< Humanitarian OSM Team

Humanitarian OSM Team/Board Elections 2014

Humanitarian OSM Team Board elections 2014

Previous Board

The previous HOT Board consisted of Pierre Béland, Nicolas Chavent, Schuyler Erle, Heather Leson, Mikel Maron, Joseph Reeves, and Harry Wood. See 'our board' page on the HOT site for descriptions.

Nominations for Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team Board

All seven seats are open every election cycle as defined in our bylaws. The nomination period for the Board of Directors is open until the close of the day, midnight PST, on Sunday, February 23 2014. The election of the Board will be on the following week (of February 24) and it will end to the Annual meeting, Monday March 3, 1PM UTC. It will be likely be held via Mumble, see emails for any updates.

The Nomination Period is Closed

Name Nomination /
Nationality/Residence Why are they awesome? Notes
Mikel Maron Robert Banick USA / Washington, D.C. Mikel has contributed to HOT in virtually every way possible since founding it. Mikel brings a good mix of technical nous, strategic vision and organizational know-how to HOT. Whether as a coder, mapper, advocate, organizer, board member or field coordinator Mikel has shown a consistently high level of passion and talent for advancing the work of HOT. As a former Board Member for OSM Foundation he also has a good grip on the larger OSM community and HOT's place within it. Write up on Mikel's views for the year ahead in this diary entry, Running for the HOT Board As a new parent Mikel is now grounded in Washington and has nothing to distract him from slaving away on HOT's behalf :-).
Heather Leson Russell Deffner / Dale KunceCanada / Toronto Heather lives and breathes our mission and brings a wealth of knowledge on successes and failures in humanitarian, crisis-mapping, and open source world(s). During her first year on the board, Heather did not hesitate to take on the most difficult of challenges for any non-profit organization: creating an effective organizational structure and fundraising (of course outreach/community building I have taken the liberty to lump into this). Although improvements have begun, our organization needs continued focus on these areas, so I standby Heather and support her appeal to continue serving on our Board of Directors. You can follow Heather at http://textontechs.com.
Schuyler Erle John Crowley / Dale Kunce USA/SF Schuyler's level-headed approach to the management of HOT has been instrumental to working through conflict, finding reasonable solutions, and balancing community with technology and operations. The challenges HOT will face over the next year would greatly depend on minds and hearts like Schuyler's. He has field experience in Haiti, helped build the idea of OpenAerialMap, and can help connect HOT with key individuals at the UN, industry, and governments. Schuyler lives in San Francisco, where he is one of the founders of Idabon, a crowdsourcing startup.
Joseph Reeves Fran Boon UK/Oxford Joseph has served the Board for a year as secretary and is well placed to continue this work for another term, during which he is committed to increasing transparency and openness within the organisation, working with others to boast our core funding and developing member rights and responsibilities. Joseph has field experience in Indonesia and has taught OSM in Sarajevo; during 2013 Joseph was once of the organisers of the HOT Hack Week.
Severin Menard Russell Deffner France / Varies It is with great pleasure that I nominate Severin Menard as a candidate for the HOT Board of Directors. Having traveled to Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia together, I can tell you that Severin brings true passion and dedication to our mission; and not often from the comfort of his own home. As far as experience working (mapping) in a variety of cultures, climates, and environments of disaster, conflict, and economic strife; he is among the paramount of our organization. Severin’s passion, dedication, and experience speaks for itself; but as we have also become friends, I am happy to support Severin’s desire to help guide this organization from a seat on our board! I was pleased to hear from Severin that he was interested in a seat on the board, being so active in the field, I wasn't sure he would be; but I think it is time this organization capture all that knowledge; what better way than electing Severin to the board!
Harry WoodJoseph Reeves / Heather LesonUnited KingdomHarry Wood has been heavily involved in OpenStreetMap since the early days, as a mapper, developer, documenter, wiki gardener, and communicator within the community, bringing these skills to humanitarian mapping as a coordinator and motivator of the volunteer mapping community.
Claire Halleux Pierre Béland Belgium / Democratic Republic of Congo, Kinshasa After working on geolocated information management during disasters from a United Nations agency headquarters, Claire was also sent for data collection and mapping to several countries.

