< OpenStreetMap Carto

OpenStreetMap Carto/Lines

Symbols Lines Areas



In OpenStreetMap, the major roads of a road network are sorted on an importance scale, from motorway to quaternary road.

Major roads

Drawing Description Wiki page
Motorway, the most important roads in a road network. Equivalent to freeway, Autobahn (Germany), etc. highway=motorway
The link roads (sliproads / ramps) leading to and from a motorway highway=motorway_link
Motorway under construction / Motorway link under construction highway=construction + construction=motorway / highway=construction + construction=motorway_link
Trunks, the most important roads in a road network that aren't motorways highway=trunk
The link roads (sliproads / ramps) leading to and from a trunk highway highway=trunk_link
Trunk under construction / Trunk link under construction highway=construction + construction=trunk / highway=construction + construction=trunk_link
Primary road highway=primary
Connecting slip roads/ramps of primary highways highway=primary_link
Primary road under construction / Primary road link under construction highway=construction + construction=primary / highway=construction + construction=primary_link
Secondary road highway=secondary
Connecting slip roads/ramps of secondary highways highway=secondary_link
Secondary road under construction / Secondary road link under construction highway=construction + construction=secondary / highway=construction + construction=secondary_link
Tertiary road highway=tertiary
Connecting slip roads/ramps of tertiary highways highway=tertiary_link
Quaternary road highway=unclassified

City roads

Drawing Description Wiki page
Residential road highway=residential
Tertiary road under construction / Tertiary road link under construction / Quaternary road under construction / Residential road under construction highway=construction + construction=tertiary / highway=construction + construction=tertiary_link / highway=construction + construction=unclassified / highway=construction + construction=residential / highway=construction (without construction=*)
Residential road only local traffic highway=residential + access=destination
Residential road only private traffic / prohibited to be used by the general public highway=residential + access=private / highway=residential + access=no
Access road (may be also outside of a city) highway=service
Subordinated way in a parking lot / drive-through highway / driveway / slipway highway=service + service=parking_aisle / highway=service + service=drive-through / highway=service + service=driveway / highway=service + leisure=slipway
Access road under construction highway=construction + construction=service
Living street highway=living_street
Living street under construction highway=construction + construction=living_street
Pedestrian street highway=pedestrian
Pedestrian street under construction highway=construction + construction=pedestrian

Roads and ways for non-motorized vehicles

Drawing Description Wiki page
Bridleway highway=bridleway
Cycleway highway=cycleway
Footway / Multi-use path highway=footway / highway=path
Steps highway=steps
Bridleway / Cycleway / Footway / Multi-use path / Steps / Track under construction highway=construction + construction=bridleway / highway=construction + construction=cycleway / highway=construction + construction=footway / highway=construction + construction=path / highway=construction + construction=steps / highway=construction + construction=track

Agricultural and/or forestry roads

Drawing Description Wiki page
Track. Solid surface. highway=track + tracktype=grade1
Track. Mostly solid surface. highway=track + tracktype=grade2
Track. Even amount of solid and soft materials. highway=track + tracktype=grade3
Track. Mostly soft surface. highway=track + tracktype=grade4
Track. Soft surface. highway=track + tracktype=grade5
Track with unknown surface type. highway=track

Miscellaneous roads

Drawing Description Wiki page
Runway aeroway=runway
Taxiway aeroway=taxiway
Way for guided buses highway=bus_guideway
Track (non-motorised) leisure=track
Racetrack (motorised) highway=raceway
Completely unknown road type. Anything from footpath to motorway is possible. This should be temporary, until the road type has been surveyed properly. highway=road
Raceway under construction / Road with unknown classification under construction highway=construction + construction=raceway / highway=construction + construction=road
Pier, Landing stage man_made=pier


Drawing Description Wiki page
Railway for full-sized passenger trains railway=rail
Construction railway railway=construction
Disused railway railway=disused
Railway full-sized passenger trains service segments (Siding track / Yard / Spur track) railway=rail + service=siding / railway=rail + service=yard / railway=rail + service=spur
Narrow gauge railway / Cable-driven inclined railway / Rails of a light rail railway=narrow_gauge / railway=funicular / railway=light_rail
Tram railway railway=tram
Subway railway railway=subway
Preserved railway railway=preserved
Miniature railway railway=miniature
Monorail railway railway=monorail
Railway turntable railway=turntable

