
Prerequisito per scollegare la batteria senza rimuoverla.


  1. f5tSVDDMurTwTaYO
    • Stacca lo sticker che copre il connettore batteria.

    You only need to remove the tape to the edge of the flap. This is enough to be able to pry the battery connector up.

    Aaron Freidus -

    +1 to above comment

    Andrew Saunders -

    Note that the photo is taken from the hinge side - the other way to the photo in step 3

    Toby Thurston -

    I chanced it, didnt disconnect the battery and all is well even after giving the insides a good vacuuming before changing the SSD.

    Dermot O Logical -

    It is just the top layer of tape that you want to lift, you need to seperate it from the bottom layer.

    Kelv -

    You don’t actually need to remove the tape or even peel it off at all. Just pull up the battery connector up with the tape still attached.

    AJ Lorenzo -

    pay attention that the macbook in this picture is presented the “wrong side”: if you accidentally remove the tape covering the trackpad cable and thereby also take the trackpad cable out of the zif-socket, your keyboard and trackpad won’t work anymore. putting the trackpad cable back into the (tiny) socket will fix the issue though.

    sam -

    • Solleva con cautela ogni lato del connettore della batteria per staccare il connettore dal suo zoccolo sulla scheda logica.

    • Piega il connettore indietro verso la batteria, per evitare che possa fare contatto accidentalmente con la scheda logica.

    why is this necessary to remove a hard drive?

    Lawtay -

    @lawrencetaylor On any electronics repair, you need to disconnect all sources of power before you start. It’s a basic safety precaution and also removes the risk of accidentally shorting a connection somewhere (which can potentially kill your MacBook).

    Jeff Suovanen -

    I chanced it, didnt disconnect the battery and all is well even after giving the insides a good vacuuming before changing the SSD.

    Dermot O Logical -

    Picture doesn’t match the computer. Hard to tell which connector to disconnect

    James Mitchell -

    Hi James, are you sure you have the correct guide for your machine? Try using our MacBook Identification tool.

    Sam Goldheart -

    Habe den Akkustecker beim putzen abgemacht um keinen Stromschlag zu kriegen, jetzt wieder eingebaut. Nun habe ich folgendes Problem: Akku wird geladen, aber steigt niemals ueber % und manchmal geht er trotz Anschluss an das Stromnetz einfach aus. Hat da jemand eine Idee?

    paul -

    I used the identification tool and can confirm what James is seeing. The picture doesn’t match for this step. There is no piece with visible holes punched in it.

    Joshua McFarland -

    There is an extra piece of plastic on the connector, you might want to peel that off too. It’s not in the pictures.

    Ellie B -

    There is a battery cover with two T5 screws that must be removed before prying on the connector.

    Dennis Newton -

    Hi Dennis,

    Thanks for bringing this up! I’ll work on verifying this and adjust the guide as needed.

    Arthur Shi -

    My battery connector had another layer of plastic on it that I removed first

    Kelv -

    For an A1398, the screws on the adjacent cover were T6, not T5; one of the tips in the battery kit was suitable.

    Zathras -

    I need dis board hw much

    Ebuka Ofodile -

    After separating the battery connector, I took the addd precaution of placing a folded post-it between the connector bank and the socket.

    Matt Fisher -

    You can also use a plastic tool to hold back the battery connector. My connector was under the plastic tab and had no screws. You may need to check the build version as there are a number of A1398 versions.

    Robin Razzell -

    When you install the new battery, it may look like the holes in the connector need to be slid on to the connector toward the rear of the mac. I tried bending the cable to make it work. This could damage the cables. You really need only push directly downward on the connector, as you pulled up on it to remove it initially. It will pop into place with a little pressure, just make sure it's lined up properly.

    Jeffrey Andrews -

    I had to use quite a lot of pressure to make the connector on my new battery pop all the way down. I thought it was down already when it was only half way, as I was afraid to use too much force. Maybe it varies between different battery brands, but just make sure that the connector should go all the way down and not have a gap between the two parts.

    Magnus W -

    " …ensuring that the battery connector doesn't accidentally make contact with the logic board."

    You appear to assume that everyone knows which item is the logic board. I can attest that not everyone does. Clarity here would be helpful.

    Mark -

    If you don't know what the/a logic board is, you probably shouldn't be opening devices.

    Art Hackett -

    Art Hackett. Not useful. This guide is for laypeople. Nobody is supposed to know much of anything. That's the point of the guide and the existence of iFixit. You could have used that time to explain what the logic board is for people who are already here anyway.

    Anyway onward and upward. If you don't know what a logic board is and you're here.

    There, now you're an expert like Art.

    fixedtit -


Per rimontare il tuo dispositivo, segui queste istruzioni in ordine inverso.

Sam Goldheart

Membro da: 19/10/12

465149 Reputazione

2 commenti

So. replacing the battery on this model is quite a lot easier than on previous 15" Retina Macs?

Martin Bergstrom -

Aha, ”battery *connector* replacement". Sorry...

Martin Bergstrom -