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Potlatch 1/Feedback/Archive 2007

Archived bug reports and suggestions, 2007

  • --Richard B 13:22, 20 November 2007 (UTC)
    • Maybe a bug - maybe an issue with the computer - I've tried Potlatch on another machine to the one I use normally - and the lines representing ways were extremely wide - wide enough that several ways just merged into one - making selecting ways difficult - and matching them up to any Yahoo imagery that may exist underneath impossible. Virtually the entirity of some city centre areas were just grey with ways. Is there a way for a user to change the width that a way displays in the editor? As I said, this isn't a problem with my normal machine.
      • It's an issue with old versions of Flash Player - the single feature of Potlatch that isn't supported by Flash Player pre-v7 is the line scaling. If they update to a modern version of FP it'll work. I really need to add an alert detecting it and pointing that out! --Richard 13:29, 20 November 2007 (UTC)
  • --Astrofreak85 17:37, 11 November 2007 (UTC)
    • when you mark a peak, the key is "point", not ans it should be "landmark"
    • Is it posible to give area outlines an outher colour then grey? espacialy for wood/forest green would be bether
      • ACK: i would like to have more green forrests and more blue lakes. --Alexander.stohr 16:00, 23 December 2007 (UTC)
    • Is it posible to ad "track" to the highway tab, and give it an other colour then grey? maybe darkyellow?
  • -- rulli 16:21, 30 October 2007 (UTC)
    • You can't delete points that were previousely unwayd segments. If I delete them They appear after a minute or so again.
      • It's not actually anything to do with unwayed segments, but yes, there's a known bug that nodes in ways have a tendency to reappear. I'm working on it (and have been for a while) but it's not proving easy to nail down. --Richard 17:39, 30 October 2007 (UTC)
  • Kpalsson 16:33, 15 September 2007 (BST)
    • gpx -> way conversion doesn't work? I went to "my traces" clicked edit beside a gpx track, and then the "convert to a (locked) way button, but nothing happened?
      • It only works on uncompressed GPXs, I'm afraid. That means if you uploaded as a .gz, or the track is more than a week or so old (in which case Tom will have compressed it to save space), it won't work - though I hope to fix this in the future. If it's still not working, let me know the GPX ID and I'll investigate. --Richard 12:10, 17 September 2007 (BST)
        • gpx id =39843 Recorded today, uploaded this evening. Only the easternmost end of this track is new, where it tracks a road heading off south from the main road. I clicked "edit" on the gpx in my listing, and got the welcome screen in potlatch, but the gps track was not loaded (no pale blue lines) and clicking the "Track" button didn't do anything other than make the welcome buttons go away. Kpalsson 22:52, 21 September 2007 (BST)
          • Curious - it works for me (see ). What browser and OS are you using? --Richard 00:06, 22 September 2007 (BST)
            • huh! that link works, and I can see it make a locked way when I press the track button. I then went back to my traces page, and hit the edit link, and it went back to the old behaviour again. Only difference is the order of params in the url. No idea what's going on there. Have you got any information on how to use the locked way that's created? Do you split off the portion you want to keep, and click the lock to unlock that? I'm presuming that the other locked section is then simply discarded when you close potlatch? Kpalsson 17:21, 22 September 2007 (BST)
              • I had the same problem. After a few hours (with a lot of frustration) I opened http://WWW.openstreetmap.org instead of http://openstreetmap.org, and that made the trick for me.Trygvet 23:00, 28 September 2007 (BST)
              • Silly question - you are clicking the "edit" link next to the track, not the tab? But yes: to use the locked way (there may be more than one, depending on whether there were any breaks in your recording), just split and tidy as per usual; then, when you're ready to upload, click the lock to unlock, and deselect the way to upload (as usual). Any locked sections are indeed discarded afterwards. --Richard 19:30, 22 September 2007 (BST)
    • tabbing through adding keys can lose data very quickly. Add a point (or a way) press + to add a tag, enter the key, press tab, enter the value, press tab, tab, tab, tab, and it's all gone! You need to press enter after the value, then click, and no more tabbing!
      • Well spotted, I'll look into that. --Richard 12:10, 17 September 2007 (BST)
    • Sometimes (I have no idea how/why) a whole heap of standlone points are created, occupying the same points as nodes on a way. Just now I selected a way, shift-clicked a connected way to join them, and along with the way, got POIs for every node in the joined way. I've seen this sometimes when I've been extending a way, and just sometimes, towards the end of an extension, I get a few POIs created, and sometimes the way as well, sometimes just the POI. Kpalsson 01:09, 9 October 2007 (BST)
      • I think this is when Potlatch asks the server for nodes/ways in the current bounding box while it's also halfway through writing a way. In this event, the nodes have been written, but not associated with the way yet, causing them to be returned as POIs. I've committed an attempted fix (v0.4a) that will remove them instantly the way is written. --Richard 10:19, 9 October 2007 (BST)
    • I tried 3 browsers (Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Opera), and the conversion worked only on Opera. Maybe you should try Opera if you still have that issue. --HiVoltage 18:29, 24 November 2007 (UTC)
  • Homerjay69 19:17, 10 September 2007 (BST)
