
Segui questa guida per sostituire l'antenna NFC e la bobina di ricarica del tuo Samsung Galaxy S7.

Questa guida include la rimozione del vetro posteriore. Avrai bisogno di adesivo di ricambio per riattaccare la cover posteriore al telefono.

  1. Ps6pGsw1RnEF5MAS
    • L'apertura del tuo telefono danneggerà le guarnizioni impermeabili. Procurati tenute di ricambio prima di procedere oppure, se non sostituirai l'adesivo, stai attento ad evitare di esporre il tuo telefono ai liquidi.

    • Applica un iOpener riscaldato su uno dei bordi lunghi del telefono per circa due minuti.

    • Può essere necessario riscaldare e applicare di nuovo l'iOpener più volte finché il telefono sia abbastanza caldo. Segui le istruzioni dell'iOpener per evitare di surriscaldarlo.

    • Si può anche usare un asciugacapelli, una pistola termica o una piastra riscaldante. Ma stai attento a non surriscaldare il telefono – il calore può danneggiare il display OLED e i componenti interni della batteria.

    I used a heat gun and heated it a little too much. The color of the rear glass is just a sticker on a clear cover. Due to this I tore the sticker off. Now the back cover is see through, which isn’t a bad thing but the repair was for a customer.

    Kevin Bishop -

    When using the iOpener, you may need more than 30 seconds, especially in compact or low wattage microwaves. Take this slowly, though, and be extremely careful, as it is easy to overheat your iOpener. Remember, you can always heat it up a tad more, but you cannot undo overheating it.

    Jacob Pratt -

    I used an adjustable heat gun and set it to 400 degrees (F). That was enough to seperate the glass without having to worry about exposure times of the heat. The front of the phone was just fine. Just be ready to use a bunch of picks to slide in between because they will be needed this way.

    Ryan Schumerth -

    I went from the bottom center up, using one ifixit tools, one suction cup and one pick.

    Pick just popped in with some minor pressure.

    Laid heat pack along base of phone 2 mins first and worked up slowly, rotating picks as I went. Had to heat iopener over several 30 second bursts

    Lauren Burt -

    This is useless because the phone does not recognize the new battery and will behave like on the old one

    Search for “battery count xda"

    Albert Einstein -

    That is an interesting discovery! Thanks for pointing it out—I’ll have to look into it.

    Even if this is true, replacing the battery should still give restore a significant amount of life, since the max voltage affects a minor amount of the battery’s capacity. If you charge a worn battery and a new battery to the same lower max voltage, the worn battery’s voltage will dip more under use and will be depleted faster.

    Arthur Shi -

    Thanks for the guide! It helped me replace a friend's battery with no problems!

    Darren Crook -

    I will never replace a screen again, and don’t recommend it. Not for phones nowadays. Once upon a time everything was screwed together, and you might even get the same quality or better screen when buying from eBay. And having the phone repaired was nearly the cost of the phone. Now, it’s the reverse. Removing the glued back and screen and cleaning off all the glue for a clean re-seal is an ordeal that takes multiple hours, AND, often the screen you buy on eBay is NOT OLED, but an LCD, and a blurry one at that. And the local phone repair store will replace the screen with an OLED, reliably, same day turn around, for not much more than the cost of an actual OLED screen, because they have the parts in bulk, and the tools and experience to do it quickly. Never again!

    domarius -

    have you ever had one that just wont open at all? i can not get mine to open to replace the battery i have heated with a heat gun and attached suction cup and it will not lift at all

    Carla James -

    Hi Carla,

    I've definitely had that experience before. The adhesive is very strong, and the curved back makes getting the initial seam very difficult. I'd suggest focusing on one small area on the edge. Apply steady force when you pull, and repeat a few times to loosen the adhesive. Eventually it will give and present a small gap.

    Arthur Shi -

  2. 2QOaIfBNkNPCEM3g
    • Quando il pannello posteriore è caldo al tatto, applicaci una ventosa, il più vicino possibile al bordo riscaldato ma evitando la parte incurvata.

