< DE:All in one Garmin Map

DE:All in one Garmin Map/Garmin Types

Garmin Types


Type Garmin Default Mapped OSM-Feature Rendering (Day) Rendering (Night) Resolution Layer
0x03 City (Rural housing area) place=village
... ... 18 1
0x04 Military base military=airfield
... ... 18 2
0x05 Parking Lot amenity=parking ... ... 21 4
0x08 Shopping Center amenity=supermarket
... ... 21 5
0x09 Marina leisure=marina
... ... 18 2
0x0a University/College amenity=college
... ... 20 3
0x0b Hospital amenity=hospital ... ... 20 3
0x0c Industrial complex landuse=industrial ... ... 20 3
0x12 ? highway=pedestrian ... ... 22 3
0x13 Man made area (Building) building=* ... ... 23 6
0x14 National park natural=heath ... ... 20 5
0x15 National park/forest natural=wood ... ... 18 3
0x16 National park leisure=nature_reserve ... ... 18 3
0x17 City Park leisure=common
... ... 20 5
0x18 Golf course leisure=golf_course ... ... 20 5
0x19 Sport complex leisure=pitch
... ... 18 5
0x1a Cemetery amenity=grave_yard
... ... 20 5
0x2a ? landuse=farm
... ... 20 5
0x2b ? landuse=farmyard ... ... 20 5
0x2c ? landuse=vineyard ... ... 20 5
0x2d ? landuse=quarry ... ... 20 4
0x2e ? tourism=camp_site ... ... 20 5
0x32 Sea natural=sea ... ... 18 5
0x35 ? landuse=village_green
... ... 20 5
0x3c Lake (large) natural=water ... ... 20 6
0x3d Lake (large) natural=beach ... ... 18 3
0x3f Lake (medium) landuse=reservoir
... ... 20 6
0x46 River (major) waterway=riverbank ... ... 20 6
0x4d Glaciers natural=glacier ... ... 16 5
0x4e Orchard or plantation landuse=allotments ... ... 20 5
0x4f Scrub natural=scrub ... ... 20 5
0x50 Woods/Forest landuse=forest ... ... 18 3
0x51 Wetland/swamp natural=marsh
... ... 20 5


Type Garmin Default Mapped OSM-Feature Rendering (Day) Rendering (Night) Resolution
0x01 Major HWY - thick highway=motorway
... ... 12
0x02 Principal HWY - thick highway=trunk
... ... 16
0x03 Principal HWY - medium highway=secondary
... ... 19
0x04 Arterial Road - medium highway=tertiary
... ... 20
0x05 Arterial Road - thin highway=unclassified ... ... 20
0x06 Road - thin highway=residential
... ... 22
0x07 Alley - thin highway=service ... ... 22
0x08 Ramp - thin highway=construction
highway=* & construction=*
... ... 21
0x09 Ramp - thin highway=* ... ... 21
0x0a Unpaved Road - thin highway=track
... ... 22
0x0c Roundabaut - thin junction=roundabout ... ... 16-21
0x0d Pedestrian area highway=footway
... ... 22
0x0e Trail highway=track & tracktype=grade1 ... ... 22
0x0f Major trail highway=track & tracktype=grade2 ... ... 22
0x10 ? highway=track & tracktype=grade3 ... ... 22
0x11 ? highway=track & tracktype=grade4 ... ... 22
0x12 ? highway=track & tracktype=grade5 ... ... 22
0x13 Steep track highway=steps ... ... 22
0x14 Railroad railway=rail ... ... 17
0x15 Shoreline natural=coastline ... ... 12
0x16 Trail highway=cycleway ... ... 22
0x17 ? highway=bridleway ... ... 23
0x18 Stream waterway=stream ... ... 22
0x1a Ferry route=ferry ... ... 18
0x1f River waterway=drain
... ... 22,21,18
0x27 Airport Runway aeroway=runway ... ... 20
0x28 Pipeline man_made=pipeline ... ... 22
0x29 Powerline power=line ... ... 22
0x31 ? natural=cliff ... ... 22
0x32 ? barrier=wall
... ... 24
0x33 ? barrier=fence ... ... 24
0x34 ? barrier=hedge ... ... 24
0x38 ? aerialway=chair_lift
... ... 24
0x39 ? railway=light_rail
... ... 23


Type Sub-Type Garmin Default Mapped OSM-Feature Icon Resolution Oregon POI
0x04 00 City4 - Large City place=city ... 17 Städte
0x08 00 City8 - Medium City place=town ... 18 Städte
0x0a 00 City10 - Small City place=suburb ... 20 Städte
0x0b 00 City11 - Small City place=village ... 20 Städte
0x11 00 city17 place=hamlet ... 20 Städte
0x20 00 Exit highway=motorway_junction ... 22 ...-...
