine Backup? Or do I need to reinstall Mac OS?

    I have a MacBook Air Early 2015, running High Sierra 10.13.6.

    Fredrik Barkenhammar -

    Where can I get the adaptor for the ssd. Also if I am taking the ssd from the 2017 air and just trying to read the info on it on a 21 14" mb pro. Is there anything I should know. The 2017 air has got a firmware lock on it. I bought it used for my what's now ,ex. I don't know if she put the firmware password on it or the og owner who I have no way of getting back in touch. His account is no longer active on fb. So im kind of screwed. The only thing I could think of was to remove the ssd and put it in an we enclosure and see if I can read the info on the drive. My ex refuses to give me the pw so it has me curious. I figured I woukd take a look before I wipe it.

    Jon Tracey -


Per rimontare il dispositivo, segui le istruzioni in ordine inverso.

Porta i tuoi rifiuti elettronici a un riciclatore certificato R2 o e-Stewards.

La riparazione non è andata come previsto? Prova delle soluzioni di base ai problemi, oppure rivolgiti alla nostra comunità Risposte per trovare aiuto.

Adam O'Camb

Membro da: 11/04/15

195148 Reputazione

19 commenti

Thanks! My wife’s MacBook Air is now rocking a 480GB drive (upgraded from 128GB).

Mark Frauenfelder -

Very easy to follow step…great job. Took less then 10 minutes. Upgraded Macbook Air (2017) from original 120GB to 480GB SSD. I used TimeMachine backup to perform the restore, which went flawless and was completed in under 3 hours.

Key is to press Option + Command + R to bring up “Internet Recovery”. If you press Command + R, the new drive will not be recognized and won’t be shown.

Dimitriy Lanis -

The introduction states, “This MacBook Air uses a proprietary storage drive connector, and is therefore not compatible with common M.2 drives without the use of an adapter.” However, both the parts list and step 5 (the last step shown on my screen…am I missing later steps?) do not mention this adapter. Is the adapter truly needed?

Jerry H -

Yes, if you search the major online retailer that is also a river in South America, you will find adapters for standard m.2 drives (samsung, crucial, etc.) If you do not want to use an adapter, you can purchase a drop in replacement from OWC, however they are more expensive.

Nicholas D -

When I use an M.2 drive with adapter, I can use any ssd? or they need to be compatible in a logic way? (not hardware but software compatible)

Jonathan Carrasco -

In theory you can use any SSD, but it is better to use SSD that have already been tested for your laptop.

Daniele Carminati -

would a WD Black SN850 1TB NVMe work with an adapter?


Thank a lot. very useful and straightforward

Gustavo -

The German translation seems wrong in one step: It says „senkrecht“ (vertical) instead of „waagrecht“ (horizontal) in the sentence: „Hebe die SSD vorsichtig an einem Ende ungefähr 1,3 cm hoch und ziehe sie senkrecht aus ihrem Anschluss auf dem Logic Board.“

Bernhard Bodenstorfer -

Danke! Ist korrigiert.

Fabian Neidhardt -

Can someone explain to me if I can substitute my current SSD with one of 1TB on MacBook Air (13-inch, 2017)? Because I read on the specifications that is Configurable to 256GB or 512GB SSD:

Ana Beatriz -

Hello Ana, while Apple did limit the options for order configurations, there no 512 GB limit for SSDs. iFixit offers SSD Upgrade Kits for the MacBook Air 13" Early 2017 with up to 2 TB storage. However, please note that this MacBook Air uses a proprietary storage drive connector, and is therefore not compatible with common M.2 drives without the use of an adapter.

Manuel Haeussermann -

I was trying to remove the screw holding the SSD in place, and that thing is in there pretty solid. I think I stripped the head. What are my options?

Dan Smart -

Thanks, the guide was a great help! I upgraded my family's Macbook Air storage which came with a 'lowly and depressing' 120GB NVMe SSD to 960 GB NVMe SSD.

r2rzen -

I’ve done all the steps using the kit that the guide recommends and backed up all data to an external drive (Samsung T7 reformatted to APFS for Time Machine Backup). When booting with the new ssd over internet recovery mode, disk utility doesn’t recognize any additional disk or storage beyond the MacOS recovery boot. When attempting to restore from Time Machine backup, the external drive isn’t recognized either. Am I missing something?

Alex Gomez -

I need to take the ssd out of my dead macbook air 2017 to back up my files; I have not been able to find a case for this type of ssd m2, do you sell one? Thanks

reset -

Ssd Samsung 980 with Sintech adapter

Works perfect on MacBook Air 2017

paolo burin -

Hi. Do all brand m.2 SSD 2280 supported by macbook air 2017? There are high end spec for gaming read and write. Please advise. Thanks

Logan Krishnan -

Is the 480Gb as large as I can go? is there a limit to how big the PCIe can be? Might need more 480gb

Timothy Johnson -