< OpenStreetBugs layer

OpenStreetBugs layer/Translation


"Fixed Error" : "Fixed Error",
"Unresolved Error" : "Unresolved Error",
"Description" : "Description",
"Comment" : "Comment",
"Has been fixed." : "This error has been fixed already. However, it might take a couple of days before the map image is updated.",
"Comment/Close" : "Comment/Close",
"Nickname" : "Nickname",
"Add comment" : "Add comment",
"Mark as fixed" : "Mark as fixed",
"Cancel" : "Cancel",
"Create OpenStreetBug" : "Create OpenStreetBug",
"Create bug" : "Create bug",
"Bug description" : "Bug description",
"Create" : "Create",
"Permalink" : "Permalink",
"Zoom" : "Zoom"


"Fixed Error" : "Behobener Fehler",
"Unresolved Error" : "Offener Fehler",
"Description" : "Beschreibung",
"Comment" : "Kommentar",
"Has been fixed." : "Der Fehler wurde bereits behoben. Es kann jedoch bis zu einigen Tagen dauern, bis die Kartenansicht aktualisiert wird.",
"Comment/Close" : "Kommentieren/Schließen",
"Nickname" : "Benutzername",
"Add comment" : "Kommentar hinzufügen",
"Mark as fixed" : "Als behoben markieren",
"Cancel" : "Abbrechen",
"Create OpenStreetBug" : "OpenStreetBug melden",
"Create bug" : "Bug anlegen",
"Bug description" : "Fehlerbeschreibung",
"Create" : "Anlegen",
"Permalink" : "Permalink",
"Zoom" : "Zoom"


"Fixed Error" : "Naprawiony błąd",
"Unresolved Error" : "Nierozwiązany błąd",
"Description" : "Opis",
"Comment" : "Komentarz",
"Has been fixed." : "Ten problem został już rozwiązany. Jednakże, może to potrwać kilka dni, zanim obraz mapy zostanie zaktualizowany.",
"Comment/Close" : "Skomentuj/zamknij",
"Nickname" : "Nick",
"Add comment" : "Dodaj komentarz",
"Mark as fixed" : "Oznacz jako rozwiązany",
"Cancel" : "Anuluj",
"Create OpenStreetBug" : "Stwórz OpenStreetBug",
"Create bug" : "Stwórz problem",
"Bug description" : "Opis problemu",
"Create" : "Stwórz",
"Permalink" : "Stały link",
"Zoom" : "Przybliż"


"Fixed Error" : "Erreur corrigée",
"Unresolved Error" : "Erreur non corrigée",
"Description" : "Description",
"Comment" : "Commentaire",
"Has been fixed." : "Cette erreur a déjà été corrigée. Cependant, il peut être nécessaire d'attendre quelques jours avant que l'image de la carte ne soit mise à jour.",
"Comment/Close" : "Commenter/Fermer",
"Nickname" : "Surnom",
"Add comment" : "Ajouter un commentaire",
"Mark as fixed" : "Marquer comme corrigé",
"Cancel" : "Annuler",
"Create OpenStreetBug" : "Créer OpenStreetBug",
"Create bug" : "Ajouter un bug",
"Bug description" : "Description du bug",
"Create" : "Créer",
"Permalink" : "Lien permanent",
"Zoom" : "Zoom"


"Fixed Error" : "Fout verholpen",
"Unresolved Error" : "Openstaande fout",
"Description" : "Beschrijving",
"Comment" : "Kommentaar",
"Has been fixed." : "De fout is al eerder opgelost. Het kan echter nog een paar dagen duren voordat het kaartmateriaal geactualiseerd is.",
"Comment/Close" : "Bekommentariëren/Sluiten",
"Nickname" : "Gebruikersnaam",
"Add comment" : "Kommentaar toevoegen",
"Mark as fixed" : "Als opgelost aanmerken",
"Cancel" : "Afbreken",
"Create OpenStreetBug" : "OpenStreetBug melden",
"Create bug" : "Bug melden",
"Bug description" : "Foutomschrijving",
"Create" : "Aanmaken",
"Permalink" : "Permalink",
"Zoom" : "Zoom"


