GNS Import for Yemen and Others

This wiki page explaind importing 'GEOnet Names Server (GNS)' data by user حبيشان in many countries including: Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Chad, Djibouti,Sudan,Mauritania.


The main Goals of importing 'GEOnet Names Server (GNS)' is:

  1. Adding new names.
  2. Correcting previous importing (in case of Yemen, Saudi Arabia).

Import Data


Data source site:
Data license: Public
as in There are no licensing requirements or restrictions in place for the use of the GNS data. ODbL Compliance verified: yes

OSM Data Files

The data files of imported countries are located in compressed country file contains some csv data files. The files structure explained in

Import Type

The Data imported by auto modifying an JOSM file and then open it in JOSM then uploading it via JOSM.

Data Preparation

Data Reduction & Simplification

  1. First I prepared as local PostgreSQL server with PostGIS, fuzzystrmatch and hstore extensions.
  2. I downloaded OSM country data from
  3. I downloaded GNS country data from
  4. I imported OSM data to local postgreSQL database in a separate table.
  5. I imported GNS data to separate table in the local database.
  6. Because GNS data make a separate record for every name. And many features have more than one name so I splitted GNS table to tow tables one for the features (I called 'gns_f') and another for the names (I called 'gns_n'). the feature in GNS data identified by 'UFI' column and the name identified by 'UNI' column.
  7. I created another table for selected names (I called names) for the feature, in this table I used the OSM name tags ('name','name:ar','name:en','alt_name'...) to identify names and prepare to import it to OSM.
  8. All names in GNS data are imported to 'names' table I put the most ranked name (by column 'NAME_RANK' in GNS data) in 'name' tag and the others in 'alt_name' tag separated by semicolon.
  9. If the name is Arabic and written in Latin script I try with simple function to rewrite it with Arabic script if the function returned a full Arabic name I put in main 'name' tag in the Arabic countries.
  10. After that I try to Link present OSM data with GNS Data to avoid duplication of features.
  11. In first stage I try to link by location and name. The linked features does not go to the next stage.
  12. In next stages I try to link location +-(0.0001) degree in latitude and longitude and the name. and so on to +-(0.0004)...
  13. I use fuzzystrmatch for matching names in some cases of linking.
  14. After that I create a modify JOSM xml file for the present OSM data with linking with GNS id and adding new alt_names and I uploaded the modified elements.
  15. After I created a new JSOM xml file with the new elements are not present in current OSM Data and I uploaded it.

Tagging Plans

Feature Tags

These are main Feature Designation Codes 'dsg' and Equivalent tags I used in importing:

GNS DSG code GNS DSG name OSM tags Notes
ADM1 first-order administrative division place=state

or other debends of the wiki page of the county

most of this feature are present in OSM data before importing
ADM2 second-order administrative division place=district in Yemen not imported in other countries
AMD3 third-order administrative division place=locality in Yemen Not imported in other countries
ADMF administrative facility office=government

if English name contains "ministry" then government=ministry

Only imported in Yemen
AIRF, AIRB airfield, airbase aeroway=airfield


AIRP airport aeroway = aerodrome
AIRQ abandoned airfield aeroway = airfield

military = airfield disused = yes

AREA area place=locality
BAY bay natural = bay
BCH beach natural = beach
BUTE butte(s) natural = peak
CAPE cape natural = cape
CAVE cave(s) natural=cave_entrance
CLF cliff(s) natural=cliff
CMP camp(s) place=camp
CMTY cemetery landuse = cemetery
CTHSE courthouse amenity=courthouse
DAM Dam waterway = dam
DPR depression(s) place = locality
DUNE dune(s) natural = dune
FRM farm place = farm
GAP gap natural = saddle
GATE gate historic = city_gate
GRGE gorge(s) natural = gorge
HDLD headland natural = peninsula
HLL hill natural = peak
HLLS hills natural = peak
HSE house(s) building = house
HSP hospital amenity= hospital

healthcare= hospital

HSPC clinic amenity = clinic

healthcare = clinic

HSTS historical site If name contains "hisn"

historic = castle


historic = archaeological_site

HTL hotel tourism = hotel
INLT inlet natural = bay
ISL island place=island
ISLS islands place = archipelago
LCTY locality place = locality
LK lake

natural=water + water=lake

place = locality fixme = "This is a lake imported from GNS, draw as area, copy tags from node, and tag it as natural=water and water=lake, and clear place=locality tag, delete the node"