    • La ventosa non aderirà bene sulla parte incurvata del vetro.

    • Se la cover posteriore è crepata, può essere che la ventosa non aderisca bene. Prova a sollevare la cover con un nastro adesivo robusto o fissa la ventosa con della supercolla che lascerai indurire prima di continuare.

    • Solleva tirando con la ventosa e inserisci un plettro di apertura sotto il vetro posteriore.

    • Il vetro posteriore può rompersi se eserciti una forza eccessiva o provi a far leva con un attrezzo metallico.

    • Dato il vetro incurvato, spingerai l'attrezzo verso l'alto invece di inserirlo parallelamente al piano del telefono.

    • Se non riesci, riscalda di nuovo per ammorbidire di più l'adesivo e riprova. L'adesivo si raffredda molto velocemente, quindi è probabile che dovrai riscaldarlo più volte.

    • Una volta che il plettro è inserito, puoi anche mettere qualche goccia di alcol isopropilico nella fessura per indebolire l'adesivo su cui si interverrà nei passi seguenti.

    Because of the metal lip around the phone the picks were to thick to get under the glass. Couldn’t get the glue loose enough with the iOpener or the glass lifted high enough with the suction cup despite using a lot of heat and stength on the suction. Ended up having to use a thin piece of metal to get the first separaration. After that the picks are ok to use.

    loadinglevelone -

    This step is certainly giving me trouble. I don’t have enough hands to be able to both form the space and to insert the pick. In order to even form the space, I need to use the double-sided plastic scraper-thing.

    Damian Amerman-Smith -

    Turns out that three hands was the answer. I had my dad insert the pick while I pried open a gap, and it was smooth sailing from there.

    Damian Amerman-Smith -

    How do you pull on the suction cup? I.e. what's the right technique to pull up the suction cup? Just pulling up is going to lift the entire phone, unless I had some kind of double sided suction cup up keep the phone stuck to the table.

    Thank you

    A X -

    I'm going to try it Jerry rig everythings technique. unfortunately every iFixit video seems to use the clamp which seems like an oversight for a tutorial. But it is not fair for me to be too annoyed since they have really good repair kits and the repair guides are nice.

    A X -

    • Quando il plettro è saldamente inserito sotto il vetro, riscalda e applica di nuovo l'iOpener per ammorbidire l'adesivo.

    Use a heat gun or hair dryer to soften the adhesive to remove the back cover. The Iopener that you heat up with the microwave takes a very long to accomplish the same task.

    michael kotarba -

    Keep the heat gun in motion at all times and check the surface temperature of the phone with your hand every few seconds to ensure it does not overheat the plastic and glass and electronics. Use several blue guitar picks to brake the seal of the cover once you have softened the adhesive and popped the seal initially with the suction cups.

    michael kotarba -

  4. Y2XBVOh1nInmtTVh
    • Fai scorrere il plettro di apertura lungo il bordo del telefono per tagliare l'adesivo.

    • Prosegui lentamente in modo che la punta non scivoli fuori dalla giuntura. Se hai delle difficoltà nello scorrimento, riscalda e applica di nuovo l'iOpener.

    • Lascia il plettro in posizione e prendine un altro per procedere al passo seguente. Lasciare inserito il plettro evita che l'adesivo appena tagliato aderisca di nuovo.

  5. epurBlk5yEBZtgxS
    • Ripeti la procedura precedente di riscaldamento e di taglio per gli altri tre bordi del telefono.

    • Lascia un plettro in ogni bordo del telefono mentre procedi con il successivo per evitare che l'adesivo aderisca di nuovo.

    At about this stage, as I was working on the fourth side, the layer of black paint on the inside of the glass started to separate from the glass, near the edge. I may have overheated the phone (I used a heat gun). Most of the paint layer ended up left behind, attached to the body of the phone, as the glass came away - along with the lens covers of the camera and flash. I removed and discarded as much of the paint as I could using tweezers, a spudger, and cautious heating with the heat gun. I hope the back glass will work OK without it; a clear back cover will be a distinctive design feature! If not I’ll have to get a new one. (Note, some battery repair kits from other suppliers such as Amazon include a replacement back glass, which would help with this issue).

