WikiProject Import WDB

Importing the CIA WDB files

wdb2osm is an 0.5-compatible import script for converting CIA World Database data to osm.

Using the script

Please get the script from SVN: browser/applications/utils/import/wdb2osm.

Next, get the data from

Extract the archive you are interested in and run the script (e.g. perl ./ WDB/europe-body).

This will give you lots of osm files which you should upload via osm.

The precise tagging schema for national boundaries is yet to be finalized (See the Talk page), but for the moment, please use:

  • <tag k="boundary" v="administrative" />
  • <tag k="source" v="CIA World database II" />
  • <tag k="wdb:source" v="CIA World database II - <Areaname> <segment nr>" />, e.g. <tag k="source" v="CIA WDB Europe segment 4" />
  • <tag k="left:country" v="Name of the country LEFT of the boundary (relative to arrow direction)" />
  • <tag k="right:country" v="Name of the country RIGHT of the boundary (relative to arrow direction)" />

Since revision 5190, those tags are automatically added to the generated osm file. Please be sure to replace the ???? placeholders with the appropiate values.

Optionally, you can add

  • <tag k="border_type" v="nation" />


  • Edirne on the border of Turkey / Greece:


  • Import, tag, verify
  • Define a Relation type for boundaries
  • automatically add tags to the generated OSM file

People uploading data

Hakan, Jrreid, Mikes, sege, Stefanb, ...

This was used to import

  • the Norwegian border towards Sweden, Finland and Russia.
  • the Turkish borders
  • Slovenian borders towards Italy, Austria, Hungary (WDB is old, so it doesn't yet contain border with Croatia, or any other new border since 1990)

Status colours

This shall be a collaborative page, where everyone can report the import status of the single segments. Import status might be :

  •         : RED : Not imported yet
  •         : YELLOW : Import running
  •         : ORANGE : Import finished, correctness not verified, tagging maybe also needed
  •         : GREEN : Import finished, correctness verified by spot tests.
  •         : BLUE : Already imported from different source

Segment lists


Europe uploads got too big for this list, please find it on its own subpage


Asia uploads got too big for this list, please find it on its own subpage


Africa uploads got too big for this list, please find it on its own subpage

North America

Segment Nr Status Importer Users working on GPS Coordinates Border between
1         Jrreid Gulf of Alaska at 54.7N to 55.9N Canada (BC) - United States (Alaska)
2         Jrreid 55.9N to 58.4N Canada (BC) - United States (Alaska)
3         Jrreid 58.4N to 60.3N Canada (BC) - United States (Alaska)
4         Jrreid 60.3N to Arctic Ocean at 69.6N Canada (Yukon) - United States (Alaska)

South America

I did not log the data which border line comes frome which segment. All borders are imported and tagged.

Segment Nr Status Importer Users working on GPS Coordinates Border between
        Mikes from Soth to -54.92 -67.2 Chile - ?????
        Mikes from South to -54.92 -67.2 Argentina - ?????
        Mikes -54.92 -67.2 to -22.7 -67.17 Chile - Argentina
        Mikes -22.7 -67.17 to -17.5 -69.5 Chile - Bolivia
        Mikes West to -17.5 -69.5 Chile - Peru
        Mikes -22.7 -67.17 to -22.25 -62.65 Argentina - Bolivia
        Mikes -22.25 -62.65 to -25.64 -54.51 Argentina - Paraguay
        Mikes -25.64 -54.51 to -30.2 -57.63 Argentina - Brasil
        Mikes -30.2 -57.63 to SE Argentina - Uruguay
        Mikes SE to -30.2 -57.63 Uruguay - Brasil
        Mikes -30.2 -57.63 to -20.15 -58.15 Brasil - Paraguay
        Mikes -20.15 -58.15 to -22.25 -62.65 Paraguay - Bolivia
        Mikes -20.15 -58.15 to -10.94 -69.67 Brasil - Bolivia
        Mikes -10.94 -69.67 to -17.5 -69.5 Bolivia - Peru
        Mikes -4.27 -69.9 to 1.22 -66.89 Brasil - Colombia
        Mikes 1.22 -66.89 to 5.2 -60.72 Brasil - Venezuela
        Mikes 5.2 -60.72 to 1.93 -56.46 Brasil - Guyana
        Mikes 1.93 -56.46 to 2.33 -54.54 Brasil - Suriname
        Mikes 2.33 -54.54 to 4.04 -51.68 Brasil - Guyane
        Mikes 2.33 -54.54 to 5.77 -53.95 Guyane - Suriname
        Mikes 1.93 -56.46 to 5.52 -57.25 Suriname - Guyana
        Mikes 5.2 -60.72 to 8.54 -59.95 Guyana - Venezuela
        Mikes 1.22 -66.89 to 11.85 -71.3 Venezuela - Colombia
        Mikes -4.27 -69.9 to -0.12 -75.27 Colombia - Peru
        Mikes -0.12 -75.27 to 1.5 -78.86 Colombia - Ecuador
        Mikes -3.37 -80.36 to -0.12 -75.27 Ecuador - Peru
        Mikes 8.65 -77.41 to 7.26 -77.88 Colombia - Panama
This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.