LKI intermittent lake(s)

natural=water + water=lake + intermittent=yes

place = locality

fixme = "This is an intermittent lake imported from GNS, draw as area, copy tags from node, and tag it as natural=water and water=lake and intermittent=yes, and clear place=locality tag, delete the node"

LTHSE lighthouse man_made = lighthouse
MKT market amenity = marketplace
MRSH marsh(es) natural=wetland + wetland=marsh

place = locality

fixme = "This is marsh imported from GNS, draw as area, copy tags from node, and tag it as natural=wetland + wetland=marsh, and clear place=locality tag, delete the node"

MSQE mosque amenity = place_of_worship

religion = muslim

MT mountain natural = peak
MTS mountains natural = mountain_range
MUS museum tourism = museum
OAS oasis(-es) place = hamlet
PASS pass mountain_pass = yes

fixme = Must be part of way

PEN peninsula natural = peninsula
PK peak natural = peak
PLAT,PLN plateau,plain(s) place = locality
PND pool(s) natural=water + water=pond

place = locality

fixme = "This is water pond imported from GNS, draw as area, copy tags from node, and tag it as natural=water and water=pond, and clear place=locality tag, delete the node"

PNDI pool(s) natural=water + water=pond + intermittent=yes

place = locality

fixme = "This is intermittent water pond imported from GNS, draw as area, copy tags from node, and tag it as natural=water and water=pond and intermittent=yes, and clear place=locality tag, delete the node"

POOL pool(s) natural=water + water=pond

place= locality

fixme = "This is water pool imported from GNS, draw as area, copy tags from node, and tag it as natural=water and water=pond, and clear place=locality tag, delete the node"

PP police post amenity = police
PPL populated place place = hamlet In Yemen some places I have the population of it so it classified as in Yemen Wiki page

In other countries I do not have population data as I suppose that the cites and towns and villages are present before in OSM so I tag it as hamlets

PPLF farm village place = hamlet
PPLA captial of a first-order administrative division place = town I do not tag it as city because I suppose that all cities is present before in OSM
PPLA2 captial of a first-order administrative division place = town
PPLL populated locality place = hamlet
PPLQ abandoned populated place place = locality
PPLX section of populated place place = suburb
PRK park leisure = park
PROM promontory(-ies) natural = peak
PRN prison amenity = prison
PT point natural = cape
RESF forest reserve leisure=nature_reserve

place = locality

fixme = "This is forest reserve imported from GNS, please draw the area, copy tags from node, add landuse=forest + leisure=nature_reserve, clear place=locality, delete the node"

RF reef(s) natural = reef
RGN region place = region
RK,RKS rock,rocks natural = rock
RSVT water tank man_made= storage_tank

content= water

RUIN ruin(s) historic = ruins
RVN ravine(s) natural = gorge
SALT salt area landuse = salt_pond
SAND sand area natural = sand
SBKH sabkha(s) landuse = salt_pond
SCH school amenity = school
SCHC college amenity = college
SCRP escarpment natural = cliff
SHOL shoal(s) natural = shoal
SPNG spring(s) natural=spring
SPNT hot spring(s) natural=hot_spring
SQR square place=square
STDM stadium leisure=stadium
STM, STMX stream waterway=stream


fixme="This is stream must be drawn as way (Note that the node is in mouth of stream), copy tags from node, and tag it as waterway=stream(or river), and clear place=locality tag, delete the node"

