< Humanitarian OSM Team

Humanitarian OSM Team/Board Elections 2015

Humanitarian OSM Team Board elections 2015

Previous Board of Directors

The 2014 HOT Board consisted of Jaakko Helleranta (President), Schuyler Erle (Treasurer), Heather Leson (Secretary), Harry Wood, Severin Menard and Claire Halleux. See 'our board' page on the HOT site for descriptions. Board Meeting Minutes can be reviewed here

  • Note: Mikel Maron was elected and served as President until stepping down to avoid any potential conflict with US Presidential Fellowship position in December 2014. Jaakko was temporarily appointed President (originally appointed VP) It was decided not to hold a special election to replace Mikel and his seat would remain vacant until the 2015 election.

Nominations for Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team Board of Directors

All Board seats are open every election cycle as defined in our bylaws, currently set at seven (7). The nomination period for the Board of Directors closes at the end of Thursday, 12 March 2015 (23:59 UTC). The election of the Board will be via ballot which voting members should receive by 13 March 2015, contact the Chair or election committee if you do not receive your ballot. The ballot must be submitted by 23:59 UTC on 27 March 2015 and election results will be read and ratified at the 2015 Annual Meeting of the HOT voting members (date to be determined).

The nomination period is NOW CLOSED. The nomination period was open until 23:59 UTC 12 March 2015.

Candidate Name Nominator /
Why are they awesome? Notes
Severin MenardRussell Deffner
Blake Girardot
France/VariesSeverin Menard is one of the most dedicated, passionate and experienced members of HOT. He continues to impress me with his performance in difficult work situations (mapping and community building) in a variety of cultures, climates, and environments of disaster, conflict, and economic transition. His knowledge is a great wealth to HOT and it has shown in his first term on the Board of Directors. If you review the Board meeting minutes of this term, you will find that Severin, maybe more than any other Director, has championed for more member and community input, openness of Board meetings and decisions of Directors, and inclusivity in general. He truly wants HOT to engage, support and elevate locals in the communities we work in to become highly effective contributors to our mission and have a say in its governance.Severin's Manifesto

OSM Wiki Profile
OSM Profile
Heather LesonBlake GirardotCanadian/ Lives in Doha (Qatar)Heather is a dedicated and tireless HOT member but most importantly, she always expresses and represents what to me are the core values of HOT: Altruism, inclusiveness, genuine respect for every person and peacefulness.Heather is a currently serving Board member. Read Heather's statement .
Mark CupittHeather LesonAussie
(Permanently Residing
in the Philippines)
Mark is a very active HOT member who although is relative new, has been involved in many HOT activities over the past 14 months, including Hot Mail List Moderation, Typhoon Ruby Activation Coordinator, multiple Working Groups and active Software Development. Mark is an experienced businessman who has worked at CEO and General Manager Levels.Read Mark's Full Board Nomination Statement. 7 Marks HOT Profile
Dale KunceMark CupittUS / DCDale's passion for HOT, OpenStretMap and GIS related Humanitarian work is to be admired. The American Red Cross is an active partner with HOT on many activation's and Dale is generally the contact for all HOT related initiatives. I worked with Dale on the Typhoon Ruby Activation and he was active, involved and willing to make decisions. Dale would bring to the HOT board an insight from a Partners perspective. Apart from his mapping skills, Dale is keen to see HOT evolve and grow and to build strategic relationships with new and existing partners. With his American Red Cross Experience and Missing Maps Experience, he is well suited to helping HOT expand on the achievement's of the last two years.Read Dale's Statement.
Joseph ReevesHarry WoodBritish / UKI'm delighted to see Joseph running for the board. In his manifesto he sets out a clear vision for HOTs future while understanding the need to build upon the organisational work already done, and structures already in place. I know he has arrived at this understanding through extensive experience of the organisation, having served on the board already, and also having worked for HOT in the field. It's this experience which will make Joseph an excellent board member.

In addition Joseph has some important suggestions for candidates in this election (and voters deciding between these candidates). See his "voters manifesto".

Blake GirardotMark CupittUS / SwitzerlandBlake is one of the unsung, behind the scenes hero's, of HOT. He is involved in most of the Working Groups, is a tireless worker and is passionate about HOT, it's direction and future. Blake is a thinker and considers all options before reaching a decision and would provide a steady hand and balancing influence on the HOT Board. Letter of Candidacy
Nama BudhathokiKate ChapmanNepal/NepalNama would be a great asset to the HOT board. He has contributed significant work academically to the body of OpenStreetMap research and locally in Nepal as Executive Director of Kathmandu Living Labs. His local experience living and working in an area at high risk of disaster is just the additional perspective that the HOT Board needs.My Manifesto
Nicolas ChaventSeverin MenardFrance/FranceNicolas is one of the founding members of HOT, the first humanitarian worker, if I am not wrong, to be convinced by the potential of OSM to solve one issue no organization could have solved so far: get detailed, shareable and easily updated baseline data of crisis and developing contexts, from both the crowd and the local people. From then, he has been advocating, training, organizing the first HOT Activations, and above all, building local, autonomous OSM communities in Haiti, Chad, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Togo, Ivory Coast, etc. If you have some interest or background in GIS, community building, development or crisis response, he is definitely a mind-changing person to meet, and he has been a real inspiration for me since I have been introduced to HOT by him in 2011. Until 2013, Nicolas was the HOT Acting Project Director when HOT had one and a former Board member. Having his vision, talent, knowledge, experience and total commitment back in the board would be a fantastic asset for HOT.Nicolas' statement

