
Bern, Switzerland
Länge: 46.9548, Breite: 7.3948
Zur Karte von Bern 46°57′17.28″ N, 7°23′41.28″ E
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Bern ist eine Großstadt in Switzerland auf der Breite 46°57′17.28″ Norden und der Länge 7°23′41.28″ Ost.

See how did the map evolve.

Public Transport / öffentlicher Verkehr

Der öffentliche Verkehr wird auf dem Gebiet der Stadt Bern und um die Stadt Bern von verschiedenen Anbietern / Betreibern gewährleistet:

  • BERNMOBIL (Marke; rechtliche Bezeichnung Städtische Verkehrsbetriebe Bern, abgekürzt SVB)
  • LIBERO Tarifverbund (Marke; alternative Bezeichnung Tarifverbund Bern-Solothurn)
  • PostAuto (Marke; rechtliche Bezeichnung PostAuto Schweiz AG)
  • SBB (Marke; rechtliche Bezeichnung Schweizerische Bundesbahnen SBB AG)

OSM Community Projekte:


This legend (in English) explains the following symbols.

Area Subarea Status Remarks Log
Bernold city Gummibärli: By GPS and Compas (no GPS signal in the city!)
Blinzern Gubaer: traced and mapped by bike
Breitenrain Stefku: traced and mapped by bike
Egghölzli street names missing, potentially incompleteGubaer: tracked and mapped the Egghölzliwald
Eichholz tracked and mapped by Gubaer (completed existing map fragment)
Elfenau mainly mapped using Yahoo! Aerial Imagery, partially tracked by Gubaer
Felsenau Gubaer: Traced and surveyed by bike, mapped using Potlatch and JOSM
Gurten lots of footpaths and bike trails missing, lots of opportunities to collect GPS tracesGubaer: mapped the Gurten Höhenweg and the track down to Blinzern
Kirchenfeld mainly mapped using Yahoo! Aerial Imagery, partially tracked by Gubaer

Gummibärli Mostly by bike and GPS (Yahoo images not correctly georeferenced)

Marzili Gubaer: Traced and surveyed by bike, mapped using Potlatch and JOSM
Matte Gubaer: Traced and surveyed by bike, mapped using Potlatch and JOSM
Murifeld Gubaer: Traced and surveyed by bike, mapped using Potlatch and JOSM
Obstberg Gubaer: Traced and surveyed by bike, mapped using Potlatch and JOSM
Sandrain Gubaer: Traced and surveyed by bike, mapped using Potlatch and JOSM
Spiegel Gubaer: Traced and surveyed by bike, mapped using Potlatch and JOSM
Tiefenau Gubaer: Traced and surveyed by bike, mapped using Potlatch and JOSM
Wabern Kleinwabern missingtracked and mapped by Gubaer (completed existing map fragment)
Wittigkofen Gubaer: Traced and surveyed by bike, mapped using Potlatch and JOSM


  • Traces in Bern - GPS traces covering Bern (both, the city and the canton)
  • Edit the map of Bern


Local orthofotos provided by the land surveying office of the City of Bern - Vermessungsamt der Stadt Bern

We are allowed to use the orthofotos provided by the Vermessungsamt of the city of Bern, see email.

Orthofotos 2016 are available from the web site of Bern.

In JOSM: The layer is available in the default configuration. Alternative:

  1. configure the following WMS URL in the preferences: wms:{proj}&WIDTH={width}&HEIGHT={height}&BBOX={bbox}
  2. configure the projection SwissGrid in the preferences

In iD: The layer is available in the default configuration.{z}/{x}/{y}.png?origin=nw


We are allowed to trace over Bing imagery covering Berne. It's recommended to use local orthofotos, though. Bing imagery and local orthofotos are not perfectly aligned. Please do not try to realign OSM data derived from local orthofotos with Bing imagery!


Data import boundaries suburbs and quarters of the city of Bern / Datenimport Stadtteil- und Quartiergrenzen der Stadt Bern

Many times OSM data users asked for the boundaries of the suburbs and quarters within the City of Bern. Thus, the same kind of data as OSM provides of the City of Zürich.

According to the import guidelines a dedicated wiki page documents "Datenimport Stadtteil- und Quartiergrenzen der Stadt Bern" for coordination and documentation purposes. Data provider and owner is the land surveying office of the City of Bern.


Verschiedentlich wurde von Anwendern der OSM Daten der Wunsch geäussert, dass die Grenzen der Berner Statdteile - und quartiere (Quartiere sind auch als statistische Bezirke bekannt), wie diejenigen der Stadt Zürich, in OSM zur Verfügung stehen.

Gemäss den Richtlinien Datenimport in OSM ist dafür eine gesonderte Wiki Seite zu führen um das Projekt Datenimport Stadtteil- und Quartiergrenzen der Stadt Bern zu koordinieren und zu dokumentieren. Die Datenhoheit liegt beim Vermessungsamt der Stadt Bern.

How to help

Report mapping errors

Please report errors or missing features on the map using Notes.


Your help is welcome!

  • update street names. If a street name is missing and you know it, then please let us know. The simplest way for you is to add the name using Notes - just create a marker at the appropriate position on the map and add the missing name.
  • add points of interest. Do you know about schools, museums, public buildings, water parks, swimming halls, or sport areas? Just launch the online map editor Potlatch and add them to the map.

GPS traces wanted

Please collect GPS traces in and around Bern and upload them to OSM. Make sure you add the tags Switzerland and Bern when uploading.

QA - Quality assurance

In order to see missing issues as street or address names:

About GWR read more about here

See also

This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.