STMI intermittent stream waterway=stream + intermittent=yes


fixme="This is intermittent stream must be drawn as way (Note that the node is in mouth of stream), copy tags from node, and tag it as waterway=stream(or river) and intermittent=yes, and clear place=locality tag, delete the node"

STRT strait natural=strait
TMB tomb(s) historic=tomb
TRB tribal area place=locality
TRGD interdune trough(s) place=locality
UPLD upland place=locality
VAL valley natural=valley
VLC volcano natural=volcano
WAD wadi natural=valley

fixme="It is better to draw the Wadi as way (Note that the node is in mouth of wadi), copy tags from node, and tag it as waterway=river and intermittent=yes clean natural=valley tag"

WADX section of wadi natural=valley

fixme="It is better to draw the Wadi as way (Note that the node is in mouth of wadi), copy tags from node, and tag it as waterway=river and intermittent=yes clean natural=valley tag"

WLL well man_made=water_well
WLLQ abandoned well man_made=water_well


WTLD wetland natural=wetland


fixme="This is wetland imported from GNS, please draw the area, copy tags from node, tag it as natural=wetland, clear place=loacality, delete the node"

WTRH waterhole(s) natural=water + water=pond


Some tags updated after discuss in imports mailing list.

Referencing Tags

And I added these tags to all imported and linked nodes:


This key is set to 'UFI' column in GNS table. It is important to include this tag for possible future revising and to avoid reimporting the same feature to OSM.


This key is set to 'DSG' column in GNS csv table. It is important to include this tag for possible future revising. And if there any mistakes in tagging can be corrected from other users easily. 'DSG' column in GNS table contains 2-5 characters abbreviated the feature name so I also include:


This key is set to the name of the feature. The name is clearer to understand than the 'DSG' code. I got it from

Changeset Tags

Changesets as source is GNS.

Data Transformation

Data Transformation Results

Working with GNS Caveats

What I did with GNS Caveats listed GEOnet_Names_Server:

Once a name is put into the database, it is never removed unless it is an obvious duplicate. This means that there are many, many names that have no modern significance.

GNS data has the columns help to select the best name from names. 'NAME_RANK' and 'NM_MODIFY_DATE' so I select the most ranked and most recent names to 'name' key. all others wree put in 'alt_name'. In case of Yemen I also used 2004 census data published by 'Central Statistical Organisation' data to pick the most used names. In Case of Saudi Arabia I used list of towns form 2010 census published in to pick the correct names.

The geographical resolution is often very coarse, from experience features can often be two to three kilometres from their actual locations.

This in some little old data. I put it as it for future fixing by another users.

Places where people live are generally just classifies as "PPL", Populated Place. This can be anything from a city to what is now just a farm house.

See "PPL" in tagging table

There is a small but significant amount of entries that are inaccurate or plain wrong:
mistranscriptions, places that are listed as in one country but actually somewhere else completely.

There are tow reasons of this:

  1. In case of naturals (seas, montains, deserts ...) GNS puts the location in the center of feature. This feature will be listed if all countries that contains a part of it for example "Rub` al Khali Desert" is loacted in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman and UAE but the center is in Saudi Arabia.
  2. In case bounrdies are not accurate.

* If you use not only the approved data, but also spelling variants and so on, you have often more than one node with the same coordinates, containing each of them another spelling variant. You might then want to download a perl file (and edit it to your needs) which the Russian community used to merge the gns info into one node.

How wrote this caveat does not understand the GNS data structure see there are a Identifier for the feature "UFI" and Identifier for the name "UNI" all columns are related to the feature exept (UNI, NT, LC, SHORT_FORM,GENERIC, SORT_NAME_RO, FULL_NAME_RO, FULL_NAME_ND_RO, SORT_NAME_RG, FULL_NAME_RG, FULL_NAME_ND_RG, NAME_RANK, NAME_LINK, TRANSL_CD, NM_MODIFY_DATE) which realted to the name.

Data Merge Workflow





See also

This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.