OSM Wiki Profile
OSM user profile
Jorieke VynckeBlake GirardotBelgian/Bamako,MaliJorieke is exactly the kind of person I think we will be lucky to have sit on our Board. She is an enthusiastic supporter of local OSM communities and backs up her talk with action and field work! Her on the ground experience empowering local groups and helping build capacities around the world will be priceless to HOT as we work to increase out support and encouragement of local HOT and OSM groups. One does not need to work with Jorieke for very long to appreciate her dedication, enthusiasm and professionalism.nomination statement Jorieke
Jaakko HellerantaRussell DeffnerFinnish / NicaraguaHaving had the pleasure to work directly with Jaakko Helleranta this year; he as the ‘Chair’ (VP then President) of the board, and I of the voting members, I am pleased to nominate Jaakko for a second term. His continued leadership on the board would be a huge asset during this time of transition for HOT. I know it was a difficult decision due to a variety of reasons for Jaakko to run again, he has a true appreciation for the commitment it will take to support the needs of the organization while expanding the opportunities for the community to be involved in our growth.HOT Profile
Pierre BélandFrédéric Moine
Fofana B. Bazo
Canada/CanadaPierre continuous engagement for HOT humanitarian actions since 2010 is an inspiration for many of us. His technical knowledge, experience and organizational capacities are real assets for our organization. He has been constantly active around HOT activations, he participated to field capacity missions, to the elaboration of learning material, he developped various tools and contributed to the constant updates of our softwares. On top of this he was a Board director in 2013.

Since 2012, his professionalism leading the major activations with other core leaders had a significant impact on our organization. The current Ebola OpenStreetMap Response, after Haiti in 2010, is a new reference for the role of the volunteers in the response to major disasters. OSM is the DeFacto map for this international response and the international community recognizes the significant role played by our community over the last year in West Africa. This opened doors for more collaboration, or facilitated access to resources such as the 200 000 USD donation by the Hewlett Foundation, all of these allowing to deepen the impact of remote HOT crisis activations for both Humanitarian and Development actors as well as local communities.

Having Pierre back in the Board of Directors would be highly beneficial for the Organization in this year of transition.

Pierre Statement

OSM User profile Conferences (Slideshare)

Current Chairperson for the Voting Members

The current Chairperson is Russell Deffner. Membership Meeting Minutes can be reviewed here

Nominations for Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team Chair

We also elect one person for the Chair (for the voting members). The nomination and the election of the Chair will follow the schedule of the Board as detailed above.

The nomination period is NOW CLOSED. The nomination period was open until 23:59 UTC 12 March 2015.

Candidate Name Nominator /
Why are they awesome? Notes
Russell DeffnerBlake Girardot
Mark Cupitt
US/USAs a relatively new member of the HOT Community I have seen first hand how Russ reaches out to newcomers and supports them in learning about HOT. From my working group experience I also got a chance to see his dedication to HOT and its mission. He sets aside significant amounts of time to work on HOT related issues, often taking on difficult and uninteresting but important tasks related to how HOT functions as an organization. He actively works to be a bridge between the membership and our Executive Board and I have always found him available (within reason ;) to answer questions, explain things and support members. In short Russ has shown himself to be dedicated and very capable in the role of Chair for the Voting Members and I am quite confident HOT and the membership will continue to grow and strengthen with Russ as Chair.

MarkC: Russ has shown an enthusiasm for and willingness to address the Governance issues facing HOT. He has made significant steps in improving the Governance Process and it is appropriate IMHO to have him continue this thankless task.
Russ has been serving admirably as Chair for the Voting Members for the past year. Email soliciting nomination Russell Deffner

HOT Elections 2015 Results.

The results for Board Members, in order of the nomination

There are a total of eighty-one (81) voters (HOT voting members submitted their ballot) in this poll. Two abstentions, resulting in a majority of 40 votes to be elected.

Candidate Number of Votes
Severin Menard45
Heather Leson54
Mark Cuppitt39
Dale Kunce38
Joseph Reeves25
Blake Girardot60
Nama Budhathoki50
Nicolas Chavent29
Jorieke Vyncke58
Jaakko Helleranta58
Pierre Béland36

The results for Chairperson

There are a total of eighty-one (81) voters (HOT voting members submitted their ballot) in this poll. There were 14 abstentions, resulting in 33 needed votes for election.

Candidate Number of Votes
Russell Deffner67

The results for Other Ballot Initiatives

There were no initiatives on the 2015 Ballot.

Past Elections

See the main page of HOT Board Elections for information on past elections.

    This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.