She contributed to the development and the coordination of the Common geographic referential of DRC and is the focal point of OSM in DRC. She contributed to make a shift of our action in Activations to work more closely with the humanitarian organizations and develop the mutual capacity to provide field data in the context of major crisis, this in very challenging environments. For the Kivus DRC Activation in 2012-2013, she coordinated with OCHA and the humanitarian organizations. Meanwhile, she develops a OSM community in Kinshasa including young and older Congolese and expatriated people willing to participate to their country development and crisis exit.

Claire is a new parent grounded into effective action with both OSM and HOT. :)
Nicolas Chavent Leonard Doyle / Stéphane Henriod France / Varies I am happy to support Nicolas in his run for the HOT Board Of Directors. Nico has been a driving force within the HOT since late 2007. As a precursor of HOT (prior founding it in 2010), and as a GIS Officer at the United Nations (UNJLC/WFP), Nicolas worked across the UN system and with GIS NGOs promoting OSM as the solution for open baseline and non sensitive humanitarian geodata. Since the Haiti earthquake in January 2010, Nicolas has been primarily working at field level with hotties and locals building a thorough and strong territorial base for HOT in the form of autonomous and resilient local OSM groups in Haiti and Africa (Senegal, Chad, Burkina, Togo). He recently created an inspiring flat, low-cost but with high impact model to assure continued amplification of OSM in developing countries among local VTCs and Academics. In parallel, Nicolas has ensured that any crisis (especially the forgotten ones) post Haiti received HOT attention through direct/indirect support. Asides from this, he has made a strong academic contribution in Brittany and Paris lecturing on HOT/OSM. His extensive field experience and inner knowledge of the Humanitarian and Development systems are needed in the Board of HOT in the coming year.

Nicolas is probably one of the most committed persons I have ever met. He works extremely professionally and with a deep sense of respect for his colleagues and partners. Having so much field experience, he also is very pragmatically solution-oriented.

Pierre Béland Frédéric Bonifas Canada / Montréal Since is first contribution to HOT in January 2010 for the Haiti disaster, Pierre volunteered in various ways, both technically, organizing activities, being involved in Working Groups and writing updates about our various actions. Pierre has field experience both in Haiti and Senegal. And Pierre is Board Member since January 2013.

Since the Kivu Crisis, in DRC in 2012, Pierre has been a key person during HOT Activations. It was for him a constant concern 1. to build effective and motivated teams 2. to remain constantly linked with other humanitarian organizations and 3. to advance the practice of activations (TM descriptions, Image Recognition based TM Hosting imagery, Communications).

His organizational and technical knowledge, his experience and significant volunteered engagement in this organization, his capacity to coordinate with various organizations, are such assets for our organization.

Jaakko Helleranta Mikel Maron / Stéphane Henriod Finnish / Nicaragua

Nominations for Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team Chair of Voting Members

For the first time, we also have to nominate one person for the Chair (of voting members). The nomination and the election of the Chair will follow the schedule of the Board as detailed above.

The nomination period is now closed.

Name Nomination /
Nationality/Residence Why are they awesome? Notes
Russell DeffnerSeverin MenardUSA / Bailey, COA GIS consultant with IT background, Russell has previously been a wild land firefighter. In Colorado, is a rewarded American Red Cross Volunteer for Disaster Preparedness and Response, an advisor for the "I love u guys" foundation, and a massive OSM contributor (check this!) and passionate promoter, locally and globally. For having worked together in Mongolia in not ideal conditions, I can testify Russell is a very good trainer, with impressive writing skills, super committed and ready to solve any unexpected situation that may happen and, most of all, he is a great person, always joyful and friendly, yearning at discovering the people and the world around.Who could represent better all the skills involved in HOT and the open, generous spirit of OSM and so, the HOT membership as a chairman?

OSM Team/Elections 2014 Results.

The results for Board Members, in order of the nomination

There are a total of 55 voters in this poll.

Candidate Number of Votes
Mikel Maron36
Heather Leson29
Schuyler Erle31
Joseph Reeves23
Severin Menard31
Harry Wood33
Claire Halleux36
Nicolas Chavent27
Pierre Béland24
Jaakko Helleranta44

The results for "Vote for Chair of Voting Members"

Russell Deffner received 41 votes in support for Chair of Voting Members

He reached the required number votes.

The results for "Accept the Code of Conduct"

There are 47 votes accepting the Code of Conduct.

9 people did not accept the Code of Conduct.

By majority decision, the Code of Conduct is accepted.

Past Elections

See the main page of HOT Board Elections for information on past elections.

    This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.