< Foundation < AGM13

Foundation/AGM13/Proxy Voting

If you cannot cast your vote in person at the AGM, you can vote by e-mail using a procedure called "proxy voting"; it is not a real e-mail vote but instead you ask someone else (an OSMF board member) to vote on your behalf and according to instructions you have given them.

Proxy voting opens on 26 August 2013 at 9:00 UTC, and closes on 03 September 2013 at 22:00 UTC.

The review of our current AoA has shown us that proxy voting requires a little more text than the voting emails we had in recent years; that's why this year's instructions are a bit more complex.

Note on Item 7: due to a late detected issue with the wording of the title of this item the effect of this resolution could be misunderstood. The resolution removes the voting limitation to natural persons for both members and associate members and not just associate members. The intention is to accept incorporated entities only as associate members.

What you can vote on

There are three agenda items that require a vote:

Item 5 - Election to Board

Here you can vote for up to three candidates from the list (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Foundation/AGM13/Election_to_Board) by writing down their names. The order in which you write down the names does not matter. If you write down more than three names, your vote does not count for this agenda item.

Item 6 - Adoption of new Articles of Association

Write one of "Yes", "No", or "Abstain". Anything that is not clearly "Yes" or "No" counts as "Abstain".

Item 7 - Amendment of the new articles allowing non-natural persons to vote as associate members

Write one of "Yes", "No", or "Abstain". Anything that is not clearly "Yes" or "No" counts as "Abstain".

How to vote

Proxy voting is handled by Matt Amos from the OSMF board, and by Robert Barr and Derick Rethans who have volunteered as independent scrutineers. Apart from these three people, nobody is going to see your vote; they will independently count the votes, sum them up, and relay the sums to the in-person vote at the AGM.

Send an e-mail to the following address:


Be sure to include the independent scrutineers in the Cc of your message. A message that does not include the Cc is ignored:


The e-mail body must be the following (replace placeholders written in ALL CAPS with your name and vote):

Proxy and Voting Instructions

for the  OpenStreetMap Foundation Annual General Meeting to be
held on Saturday the 7th September in Birmingham, UK

The undersigned


acting as member of the company hereby appoints

Mr Matt Amos

as his/her proxy to represent him/her at the Annual General Meeting
and to vote in respect of the items on the agenda for the meeting, 
in the manner set out below:

Item 5 - Election to Board


Item 6 - Adoption of new Articles of Association


Item 7 - Amendment of the new articles allowing non-natural persons to 
vote as associate members


The e-mail must be received at the given address no later than 22:00 UTC on 03 September, 2013.

If you send multiple e-mails, then every new e-mail invalidates the previous one.

This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.