"Fixed Error" : "Sbaglio coretto",
"Unresolved Error" : "Sbaglio non coretto",
"Description" : "Descrizione",
"Comment" : "Commento",
"Has been fixed." : "Questo sbaglio è già coretto. Forse ci metto qualche giorni per aggiornare anche i quadri.",
"Comment/Close" : "Commenta/Chiude",
"Nickname" : "Nome",
"Add comment" : "Aggiunge commento",
"Mark as fixed" : "Marca che è coretto",
"Cancel" : "Annulla",
"Create OpenStreetBug" : "Aggiunge OpenStreetBug",
"Create bug" : "Aggiunge un sbaglio",
"Bug description" : "Descrizione del sbaglio",
"Create" : "Aggiunge",
"Permalink" : "Permalink",
"Zoom" : "Zoom"

Please check the translation for “Mark as fixed”.


"Fixed Error" : "Eroare rezolvată",
"Unresolved Error" : "Eroare nerezolvată",
"Description" : "Descriere",
"Comment" : "Comentariu",
"Has been fixed." : "Această eroare a fost rezolvată. Totuși este posibil să dureze câteva zile până când imaginea hărții va fi actualizată.",
"Comment/Close" : "Comentariu/Închide",
"Nickname" : "Nume",
"Add comment" : "Adaugă comentariu",
"Mark as fixed" : "Marchează ca rezolvată",
"Cancel" : "Anulează",
"Create OpenStreetBug" : "Crează OpenStreetBug",
"Create bug" : "Adaugă eroare",
"Bug description" : "Descrierea erorii",
"Create" : "Adaugă",
"Permalink" : "Permalink",
"Zoom" : "Zoom"


"Fixed Error" : "Javított hiba",
"Unresolved Error" : "Megoldatlan hiba",
"Description" : "Leírás",
"Comment" : "Megjegyzés",
"Has been fixed." : "Ezt a hibát már javították, azonban eltarthat néhány napig, mire a térkép frissül.",
"Comment/Close" : "Megjegyzés/Bezárás",
"Nickname" : "Becenév",
"Add comment" : "Megjegyzés hozzáadása",
"Mark as fixed" : "Jelölés javítottként",
"Cancel" : "Mégse",
"Create OpenStreetBug" : "OpenStreetBug létrehozása",
"Create bug" : "Hiba létrehozása",
"Bug description" : "Hiba leírása",
"Create" : "Létrehozás",
"Permalink" : "Permalink",
"Zoom" : "Nagyítás"


"Fixed Error" : "Error Corregido",
"Unresolved Error" : "Error sin corregir",
"Description" : "Descripción",
"Comment" : "Comentario",
"Has been fixed." : "Este error ya ha sido corregido. De todas formas, puede que tarde un par de días antes de que la imagen del mapa se actualice.",
"Comment/Close" : "Comentario/Cerrado",
"Nickname" : "Nombre usuario",
"Add comment" : "Añadir comentario",
"Mark as fixed" : "Marcar como corregido",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
"Create OpenStreetBug" : "Crear OpenStreetBug",
"Create bug" : "Crear bug",
"Bug description" : "Descripcion del bug",
"Create" : "Crear",
"Permalink" : "Permalink",
"Zoom" : "Zoom"