    Michael Field -

    Hi Michael,

    The glass back would definitely work without the black paint. In fact, there are tutorials online that instruct exactly how to do that in order to have a cool transparent glass back look!

    Arthur Shi -

  6. eUCNRX1ZkG1bfACB
    • Solleva il vetro e toglilo dal telefono.

  7. nMpaQJmNKIF3MFiL
    • Per rimontare la cover posteriore con dell'adesivo tagliato su misura, segui questa guida.

    • Assicurati di accendere il tuo telefono e di controllare la tua riparazione prima di applicare il nuovo adesivo e di sigillare di nuovo il telefono.

    • Se preferisci, puoi rimontare il pannello posteriore senza sostituire l'adesivo. Rimuovi i grossi pezzi di adesivo che potrebbero impedire alla cover di allinearsi bene. Dopo il rimontaggio, riscalda la cover e premila per fissarla bene. Il telefono non sarà più resistente all'acqua, ma di solito la forza di adesione è più che sufficiente.

    Apply heat with iOpener/blower or the isopropyl alcohol on the adhesive you want to remove.

    I did not and noticed I peeled off pieces of the paint coating from the cover glass together with the adhesive.

    Eduard -

    Do not hold the glass as shown. I did that, and the glass cracked when I tried to pull the adhesive because the adhesive was on tight. Always keep the glass down on a flat surface so that you don’t apply any bending forces to it.

    blicher -

    I'm sorry to hear that! That's a good suggestion—I'll modify the photo slightly to deter people from holding the glass in the air.

    Arthur Shi -

  8. qTWDFI5OPwjQxysy
    • Svita le 8 viti a croce Phillips da 3,5 mm che fissano l'antenna NFC e la bobina per la ricarica wireless.

    They made a typo I think its supposed to say 1.5 millimeter instead of 3.5 millimeter.

    KaydenFisher -

    QA sticker over screw on my model (2018). I advise you delicately remove these with something sharp, from the center of the screw outwards. If you stick the screwdriver straight in, the sticker will jam up in the head of the screw and make it much less likely to get a good grip on the screw as it turns, causing it to slip and strip the screw head.

    domarius -

  9. cqlUOi2kBkLYoCvj
    • Inserisci la punta di uno spudger nella piccola fessura sul lato sinistro del gruppo antenna e solleva il gruppo verso l'alto e fuori dal telaio.

    • Rimuovi il gruppo antenna.

  10. CtXLclHfUKNnA6lD
    • Usa l'estremità piatta di uno spudger per sollevare il gruppo bobina di ricarica dal telefono.


Per rimontare il tuo dispositivo, segui queste istruzioni in ordine inverso.

Adam O'Camb

Membro da: 11/04/15

195052 Reputazione

9 commenti

this is perfect

amine.thrassers.35 -

Can you help me with videos ?

amine.thrassers.35 -

Does this also replace the charging port itself?

Adam Cornwell -

Hi Adam, this guide is not for replacing the charging port—the charging port is part of a separate assembly that requires further disassembly to remove.

Adam O'Camb -

Wireless charging stopped working today on my S7 which is out of warranty. Do you know if this wil solve the problem or do I need to tackle it another way?

Jakob -

Without seeing the phone it’s hard to say what the problem is. Replacing this assembly will likely fix any hardware issues related to wireless charging, but won’t help if you have a software issue. It’s probably worth trying a factory reset and looking in to other troubleshooting methods before you open the phone.

Adam O'Camb -

If I remove this and not replace it will my phone still function and charge via standard charge port? Only NFC and wireless charge would be disabled correct?

M CC -

If I were to replace my battery from one from iFIXit, will that battery support wireless charging or no? How would be able to go about making it be a wireless charging one?

_Danny Rojas -

It would have helped immensely if you would have removed the assembly out of the phone to show us what it looks like.

Les Bussing -