    • With the API being really slow at the moment, Potlatch seems to take a long time before it realises it can't write to the database. The "accident" icon doesn't appear, and the "loading ways" string is displayed constantly. Ways which have been entered retain their -ve number, and aren't saved. Is there a timeout which can be reduced, or would there be a way to force Potlatch to retry a connection to the server? Edit 14 September 2007 - just read the keyboard shortcuts page and see that 'F' does a forced upload. This might be what I was looking for. Edit again 15 September 2007 - 'F' doesn't seem to do too much - I guess this is just high server load?
      • Unfortunately the timeout is hardwired into Flash Player (as far as I know) and I haven't yet managed to find any way to change it. Have been thinking for a week or two about how to fix this but haven't got any answers yet. --Richard 12:10, 17 September 2007 (BST)
  • Rjmunro 12:24, 8 March 2007 (UTC)
    • The Yahoo images seem to have been contrast reduced to make the maps easier to read. This can be harmful to using the yahoo images to trace. Can there be an on/off switch for this (and possibly for Yahoo images in general - perhaps a 3 position switch or even a contrast slider)
    • I haven't tried this, but the FAQ says where ways are combined and their tags have conflicting values, the two will be combined with a '|' symbol. Please change this to ';' to be consistent with other guidelines.
    • Starting and stopping a new way as a T junction to an existing way wasn't obvious. I know that to start, you need to press shift, but only because you showed me when you demoed it at the London mapping weekend. Ending at a T should just mean clicking on the last point again, the same as ending in free space, but that didn't seem to work.
    • Any chance of an undo function, or a save button that you have to press to save your changes, along with a cancel one to undo them? I don't like the idea of every mis-click I make being saved in the database archives for all time.
  • Frsantos 12:18, 8 March 2007 (UTC)
    • Delete point should work with both delete keys: del and supr
    • Icons need tooltips to inform what each one does.
    • I know it is in the faqs, but so that it is written here too: you can't add single nodes.
      • Unless I've gravely misunderstood you, you can now. double click in empty space. Kpalsson 01:07, 9 October 2007 (BST)
    • For bigger zooms, even with high resolution images, no Yahoo imagery is displayed. It could be useful to display always last good imagery, even for a single tile, so that all details can be mapped.
    • I miss the slippy map/JOSM mouse wheel zoom selection.
  • Florian Loitsch wrote on the talk list:
    • under konqueror: I can't insert a new point with shift-insert, but I can start new ways with it.
    • KDE intercepts F1 (and maybe F2) -> can't turn of yahoo imagery.
    • to erase a node one has to use Backspace and not delete (at least under linux).
    • is there a way to change the size of the shown ways? In my area (43.5751 6.9908) the imagery is much better, and I can zoom in a little bit more. But the lines are bigger too, which makes editing harder.
    • is it possible to change the size of the applet?
    • is it possible to turn off the "greying" of the sat-image? (at least temporary)
      • click the "checkbox" icon on the bottom toolbar, and choose yahoo satellite, instead of yahoo satellite (dimmed)
  • User:Sesam
    • Running on the dev-server, delete doesn't work. Keyboard input works (X to split a road) while pushing DEL doesn't show any effect at all.
  • Andrewpmk 04:22, 28 May 2007 (BST)
    • There doesn't seem to be a way to delete ways directly, but it is possible to delete points. It should be possible to delete ways.
    • Escape button serves as both cancel and undo button. Undo should use a different key to avoid accidential undos.
      • Not quite sure where you're drawing the distinction here - Escape is 'revert current edit'.
    • Sometimes Potlatch creates multiple ways along the same route.
      • Hopefully now fixed.
    • There should be a preset for "motorway_link" (slip roads).
      • No problem.
    • The direction of ways should be shown to make creating one way streets easier.
      • Yes, planned future development.
    • Sometimes a way is created that shouldn't be, extending from the top-left or top-right corner to the point being worked on.
      • Interesting. Can you say how to replicate this?
    • Yahoo imagery does not move smoothly when moving the map. Is this a bug in the API?
      • Yes. :(
    • Yahoo imagery does not work at higher zoom levels (it isn't even distorted). Probably an API bug.
      • Also yes, an API feature. The Java applet didn't have this feature but then the Java applet didn't use the API...
    • There is no indication whether the map is fully loaded. As a result, it is easy to accidentally create duplicate ways.
      • "Loading ways" at the top right indicates whether the map is still being loaded or not. --Richard 09:24, 28 May 2007 (BST)
  • User:kmf 11 June 2007
    • If Potlatch can't write to the database, it shows the 'Accident' icon "!". I only found this out after several hours of editng when I found half my ways weren't saved, and after much discussion with Ben. Could the 'can't save' situation pop up a message, or blink, or prevent further edits, and could it have a tooltip so users can tell what "!" means? I was "rather annoyed" to have to redo 1/2 my work.
      • Will have a look - blinking might be the best thing to do and a tooltip is certainly a good idea. When the '!' is displayed, you can click it then click 'Retry' to try uploading again. --Richard 13:40, 22 June 2007 (BST)
        • GercoKees 13:41, 13 September 2007 (BST) Also, place the blinking icon in the upper left corner. My screen is not big enough, so i have to scroll down to see the icon. Placing the icon in the upper left corner will prevent this. An other way is to fit the editor in the screen so that the edit icons in the bottom are always at hand.

