Pipeline data sources

A page of links to pipeline data sources and maps that are suitable for using as reference material when mapping in OSM.

Background & Technical Information

Data & Maps


Public domain, please credit EIA

Caspian Sea Region

These maps are from the University of Texas library. Unless clearly marked with a copyright logo their maps "are in the public domain. No permissions are needed to copy them. You may download them and use them as you wish."


Public domain, please credit EIA


Iran's Largest Oil Fields also available as GeoTiff & WMS layer
Iran's Major Oil fields also available as GeoTiff & WMS layer
Public domain, please credit EIA

Middle East

This map is retrieved from ParsTimes.com, and is originally from the US Dept. Of Energy (DOE), so is in the public domain.


Public domain, please credit EIA


Public domain, please credit EIA


Public domain, please credit EIA

Sudan and South Sudan

Public domain, please credit EIA

United Arab Emirates

Public domain, please credit EIA


preview this data on the "U.S. Energy Mapping System" slippy map
  • Crude Oil Pipelines
  • Natural Gas Interstate and Intrastate Pipelines
  • NGL Pipelines
  • Petroleum Product Pipelines
Public domain, please credit EIA


Public domain, please credit EIA

Forbidden Data Sources


Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License
  • MAP: Wikimapia by category:
Oil pumping station
Natural gas compressor station
Compressor station
Gas distribution station
Gas valve compound
Oil pipeline
Gas pipeline
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License


This report is copyrighted and "may not be reproduced in full […] When information from NBR publications is cited or quoted, please cite the author and The National Bureau of Asian research." This source cannot be used for OSM because we do not require any further attribution than the one for OpenStreetMap from our data users!


This file is from the old (2014) version of the Australia Geoscience website which was, and still is, licenced under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia. CC-BY is not a suitable license for OSM because we do not require any further attribution than the one for OpenStreetMap from our data users! You can use CC-BY licensed data only if the copyright holder has declared that they are satisfied by attributing him at Contributors page in OSM wiki.


Creative Commons Attribution Non Commerical Share-Alike. Please credit Lex Burman NC-licensed data is incompatible with any OpenStreetMap license now and in future.


"This publication may be reproduced in part for educational or non-profit purposes without special permission of the copyright holder, provided acknowledgement of the source is made." Non-profit-licensed data is incompatible with any OpenStreetMap license now and in future.


Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Please credit Jerome A Paris. Data with share-alike is incompatible with ODbL and cannot be used at OSM!
This article is issued from Openstreetmap. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.