< Humanitarian OSM Team

Humanitarian OSM Team/Board Elections June 2015

Humanitarian OSM Team Board elections 2015

Previous Board of Directors

The 2015 HOT Board up until this election consisted of Heather Leson (President), Blake Girardot (Vice President), Jorieke Vyncke (Secretary), Jaakko Helleranta (Treasurer), Nama Budhathoki, and Severin Menard.

Nominations for Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team Board of Directors

At the conclusion of the Annual Meeting there remained one (1) vacant Board seat. The nomination period for the Board of Directors closes at the end of 18 June 2015 (23:59 UTC). The election of the Board seat will be via ballot which voting members should receive by 20 June 2015, contact the Chair or election committee if you do not receive your ballot. The ballot must be submitted by 23:59 UTC on 26 June 2015 and election results will be read and ratified at a Special Meeting of the HOT voting members 27 June 2015.

The nomination period is now CLOSED.

Candidate Name Nominator /
Why are they awesome? Notes
Pierre BélandFredMoineCanada / CanadaPierre expertise and his role in the various HOT activities are great assets for the organization. He contributes to the redisign of the various HOT tools, assuring that they can better support the development of HOT and the support of the various partner organizations. As an Activation coordinator, he has developped over the last years the interface with the international organizations and UN agencies and showed his capacity to manage teams. He organized flexible working groups to respond quickly to major disasters (ie. Hayian/Philippines, West Africa Ebola, Nepal). He has worked with the Red Cross, Medecins sans frontieres, OCHA, WHO, satellite providers and various other organizations, adapting constantly to challenging contexts and new realities, assuring at the same time the quick delivery of OSM Maps & Services.

After Haiti in 2010, the West Africa Ebola and Nepal OSM Responses are new references for the role of the volunteers in the response to major disasters. OSM is the DeFacto map for these international responses and the international community recognizes the significant role played by our community over the last years to support them. This opened doors for more collaboration and facilitated access to resources such as the 200 000 USD donation by the Hewlett Foundation, all of these allowing to deepen the impact of remote HOT crisis activations for both Humanitarian and Development actors as well as local communities.

Pierre can contribute to raise funds and negociate projects with partners to the best interests of HOT. His technical background is also useful to assure to better orient the design of projects and negociations with partners on new projects.

Dale KunceJohn Crowley / Kate Chapman / Mikel Maron / Heather Leson / Joseph ReevesUSA/USAHOT needs the expertise of professional managers who have a proven record in managing teams, raising funds to support community mapping, and experience with building a base of reliable donors. Dale Kunce is that person. He has grown his own team at Red Cross from two to six; co-created a Missing Maps program to link HOT with Medicins Sans Frontiers; managed the development of OpenMapKit to integrate OSM and OpenDataKit; lead GIS operations and HOT integration for the Red Cross for multiple emergencies (e.g., Haiyan, Ebola, Nepal, etc), including field deployments with his team; and is at the core of the flows of imagery and data for our humanitarian deployments and projects in community-based disaster risk reduction. He has raised funding for all this work and built professional programs to manage both the data and integration with local national chapters. I rely on his wise counsel and technical expertise in my own work, and I am not the only one. The Red Cross movement—with 189 national chapters and 15 million volunteers—has designated his team to be the global lead for mapping for the movement during disaster response operations. He is a professional manager and leader who understands how HOT can reach communities at a global scale. It is an honor to nominate him for the HOT board.

HOT Election June 2015 Results.

The results for Board Members, in order of the nomination

There are a total of (seventy-nine) (79) voters (HOT voting members submitted their ballot) in this poll. A majority of affirmative votes is required.

Candidate Number of Votes
Pierre Beland34
Dale Kunce42

Dale Kunce has won the election

Past Elections

See the main page of HOT Board Elections for information on past elections.

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