--User:andrixnet 14:58, 22 June 2007 (EET)

  • Uploaded GPX file is rendered with a lot of lines all over the place. JOSM shows it ok though. (Pathaway track converted to GPX with GPSBabel)
    • This is usually because you haven't got ascending timestamps in your data. Potlatch requires timestamps so it knows how to draw lines between GPS points, and when to break the lines. --Richard 13:40, 22 June 2007 (BST)
  • Relet
    • Potlatch deletes existing ways as you create and edit new ones. I have not yet found out when exactly, but it seems pretty serious to me. While I edit the roads of Lima, Peru, ways disappear (permanently, I double-checked with JOSM) - which is especially obvious as I am currently creating highways. When one side of an existing highway has disappeared after 10 minutes of editing, something has to be wrong. It might be a failure to save some segments or nodes. -- Relet 16:09, 30 June 2007 (BST)
      • Please let me know when you can reproduce this and explain the circumstances. As it stands there are only two occasions on which Potlatch will delete a way: if the user chooses to delete it, by selecting it and pressing shift-delete; and if the user splits an existing way, in which case the old way is deleted and two new ones created. It could be possible that you split a way, the old way was deleted, and then the two new ones were not uploaded because the server stopped responding. But if that's the case, then you should have the '!' warning at the bottom left.
        • I think that it could well be that it happened while splitting ways. My connection to the server has been good though, and I keep an eye on the path ids before saving. (positive ones indicate that they have been uploaded, isn't it so?). I will try to play around and tell you when I know more.
    • Unnamed ways sometimes receive the name "null" or "; null". -- Relet 16:26, 30 June 2007 (BST)
      • Sorry - what do you mean by 'name'? (The 'name' key with a 'null' value?)
        • Sorry - I meant the name key, with the string value "null" or "; null" - I believe the same goes for the "ref" key, which is also shown by default.
    • Potlatch creates split ways (way-gap-way), possibly as a result of deleting portions of these ways. -- Relet 16:26, 30 June 2007 (BST)
      • It's possible within the OSM data model to have split ways. Potlatch will always try to preserve whatever ways it gets from the database, even if they've got splits, branches and so on. However, a fresh way created with Potlatch should never have a split in it. If you can reproduce this I'd be really interested to know how, so I can fix it. Thanks for the reports. :) --Richard 18:37, 30 June 2007 (BST)
  • Some of the presets don't appear to be the correct tags to be rendered;
  • e.g. if adding a "peak", then the Potlatch preset is "k=point v=peak", but this doesn't render - other peaks that do render on Mapnik and Osmarender are tagged "k=natural v=peak". Also, "k=landuse v=water" should I think be "k=natural v=water" for adding a lake. Also, there's no preset for "k=highway v=tertiary", despite it being in the map features for a considerable time. Richard B 18:00, 24 September 2007 (BST)
    • Thanks for the note on peaks and lakes, I'll fix those. Tertiary will be added in a future revision, though it's worth pointing out that Potlatch does not intend to provide the complete list of Map Features. --Richard 13:56, 29 September 2007 (BST)
  • (add your bugs below)

Bugs in Yahoo! API

These are really bugs in the Yahoo Maps API, but it will be helpful to gather them here so we can feed them back to Yahoo.

  • Welshie 14:16, 8 March 2007 (UTC)
    • Yahoo data copyright is not appropriate. There's absolutely, positively, no data from Navteq or Tele Atlas displayed.
  • Rummy 13:51, 8 March 2007 (GMT)
    • Managed to get a couple of "sticky" yahoo tiles that kept getting rendered under the current imagery. Also seen a case where for just one zoom level there were no tiles. To reproduce: drag the map around dementedly (There's always one isn't there?) and then suddenly change the zoom level (not sure in which direction). Repeat.
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