"Fixed Error" : "Pataisyta klaida",
"Unresolved Error" : "Neišspręsta klaida",
"Description" : "Aprašymas",
"Comment" : "Komentaras",
"Has been fixed." : "Ši klaida jau pataisyta, bet gali užtrukti kelias dienas, kol žemėlapis bus atnaujintas.",
"Comment/Close" : "Komentuoti/Uždaryti",
"Nickname" : "Slapyvardis",
"Add comment" : "Pridėti komentarą",
"Mark as fixed" : "Pažymėti, kaip pataisytą",
"Cancel" : "Atšaukti",
"Create OpenStreetBug" : "Sukurti OpenStreetBug",
"Create bug" : "Pažymėti klaidą",
"Bug description" : "Klaidos aprašymas",
"Create" : "Sukurti",
"Permalink" : "Nuoroda",
"Zoom" : "Padidinti"


"Fixed Error" : "Lỗi đã sửa",
"Unresolved Error" : "Lỗi cần sửa",
"Description" : "Miêu tả",
"Comment" : "Bình luận",
"Has been fixed." : "Lỗi này đã được sửa. Tuy nhiên, có thể cần chờ vài ngày cho bản đồ được cập nhật.",
"Comment/Close" : "Bình luận/Đóng",
"Nickname" : "Tên hiệu",
"Add comment" : "Thêm bình luận",
"Mark as fixed" : "Đánh dấu sửa",
"Cancel" : "Hủy bỏ",
"Create OpenStreetBug" : "Báo cáo lỗi OpenStreetBug",
"Create bug" : "Báo cáo lỗi",
"Bug description" : "Miêu tả lỗi",
"Create" : "Báo cáo",
"Permalink" : "Liên kết thường trực",
"Zoom" : "Phóng lớn"


"Fixed Error" : "Исправленная ошибка",
"Unresolved Error" : "Неисправленная ошибка",
"Description" : "Описание",
"Comment" : "Комментарий",
"Has been fixed." : "Эта ошибка уже исправлена. Тем не менее, может пройти пара дней, перед тем как карта обновится.",
"Comment/Close" : "Комментировать/Закрыть",
"Nickname" : "Псевдоним",
"Add comment" : "Добавить комментарий",
"Mark as fixed" : "Пометить как исправленное",
"Cancel" : "Отмена",
"Create OpenStreetBug" : "Создать ОпенСтритБаг",
"Create bug" : "Создать сообщение об ошибке",
"Bug description" : "Описание ошибки",
"Create" : "Создать",
"Permalink" : "Постоянная ссылка",
"Zoom" : "Масштаб"


"Fixed Error" : "Fallu correxíu",
"Unresolved Error" : "Fallu ensin correxir",
"Description" : "Descripción",
"Comment" : "Comentariu",
"Has been fixed." : "Esti fallu yá ta correxíu. De toles maneres, pue tardar un par de díes enantes de que s'anueve la imaxe del mapa.",
"Comment/Close" : "Comentariu/Zarráu",
"Nickname" : "Alcuñu",
"Add comment" : "Amestar comentariu",
"Mark as fixed" : "Marcar como correxíu",
"Cancel" : "Encaboxar",
"Create OpenStreetBug" : "Crear OpenStreetBug",
"Create bug" : "Crear bug",
"Bug description" : "Descripcion del bug",
"Create" : "Crear",
"Permalink" : "Enllaz permanente",
"Zoom" : "Zoom"


"Fixed Error" : "Korjattu virhe",
"Unresolved Error" : "Ratkaisematon virhe",
"Description" : "Kuvaus",
"Comment" : "Kommentti",
"Has been fixed." : "Tämä virhe on jo korjattu. Sen päivittyminen kartalle saattaa kuitenkin kestää muutaman päivän.",
"Comment/Close" : "Kommentti/Sulje",
"Nickname" : "Nimimerkki",
"Add comment" : "Lisää kommentti",
"Mark as fixed" : "Merkitse korjatuksi",
"Cancel" : "Peruuta",
"Create OpenStreetBug" : "Luo uusi OpenStreetBug",
"Create bug" : "Luo virhe",
"Bug description" : "Virheen kuvaus",
"Create" : "Luo",
"Permalink" : "Ikilinkki",
"Zoom" : "Zoom"
This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.