0x21 0f Exit with services highway=services ... 22 ...-...
0x2a 00 Dining(Other) / Dining(Cafe/Diner) amenity=restaurant ... 24 Essen & Trinken
0x2a 01 Dining(American) cuisine = american ... 24 Essen & Trinken / Amerikanisch
0x2a 02 Dining(Asian) cuisine = asian ... 24 Essen & Trinken / Asiatisch
0x2a 03 Dining(Barbecue) cuisine = barbecue ... 24 Essen & Trinken / Barbecue
0x2a 04 Dining(Chinese) cuisine = chinese ... 24 Essen & Trinken / Chinesisch
0x2a 05 Dining(Deli/Bakery) cuisine = greek ... 24 Essen & Trinken / Feinkostladen
0x2a 06 Dining(International) cuisine = international ... 24 Essen & Trinken / International
0x2a 07 Fast Food amenity=fast_food ... 24 Essen & Trinken / Schnellimbiss
0x2a 08 Dining(Italian) cuisine = italian ... 24 Essen & Trinken / Italienisch
0x2a 09 Dining(Mexican) cuisine = mexican ... 24 Essen & Trinken / Spanisch
0x2a 0a Dining(Pizza) cuisine = pizza ... 24 Essen & Trinken / Pizzeria
0x2a 0b Dining(Sea Food) cuisine = sea_food
cuisine = fish
... 24 Essen & Trinken / Meeresfrüchte
0x2a 0c Dining(Steak/Grill) cuisine = steak_house ... 24 Essen & Trinken / Steak/Grill
0x2a 0d Dining(Bagel/Donut) cuisine = donut ... 24 Essen & Trinken / Gebäck
0x2a 0e Dining(Cafe/Diner) amenity=cafe ... 24 Essen & Trinken / Kaffee
0x2a 0f Dining(French) cuisine = french ... 24 Essen & Trinken / Französisch
0x2a 10 Dining(German) cuisine = german ... 24 Essen & Trinken / Deutsch
0x2a 11 Dining(British Isle) cuisine = british ... 24 Essen & Trinken / Britisch
0x2a 12 speciality-food-products cuisine = vegan ... 24 Essen & Trinken / Spezialitäten
0x2a 13 other cuisine = vegetarian ... 24 ...-...
0x2a 14 other cuisine = regional
cuisine = traditional
... 24 ...-...
0x2a 15 other cuisine = burger ... 24 ...-...
0x2a 16 other cuisine = chicken ... 24 ...-...
0x2a 17 other cuisine = crepe ... 24 ...-...
0x2a 18 other cuisine = curry ... 24 ...-...
0x2a 19 other cuisine = kebap
cuisine = döner
cuisine = turkish
... 24 ...-...
0x2a 1a other cuisine = fish_and_chips
... 24 ...-...
0x2a 1b other cuisine = noodle
... 24 ...-...
0x2a 1c other cuisine = pie ... 24 ...-...
0x2a 1d other cuisine = sandwich ... 24 ...-...
0x2a 1e other cuisine = savory_pancakes ... 24 ...-...