Aerial lifts

Drawing Description Wiki page
Chairlift / Drag lift / T-bar lift / J-bar lift / Platter lift / Rope tow lift / Zip line aerialway=chair_lift / aerialway=drag_lift / aerialway=t-bar / aerialway=j-bar / aerialway=platter / aerialway=rope_tow / aerialway=zip_line
Gondola lift / Cable car run / Mixed lift aerialway=gondola / aerialway=cable_car / aerialway=mixed_lift
An aerial lift for goods aerialway=goods


Drawing Description Wiki page
River / Canal waterway=river / waterway=canal
River intermittent / Canal intermittent / River seasonal / Canal seasonal waterway=river + intermittent=* / waterway=river + seasonal=* / waterway=canal + intermittent=* / waterway=canal + seasonal=*
River in tunnel / Canal in tunnel waterway=river + tunnel=yes / waterway=canal + tunnel=yes
Canal in tunnel waterway=canal + tunnel=flooded
Stream / Ditch / Drain waterway=stream / waterway=ditch / waterway=drain
Stream intermittent / Stream seasonal / Ditch intermittent / Ditch seasonal / Drain intermittent / Drain seasonal waterway=stream + intermittent=* / waterway=stream + seasonal=* / waterway=ditch + intermittent=* / waterway=ditch + seasonal=* / waterway=drain + intermittent=* / waterway=drain + seasonal=*
Stream in pipe or tunnel / Ditch in pipe or tunnel / drain in pipe or tunnel waterway=stream + tunnel=yes / waterway=ditch + tunnel=yes / waterway=drain + tunnel=yes
Water slide attraction=water_slide

Water traffic

Drawing Description Wiki page
Ferry route route=ferry


Drawing Description Wiki page
Platform at a bus stop or station / Railway platform highway=platform / railway=platform

Energy supply

Drawing Description Wiki page
Major power line power=line
Minor power line / Path from tee area to the green of a golf course power=minor_line / golf=hole
Overground pipeline man_made=pipeline + location=overground/overhead
Overground gas pipeline man_made=pipeline + location=overground/overhead + substance=gas
Overground oil pipeline man_made=pipeline + location=overground/overhead + substance=oil
Overground water pipeline man_made=pipeline + location=overground/overhead + substance=water
Conveyor system for transporting materials man_made=goods_conveyor


Drawing Description Wiki page
City wall barrier=city_wall / historic=citywalls
Wall / Fence / Chain / Guard rail / Hand rail / Ditch barrier=retaining_wall / barrier=wall / barrier=fence / barrier=chain / barrier=guard_rail / barrier=handrail / barrier=ditch
Hedge barrier=hedge
Breakwater / Groyne man_made=breakwater / man_made=groyne
Weir waterway=weir
Dam waterway=dam


Drawing Description Wiki page
Line of trees natural=tree_row
A straight line cut in a forest man_made=cutline
Cliff natural=cliff
Arete natural=arete
Ridge natural=ridge
Embankment man_made=embankment


Drawing Description Wiki page
National[1] boundary boundary=administrative + admin_level=2
Sub-national boundary (highest level) boundary=administrative + admin_level=3
Sub-national boundary (second-highest level) boundary=administrative + admin_level=4
Sub-national boundary (third-highest level) boundary=administrative + admin_level=5
Sub-national boundary (fourth-highest level) boundary=administrative + admin_level=6
Sub-national boundary (fifth-highest or sixth-highest level) boundary=administrative + admin_level=7 / boundary=administrative + admin_level=8
Sub-national boundary (seventh-highest or eighth-highest level) boundary=administrative + admin_level=9 / boundary=administrative + admin_level=10

See also


  1. In OpenStreetMap, countries are generally recognized as countries if they have an ISO-3166-1 code.
This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.