< JOSM < Plugins < Scanaerial


Windows 10 x64

(for dummies)

  • create temporary TEMP folder (e.g. C:\TEMP )
  • go to TEMP folder (C:\TEMP )

  • Download scanaerial-master.zip and save it to TEMP
  • UnZip the archive to TEMP as scanaerial
    • if you do not have unzip - use WinRAR (Download/Save/Install)
  • move "scanaerial" to any folder that you like (e.g. C:\josm\scanaerial )

  • Download "Python installer" version 2.7.xх "python-2.7.xx.msi" (Yellow button on the top) from www.python.org/downloads and save it to TEMP
  • Install Python (in our example it is installed to C:\josm\python2 )

  • Download "Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7" aka.ms/vcpython27 (83Mb) and save it to TEMP
  • Install "VCForPython27.msi"
    • Installing and Uninstalling. The compiler package is installed only for the current user and does not require administrative privileges by default. To install It for all users of a machine, execute msiexec /i <path to MSI> ALLUSERS=1 using Command Prompt.
    • To remove or repair the compiler package, locate the entry in Programs and Features and select Remove or Repair.
    • Using with Python distribution tools
    • Python package developers should download and use this compiler to produce binary wheels for their Python packages to upload to PyPI. Installing the wheel package, updating to setuptools 6.0 or later, and adding setup.py bdist_wheel upload to your build process will produce the correct files (remember to do this for both 32-bit and 64-bit versions).
    • If a Python package you are installing does not have a wheel, you can install this compiler package on your own machine. Once the compiler is installed and you have updated to setuptools 6.0 or later, you can use pip install to build and install the Python package. If you are managing multiple machines and need to install the Python package on all of them, you should install the wheel package and use pip wheel to produce a wheel that can be installed on machines without requiring this package.

  • REBOOT YOU PC (reboot = no many error is next time)

  • Open in Windows FileExplorer this folder: C:\josm\python2\Scripts\
  • run C:\josm\python2\Scripts\easy_install-2.7.exe
  • run C:\josm\python2\Scripts\easy_install.exe
  • run C:\josm\python2\Scripts\pip2.7.exe
  • run C:\josm\python2\Scripts\pip2.exe
  • run C:\josm\python2\Scripts\pip.exe
  • press [Win+R]
  • powershell
  • cd C:\josm\python2\Scripts\
  • pip install --upgrade setuptools
    • IF "Successfully installed setuptools-xx.x.0" next, ELSE "search error"
    • IF "Requirement already up-to-date: setuptools in c:\josm\python2\lib\site-packages" next, ELSE "search error"
      • IF ERROR = pip : The term 'pip' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.
        • Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
        • At line:1 char:1
        • + pip install --upgrade setuptools --user python
        • + velmyshanovnyi (talk)
        • + CategoryInfo  : ObjectNotFound: (pip:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
        • + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
      • FIX THIS ERROR =
        • Reboot you pc
        • Reinstall Python, and repeat all next step after install Python
  • pip install --upgrade pyproj
    • IF "Successfully installed pyproj-1.9.xx.xx" next, ELSE "search error"
    • FOR manualy install use site PyProj - an interface to the PROJ.4 library for cartographic transformations "pyproj‑‑cp27‑cp27m‑win_amd64.whl"
      • IF ERROR = mt.exe
      • FIX THIS ERROR =
        • ReInstall (Repair) "VCForPython27.msi" from TEMP folder
        • Reboot you pc
        • repeat all next step after RUN powershell

  • close powershell

  • see next text this manual.....
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