0x2a 1f other cuisine = sushi ... 24 ...-...
0x2b 00 Hotel(Other) tourism=hotel ... 24 Unterkunft / Alle Kategorien
0x2b 01 Hotel/Motel tourism=motel ... 24 Unterkunft / Hotel/Motel
0x2b 02 Bed&Breakfast inn tourism=guest_house ... 24 Unterkunft / Bed & Breakfast
0x2b 03 Camping/RV-Park tourism=camp_site ... 24 Unterkunft / Campingplatz/WoMo
0x2b 04 Resort tourism=resort ... 24 Unterkunft / Urlaubsort
0x2b 06 Hotel(Other) tourism=hostel ... 24 nur über alle POIs,
kein Symbol in Map
0x2b 07 Hotel(Other) tourism=caravan_site ... 24 nur über alle POIs,
kein Symbol in Map
0x2b 08 Hotel(Other) amenity=shelter
... 24 ...-...
0x2b 09 Hotel(Other) tourism=chalet ... 24 ...-...
0x2c 01 Amusment Park tourism=theme_park ... 24 Attraktionen / Vergnüg.-/Themenpark
Freizeit / Vergnüg.-/Themenpark
0x2c 02 Museum/History historic=archaeological_site
... 24 Attraktionen / Museum/Hist.Sehensw.
0x2c 03 Libraries amenity=library ... 24 Gemeinde / Bibliothek
0x2c 04 Attractions(Land Mark) tourism=attraction ... 24 Attraktionen / Sehenswürdigkeit
0x2c 05 School amenity=college
... 24 Gemeinde / Schule
0x2c 06 Park leisure=park ... 21 Freizeit / Park/Garten
0x2c 07 Zoo amenity=zoo
... 24 Attraktionen / Zoo/Aquarium
0x2c 08 Sportcenter,Stadion,Race leisure=pitch
... 21 Freizeit / Arena/Rennbahn
0x2c 09 Hall/Auditorium amenity=concert_hall ... 24 Attraktionen / Saal/Auditorium
0x2c 0a winery tourism=wine_cellar
... 24 Attraktionen / Weingut
0x2c 0b place-of-worship amenity=place_of_worship ... 23 Gemeinde / Andachtsort
0x2c 0c Hot Spring ... ... ... Attraktionen / Heiße Quelle
0x2c 0d ? historic=castle ... 24 Attraktionen / Moschee
0x2c 0e ? historic=ruins ... 24 Attraktionen / Kirche
0x2c 0f ? historic=monument ... 24 Attraktionen / Tempel
0x2c 10 ? historic=memorial ... 24 Attraktionen / Synagoge
0x2c 11 ? amenity=place_of_worship & religion=jewish ... 24 ...-...
0x2c 13 ? tourism=viewpoint ... 24 nur über alle POIs "Aussicht",
kein Symbol in Map
0x2c 14 ? man_made=lighthouse ... 24 nur über alle POIs "Leuchtturm",
kein Symbol in Map
0x2c 15 ? man_made=windmill ... 24 nur über alle POIs "Windmühle",
kein Symbol in Map
0x2c 16 ? man_made=surveillance ... 24 nur über alle POIs,
kein Symbol in Map
0x2c 17 ? man_made=gasometer ... 24 nur über alle POIs,
kein Symbol in Map
0x2c 18 ? man_made=works ... 24 nur über alle POIs,
kein Symbol in Map
0x2c 19 ? man_made=water_tower ... 24 nur über alle POIs,
kein Symbol in Map
0x2c 1a ? man_made=survey_point ... 24 nur über alle POIs,
kein Symbol in Map
0x2c 1b ? amenity=prison ... 24 nur über alle POIs,
kein Symbol in Map
0x2d 01 Theatre amenity=theatre ... 24 Unterhaltung / Theater
0x2d 02 Bar amenity=nightclub ... 24 Unterhaltung / Bar/Nachtclub
0x2d 03 Cinema amenity=cinema ... 24 Unterhaltung / Kino
0x2d 04 Casino amenity=casino
... 24 Unterhaltung / Casino
0x2d 05 Golf leisure=golf_course ... 24 Freizeit / Golfplatz
0x2d 06 Skiing Center sport=skiing ... 24 Freizeit / Skizentrum/Skiort
0x2d 07 Bowling sport=9pin
... 24 Freizeit / Bowling-Center
0x2d 08 Ice-Skate sport=skating ... 24 Freizeit / Eisbahn
0x2d 09 Swimming sport=swimming ... 24 Freizeit / Schwimmbad
0x2d 0a sports-fitness-center sport=multi
... 24 Freizeit / Sport-/Fitnesscenter
0x2d 0b Public Sport Airport ... ... ... Freizeit / Öffentl. Sportflugplatz
0x2d 0c ? sport=soccer ... 24 ...-...
