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See Printed maps for published books (and other print formats) featuring maps from OpenStreetMap

General Guides to OpenStreetMap

OpenStreetMap: Die freie Weltkarte nutzen und mitgestalten

Authors: Frederik Ramm, Jochen Topf
ISBN: 978-3-86541-375-8
Language: German
Publisher: Lehmanns Media, Hamburg, 3., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage 2010

Book Website:

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OpenStreetMap: Using and Enhancing the Free Map of the World

Authors: Frederik Ramm, Jochen Topf, Steve Chilton
ISBN: 978-1-90686-011-0
Language: English
Publisher: UIT Cambridge; 1st Edition 2010 (translation of 3rd German edition).

Book Website:

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See review here:

OpenStreetMap - Be your own cartographer

Authors: Jonathan Bennett
ISBN: 978-1-84719-750-4
Language: English
Publisher: Packt Publishing
Published: September 2010

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OpenStreetMap - Discovering Collaborative Mapping

Book website: (view/download for free)

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This book was created at a documentation sprint at the Google Summer of Code Documentation Summit.

Bienvenue sur OpenStreetMap

This is a French translation of the OpenStreetMap book by FLOSS Manuals.

Licence: Creative Commons BY-SA

Wiki page (french)

Guide du SIG libre

This is another Book about Free SIG with OpenStreetMap.

Licence: Creative Commons BY-SA

OpenStreetMap suomeksi

This is a Finnish translation of the OpenStreetMap book by FLOSS Manuals.

License: CC-BY-SA

You can always improve and update it here.

Japanese translation of OpenStreetMap - A new user's guide

(Japanese translation of the above)

Programming GPS and OpenStreetMap Applications with Java

Author: Kristof Beiglböck ISBN: 9781466507180 Language: English Publisher: CRC Press

This book demonstrates how to create distributed Java applications with GPS clients and map servers to simulate a GPS Tracking System (GTS). Besides introducing basics of GPS and cartography the book describes how to process digital map data for dedicated applications with A Map Compiler for OpenStreetMap. The reader can set up his own map compilation process to create his individual Physical Storage Format (PSF) with different layers (map, admin, network) for offline navigation and much more.

The author, being a professional map engineer, is suggesting to add an OSM extraction to an OpenStreetNetwork (OSN) with validated navigable links as a reliable network to prevent navigation systems from running hot.

Book Website:

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Hackery (old)

Note: Written about a decade ago, around the time web mapping was taking shape, these are out-of-date and long-superseded as technical guides to these topics. They're only of interest because some OpenStreetMap old-timers contributed them around the time OpenStreetMap was also forming.

Mapping Hacks

Authors: Schuyler Erle, Rich Gibson, Jo Walsh
ISBN: 0596007035
Language: English
Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Inc.; Sebastopol, USA; 2005

Contributions by OSM community include the above and Mikel Maron.

Amazon UK: Mapping Hacks
Amazon DE: Mapping Hacks

Google Maps Hacks

Authors: Schuyler Erle, Rich Gibson
ISBN: 0596101619
Language: English
Publisher: O'Reilly Media, Inc.; Sebastopol, USA; 2006

Contributions by OSM community include Tom Carden, Steve Coast and Mikel Maron

Amazon UK: Google Maps Hacks
Amazon DE: Google Maps Hacks

Web Mapping Illustrated

Author: Tyler Mitchell
Title: Web Mapping Illustrated. Using Open Source GIS Toolkits
Publisher: O'Reilly, June 2005
ISBN: 0-596-00865-1
Language: English

This book describes MapServer and other free software for (more advanced and traditional) geographic information systems (GIS). This is a really good introduction to web-based mapping, though it does require a little prior knowledge about formal GIS techniques/terms - though nothing you cant find on the net.

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Rund ums GPS im praktischen Einsatz

Eine kurze Einführung in die vielfältigen Verwendungsmöglichkeiten von GPS-Geräten und in die dazugehörige Datenauswertung mit kostenloser Software

Eine Anleitung für Anfänger mit vielen praktischen Beispielen.
Hier von Amazon: Rund ums GPS im praktischen Einsatz

Inhaltsverzeichnis und Leseprobe:

Surveying and Mapping

Formelsammlung für das Vermessungswesen

Authors: Franz Josef Gruber, Rainer Joeckel
Language: german
10 edition: (2001)

ISBN: 3-87919-280-4
Publisher: Verlag Konrad Wittwer; Stuttgart

Current: 15 edition (2011)

ISBN: 978-3-8348-1366-4
Publisher Vieweg+Teubner Verlag; Wiesbaden

Has some compact summaries (with math) about geodetic systems, conversion formulas for different coordinate systems.

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Datums and map projections : for remote sensing, GIS, and surveying

Authors: Jonathan Iliffe Language: English ISBN: 1870325281 Publisher: Whittles Publishing

Does what it says on the tin. "Datums and Map Projections" is an excellent introduction to the sometime rather obscure world of geodessy. The book contains thourough but concise explanations of Map Projections, Transformations, GPS, D-GPS, Kinematic GPS and related issues. The volume includes practical examples (from the Isle of Wight of all places) of transformation and projection issues and lists numerous formulas and equations for Geodetic calculations.

If you want to know the difference between different projections, how to convert from one co-ordinate system to another, or even just find out why on earth you should care about this sort of thing, you should really read this book!

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Elements of Cartography

Authors: Arthur H Robinson, Joel L Morrison, Phillip C Muehrcke, A Jon Kimerling, Stephen C Guptill
ISBN 0-471-55579-7
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons

The standard work. A little dry, but covers pretty much every subject related to cartography even if not always in the greatest depth.

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Designing Better Maps - a Guide for GIS Users

Author: Cynthia A Brewer
ISBN 1-58948-089-9
Publisher: ESRI Press

Excellent new hands-on guide to cartographic design. Though published by ESRI, the book will be useful for all, not just ArcGIS users. Includes a very handy appendix of colour swatches (e.g. for hill shading) with RGB and CMYK values.

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Spatial databases -- A tour

Authors: Shashi Shekhar , Sanjay Chawla
Publisher: Prentice Hall

Talks about what you might want to extend an SQL database with to get a spatial database.

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Attack Surface

Author: Cory Doctorow
ISBN 978-1-250-75753-1 (hardcover)
ISBN 978-1-250-75752-4 (ebook)
eISBN 9781250757524
Language: English
Publisher: Tom Doherty Associates
Book Webpage:
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This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.