

Munich, Germany
Slippy map:
Style website:

openptmap shows public transport lines. Depending on the zoom level, bus and tram lines are displayed in addition to the railway lines.

OpenPtMap no longer exists and it seems to be abandoned.

Motivation and Purpose

Between autumn 2010 and spring 2011 due to hardware problems the very advanced and commonly used Openbusmap had not been fully available any more (unavailable tiles, no data updates). For this reason the author of openptmap was searching for a temporary replacement and finally programmed a simple Slippy Map which shows different means of public transport in different colors. These are the limitations in comparison to Openbusmap:

  • just one interactive function (timetable link for Europe)
  • limited to zoom levels 4 - 17
  • line numbers are attached to the lines in an unordered manner

However, there are some useful new features also:

  • public transport network grid without background available
  • optional backgrounds: Mapnik and CycleMap
  • different background luminances
  • DB railway timetable per mouse click (from zoom 15) - basis: uic_ref, ref_name, name
  • aerial lifts are displayed
  • there is no rendering on request, i.e. you need not to wait for rarely accessed tiles to be rendered

Despite the limitations, the openptmap can be useful in these situations:

  • you added a new pt line to OSM and want to review it
  • you want to get an overview of the pt network without interfering background
  • to find out the departure times of buses/trains at nearby stations


Color Meaning TagDeprecated Tag
black     railway route=train line=rail
green S-Bahn route=light_rail
route=train + ref=S*
blue subway route=subway line=subway
violet tram
red bus route=bus line=bus
dark red trolleybus route=trolleybus
brown aerial lift route=aerialway
pink ferry route=ferry line=ferry

Station Names in OSM Database

In general, the name=* tag is used. For the links to Deutsche Bahn timetables, the uic_ref=* tag is preferred. Bus and tram stations usually do not have a uic number, but they can be identified by the station name, followed by the city name. Example: ref_name=Steintor, Hannover

Map Update

The map is usually updated once a day. You can expect new edits to be displayed within about 12 to 48 hours. There are no updates on the fly, that means, each tile of the public transport layer can be accessed directly because it has already been rendered.

Create your own Map

In case you want to create your own openptmap or use it as a template for a new specialized map, please have a look at the openptmap installation page.

This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.