0x2d 0d ? sport=volleyball ... 24 ...-...
0x2d 0e ? sport=basketball ... 24 ...-...
0x2d 0f ? sport=table_tennis ... 24 ...-...
0x2d 10 ? sport=tennis ... 24 ...-...
0x2d 11 ? sport=team_handball ... 24 ...-...
0x2d 12 ? sport=boules ... 24 ...-...
0x2d 13 ? sport=dart ... 24 ...-...
0x2d 14 ? sport=archery ... 24 ...-...
0x2d 15 ? sport=diving ... 24 ...-...
0x2e 00 shopping shop=butchers
... 24 ...-...
0x2e 01 Department Store shop=department_store ... 24 Einkaufen / Kaufhaus
0x2e 02 Grocery shop=bakery
... 24 Einkaufen / Lebensmittel
0x2e 03 General Merchandiser shop=general ... 24 Einkaufen / Gemischtwaren
0x2e 04 Shopping-Center shop=mall ... 24 Einkaufen / Einkaufszentrum
0x2e 05 Pharmacie amenity=pharmacy ... 24 Einkaufen / Apotheke/Drogerie
0x2e 06 Convenience shop=convenience ... 24 Einkaufen / Bedarfsartikel
0x2e 07 apparel shop=clothes ... 24 Einkaufen / Bekleidung
0x2e 08 house-and-garden shop=garden_centre ... 24 Einkaufen / Haus und Garten
0x2e 09 home-furnishings shop=furniture ... 24 Einkaufen / Wohnungseinrichtung
0x2e 0a Speciality Retail ... ... ... Einkaufen / Einzelhandel
0x2e 0b computer-software shop=computer ... 24 Einkaufen / Computer/Software
0x2e 0c shopping (other) shop=? ... 24 nur über alle POIs,
kein Symbol in Map
0x2e 0d shopping (other) shop=? ... 24 nur über alle POIs,
kein Symbol in Map
0x2e 0e shopping (other) shop=? ... 24 nur über alle POIs,
kein Symbol in Map
0x2e 0f shopping (florist) shop=florist ... 24 Einkaufen/Florist
0x2e 10 shopping (other) shop=supermarket
... 24 nur über alle POIs,
kein Symbol in Map
0x2e 11 shopping (other) shop=bicycle ... 24 nur über alle POIs,
kein Symbol in Map
0x2e 12 shopping (other) shop=optician ... 24 nur über alle POIs,
kein Symbol in Map
0x2e 13 shopping (other) shop=toys ... 24 nur über alle POIs,
kein Symbol in Map
0x2e 14 shopping (other) shop=video ... 24 nur über alle POIs,
kein Symbol in Map
0x2e 15 shopping (other) shop=outdoor ... 24 nur über alle POIs,
kein Symbol in Map
0x2e 16 shopping (other) shop=beverages
... 24 nur über alle POIs,
kein Symbol in Map
0x2e 17 shopping (other) shop=books ... 24 nur über alle POIs,
kein Symbol in Map
0x2e 18 shopping (other) shop=electronics ... 24 nur über alle POIs,
kein Symbol in Map
0x2e 19 shopping (other) shop=laundry
... 24 nur über alle POIs,
kein Symbol in Map
0x2e 1a shopping (other) shop=kiosk ... 24 nur über alle POIs "Kiosk",
kein Symbol in Map
0x2e 1b shopping (other) shop=hifi ... 24 nur über alle POIs,
kein Symbol in Map
0x2e 1c shopping (other) shop=chemist ... 24 nur über alle POIs,
