CERN, Europe
latitude: 46.2344, longitude: 6.04594
Browse map of CERN 46°14′03.84″ N, 6°02′45.38″ E
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CERN is a physics center in Europe at latitude 46°14′03.84″ North, longitude 6°02′45.38″ East.

Actual locations

1. CERN Site de Meyrin, located in Meyrin (Canton de Genève, Switzerland) and Saint-Genis-Pouilly (Département de l'Ain, France). The main headquarters are located in Meyrin.

2. CERN Site de Prévessin, located in Prévessin-Moëns and Saint-Genis-Pouilly (France).

There are several other sites in the area in both countries for specific facilities.

Location of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)

The LHC covers a much larger area, with most of it located in France; it is built under several other communes in Switzerland (Collex-Bossy) and France (Versonnex, Cessy, Échenevex, Crozet and Sergy); three other communes in France (Chevry, Ségny, Maconnex) are also enclosed in this area and are hosting facilities connected to the LHC.

The two main rings of the LHC are connected through the France-Switzerland boundary, in the main site of Meyrin between CERN Point 1 (Atlas) and CERN Point 18:

The larger "LHC" ring is way #310046324, and the smaller SPS ring is way #66473762.

Other important parts of the complex, not shown in this map but known on OSM, include:

  • Proton Synchrotron (PS), way #174646428, connected to SPS via way #317804190 (TT2-TT10)
  • Proton Synchrotron Booster (PSB), way #309914733, connected to PS via way #317804187
  • Detectors and facilities directly connected, mapped (TODO: put node/area IDs here)
  • LHC-SPS east link (TI8), way #317804189
  • SPS-North facility link, way #66473761
  • LHC-SPS west link (TT60-TI2), way #317804188

Areas not yet mapped include smaller accelerators such as the many Linear accelerators (Linac) and the Antiproton decelerator (AD), the lesser-known experiments (AWAKE and n-TOF), the east facility, as well as paths leading from/to them.

All ways through which the particles pass through must be tagged as highway=corridor with a negative layer=*. (See for discussion.) Doing so makes the complex invisible on the usual map rendering, although they are still visible in the humanitarian map mode as thin white lines. The most accessible way is to display them in Overpass API (click the steering wheel to run):

out body;

Public Transportation

See Unireso.

For LHC complex:

  • UKRI's diagram - Newer than the attached one; has a few more names for transfer lines
  • cern-accelerators-optics - Semi-internal website with technical drawings and some CAD files; contains information down to individual lines
    • Mentions some minor connections not seen in the general diagram
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