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Hello. My name is Joshua Lacerte and I am a sophomore at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.


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I am studying to be a Mechanical Engineer. I have always had an interest in working in a hands on job and I have also been interested in working on cars and learning how they work. I wanted to learn how structures like buildings and bridges are made and how ti was known they would not fall. Learning about Mechanical Engineering and also knowing my interest in math made the decision easy for me.


I currently want to work on structures or cars and build bridges, homes, submarines, or cars. I do not have a specific field in mind I would like to work in at this time but I do know I want to stick with my current field.


I have several skills including work with computers and a strong work ethic that will help me with almost every job I could get in the future.


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I have been working for a construction company over the summer and have worked on building and repairing houses for a couple of years now. Specifically, I would work on pipes on the outside of a house. To do this, you have to dig up the pipes, find the problem, fix it, and then repair the problem making sure future ones cannot occur.


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I have played football for the past 12 years of my life. I played 3 years of varsity football, 2 of which I was a captain of my high school team. Now I currently am playing in college here at Umass Dartmouth.


I enjoy playing video games and going out with my friends. I also enjoy playing with my dog Suzy