kein Symbol in Map
0x2e 1d shopping (other) shop=motorcycle ... 24 nur über alle POIs,
kein Symbol in Map
0x2e 1e shopping (other) shop=shoes ... 24 nur über alle POIs,
kein Symbol in Map
0x2e 1f shopping (other) shop=sports ... 24 nur über alle POIs,
kein Symbol in Map
0x2f 01 auto-fuel amenity=fuel ... 22 Tankstellen
0x2f 02 Auto Rental amenity=car_rental ... 24 Autoservice / Autovermietung
Beförderungsmittel / Autovermietung
0x2f 03 Auto Repair shop=car_repair ... 24 Autoservice / Autoreparatur
0x2f 04 Air Transportation aeroway=aerodrome ... 23 Beförderungsmittel / Luftverkehr
0x2f 05 post-office amenity=post_office ... 24 Gemeinde / Postamt
0x2f 06 Bank/ATM amenity=atm
... 24 Gemeinde / Bank/Geldautomat
0x2f 07 Autohandel shop=car
... 24 Autoservice / Händler/Autoteile
0x2f 08 Bus Station railway=halt
... 22 Beförderungsmittel / Bahn-Landverkehr
0x2f 0a Auto Wrecker ... ... .. Autoservice / Schrottplatz
0x2f 0b Parking amenity=parking ... 22 Autoservice / Parkmöglichkeit
0x2f 0c Rest Area ... ... ... Autoservice / Rastplatz/Besucherinfo
0x2f 0d Automobile Club ... ... ... Autoservice / Automobile Club
0x2f 0e Car Wash amenity=car_wash ... 24 Autoservice / Autowaschanlage
0x2f 0f Garmin Dealer ... ... ... Andere / Garmin Händler
0x2f 16 Truck Stop ... ... ... Autoservice / Truckstop
0x2f 17 Transit Service amenity=bus_station
... 23 Beförderungsmittel / Bahn-Landverkehr
0x2f 18 ? amenity=post_box ... 24 nur über alle POIs "Briefkasten",
kein Symbol in Map
0x2f 19 ? amenity=recycling ... 24 nur über alle POIs "Abfall",
kein Symbol in Map
0x30 00 public amenity=public_building ... 24 ...-...
0x30 01 Police station amenity=police ... 24 Gemeinde / Polizeistation
0x30 02 Hospital amenity=hospital ... 22 Krankenhäuser
0x30 03 city-hall amenity=townhall ... 24 Gemeinde / Rathaus
0x30 04 Court amenity=courthouse ... 24 Gemeinde / Gericht
0x30 05 Community Centre ... ... ... Gemeinde / Gemeindezentrum
0x30 06 Border Crossing (barrier=border_control) ... ... Gemeinde / Grenzübergang
0x30 07 Government Office ... ... ... Gemeinde / Regierungsstelle
0x30 08 fire-department amenity=fire_station ... 24 Gemeinde / Feuerwehr
0x30 1a ? amenity=doctors ... 24 ...-...
0x30 1b ? amenity=dentist ... 24 ...-...
0x30 1c ? amenity=veterinary ... 24 ...-...
0x43 00 Marina leisure=marina ... 24 ...-...
0x46 00 Bar amenity=pub ... 24 ...-...
0x46 01 ? amenity=biergarten ... 24 ...-...
0x4a 00 Picnic Area tourism=picnic_site ... 24 keine Suche über POIs,
nur Symbol in Map
0x4a 01 ? amenity=bench ... 24 ...-...
0x4c 00 Information tourism=information ... 24 ...-...
0x4c 01 ? amenity=guidepost
tourism=information & information=guidepost
... 24 ...-...
0x4e 00 Restroom amenity=toilets ... 24 keine Suche über POIs,
nur Symbol in Map
0x4e 01 amenity=shower
amenity=toilets & shower=yes
fehlt 23 ...-...
0x51 00 Telephone amenity=telephone ... 24 keine Suche über POIs,
nur Symbol in Map
0x56 01 ? highway = speed_camera ... 24 keine Suche über POIs,
nur Symbol in Map
0x58 01 restricted-area military=bunker ... 24 ...-...
0x59 00 Airport aeroway=airport ... 24 ...-...
0x5d 00 Daymark,Green Square noexit=yes ... 24 ...-...
0x64 03 Cemetery amenity=grave_yard ... 24 ...-...
0x64 06 Crossing highway = crossing ... 24 ...-...
0x64 11 Tower man_made=tower ... 24 Geografische Punkte / Gebäude
0x64 14 Drinking Water amenity=drinking_water ... 24 Geografische Punkte / Gebäude
oder über alle POIs "Trinkwasser"
0x64 17 ? amenity=hunting_stand ... 24 Geografische Punkte / Gebäude
oder über alle POIs "Jägerstand"
0x64 18 ? amenity=grit_bin ... 24 Geografische Punkte / Gebäude
0x65 0a Glacier natural=glacier ... 21 ...-...
0x65 0c Island place=island ... 20 ...-...
0x65 11 Spring natural=spring ... 23 Geografische Punkte / Gewässerarten
0x65 11 Swamp natural=wetland ... 23 Geografische Punkte / Gewässerarten
0x66 04 Beach natural=beach ... 23 Geografische Punkte / Landnutzung
0x66 07 Cliff natural=cliff ... 23 ...-...
0x66 0e Lava natural=volcano ... 23 ...-...
0x66 16 Summit natural=peak ... 23 Geografische Punkte / Landnutzung
0x66 19 ? natural=cave_entrance ... 23 Geografische Punkte / Landnutzung
oder über alle POIs "Höhle"
0x70 00 ? highway=gate
... 24 ...-...
0x70 01 ? highway=bollard
... 24 ...-...
0x70 02 ? barrier=cycle_barrier ... 24 ...-...
0x70 03 ? barrier=cattle_grid ... 24 ...-...
0x70 04 ? barrier=toll_booth ... 24 ...-...
0x72 00 ? power=generator ... 24 ...-...
0x72 01 ? power=tower ... 24 ...-...
0x72 02 ? power=generator & power_source=wind ... 24 ...-...
0x72 03 ? power=generator & (power_source=hydro
... 24 ...-...
0x72 04 ? power=generator & (power_source=nuclear
... 24 ...-...
0x72 05 ? power=generator & (power_source=biofuel
... 24 ...-...
0x72 06 ? power=generator & (power_source=photovoltaic
... 24 ...-...

Please note

Die Oregon POI Liste ist anhand der OpenGTT Übersetzung erstellt: http://garminoregon.wikispaces.com/OpenGTT
Ich empfehle darin die folgenden Suchbegriffe zu ändern, um zu obiger Liste besser zu passen.
TXT_Arena_Track_STR: Arena/Rennbahn => Sportplatz
TXT_Church_STR: Kirche => Ruine
TXT_Deli_Bakery_STR: Feinkostladen/Bäckerei => griechisch
TXT_Home_Furnishings_STR: Wohnungseinrichtung => Möbelgeschäft
TXT_Mosque_STR: Moschee => Schloss
TXT_Hotel_Motel_STR: Hotel/Motel => Motel
TXT_House_and_Garden_STR: Haus und Garten => Gartencenter
TXT_Synagogue_STR: Synagoge => Gedenkstätte
TXT_Temple_STR: Tempel => Monument
-- Walter 2009-11-14, 2009-11-29

This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.