Proposal:Animal shelters and animal boarding facilities

The Feature Page for the approved proposal Animal shelter is located at Tag:amenity=animal_shelter
Proposal status: Approved (active)
Proposed by: Viking81
Tagging: amenity=animal_shelter
Applies to: ,,
Definition: A facility that recovers abandoned pets or wild animals in trouble, healing them if necessary
Rendered as:
Draft started: 2012-09-11
RFC start: 2012-09-12
Vote start: 2012-10-09
Vote end: 2012-10-23
The Feature Page for the approved proposal Animal boarding is located at Tag:amenity=animal_boarding
Proposal status: Approved (active)
Proposed by: Viking81
Tagging: amenity=animal_boarding
Applies to: ,,
Definition: A facility that boards owned animals, paying a fee
Rendered as:
Draft started: 2012-09-11
RFC start: 2012-09-12
Vote start: 2012-10-09
Vote end: 2012-10-23


This proposal aims to tag various facilities (kennels, catteries, wildlife recovery centres...), that now are tagged in many different and not homogeneous ways.
We decided to divide these facilities in two families:

  • sheltering facilities
  • boarding facilities

NOTE: These tags should be used to tag the whole facility area. If within this area you can distinguish buildings, lawns, courtyards, fences, you can tag them properly with building=yes, landuse=grass and so on.


Kennels are for dogs and are the most common type of animal shelter.
There are public kennels where stray dogs are brought awaiting to find their owner, and if no owner is found they can be adopted by someone else. This is estabilished by law in Italy, for example. There are also kennels, usually supported by leagues for the defense of dogs, that take dogs from people who can no longer take care of them and keep dogs until they find a new home.
Both these types of kennels aim to give dogs up on adoption to new owner.

On the other hand there are boarding kennels where paying a fee you can take your dog while you go on holiday and someone will take care of him.

There are also mixed type of kennels, that give abandoned dogs in adoption but also board owned dogs. This is common in Italy for example.
In this case tag according to the main purpose of the facility.


Catteries are for cats. Also here you can distinguish if it's an abandoned cats cattery or a boarding cattery.

Wildlife recovery centres

These centres recover, rehabilitate and heal wild animals in trouble, aiming to reintroduce them in nature. A centre can recover a single species, some species (birds, or amphibia, or reptiles, or mammals, or sea animals...), or all wild species.

Animal shelter

An animal shelter is facility where animals in trouble are brought and facility's staff (volunteers or not) feeds them and cares of them, rehabilitating and healing them if necessary. This definition includes kennels for abandoned dogs, catteries for abandoned cats, shelters for other abandoned pets and wildlife recovery centres.

amenity=animal_shelterMandatory for every animal shelter.
animal_shelter=<species>[;<species>...]Optional, it lists species kept in the shelter.
For more info on how to set <species>, see below Animal species accepted.
animal_shelter:<purpose>=yes/no/<species>[;<species>...] Optional, it specifies the reason why animals are in the shelter, see below Shelter's purpose for <purpose> values.
If you set this tag, you must also list all species accepted in animal_shelter=<species>: if all species are kept for the same purpose, set yes in this tag, otherwise set a different list of species.
For more info on how to set <species>, see below Animal species accepted.
If one or more species are kept for different purposes, set an animal_shelter:<purpose>=<species>[;<species>...] subkey for each purpose.
name=*Optional, it specifies the name of the facility.
operator=*Optional, it specifies the company, corporation, person or any other entity who is in charge the facility.

Shelter's purpose

We defined some reasons why animals are kept in a shelter:

adoptionTake stray pets or take pets from people who can no longer take care of them and give them up for adoption;
releaseTake injured animals (usually wildlife), rehabilitate them and then release them in nature.

Rendered As

for adoption shelters
for release in nature shelters

Animal boarding facility

An animal boarding facility is a place where you, paying a fee, can bring your pet while you go away (e.g. on holiday) and facility's staff will take care of him.

amenity=animal_boardingMandatory for every boarding facility.
animal_boarding=<species>[;<species>...]Optional, it lists species kept in the boarding facility.
For more info on how to set <species>, see below Animal species accepted.
name=*Optional, it specifies the name of the facility.
operator=*Optional, it specifies the company, corporation, person or any other entity who is in charge the facility.

Rendered As

Secondary services offered by a facility

A structure of any tipe (e.g. a veterinary, an animal shelter, or anything else) can give secondary services, like boarding pets or recovery stray animals. In this case the facilty should be tagged with the main purpose (e.g. amenity=veterinary, amenity=animal_shelter, tourism=hotel) and then add a secondary tag that is:

animal_boarding=yes/no/<species>[;<species>...]Boarding service is offered for listed animals; use yes only if you don't know species accepted.
For more info on how to set <species>, see below Animal species accepted.
animal_shelter=yes/no/<species>[;<species>...]Shelter service is offered for listed animals; use yes only if you don't know species accepted.
For more info on how to set <species>, see below Animal species accepted.

Animal species accepted

To specify animal species kept in the facility you have to insert them in the value field.
Use English singular form for a single species or a group of species (use dog and not dogs, bird and not birds)

Multiple species: you can set multiple value at the same time if the facility keeps more than one species, for example dogs and cats. In this case separate values with semicolon ";".

dogAccepts dogs
catAccepts cats
horseAccepts horses
wildlifeAccepts any species of wild animals
fishAccepts any species of fishes
amphibianAccepts any species of amphibia
reptileAccepts any species of reptiles
birdAccepts any species of birds
mammalAccepts any species of mammals
sea_mammalAccepts any species of sea mammals
sea_animalAccepts any species of sea animals (i.e. sea mammals, sea turtles, fishes...)
<user defined>Accepts a species or a group of species you can specify. You should prefer commonly used values according to Taginfo


amenity=animal_shelterA generic animal shelter, unknown type of animals kept, unkwnown reson why they are there
A shelter for dogs (a kennel), unkwnown reson why dogs are kept
A shelter for dogs, a kennel that gives dogs up on adoption
A shelter for any species of wild animals, that rehabilitates and releases them in nature
A shelter for any species of birds and sea animals, that rehabilitates and releases them in nature
A shelter for dogs, cats and wildlife, it gives dogs and cats up on adoption and releases wild animals in nature
A boarding kennel for owned dogs
A shelter for cats, a cattery that gives cats up on adoption, but it also boards owned cats as secondary service
A boarding facility for dogs, cats, ferrets and rabbits
A shelter for dogs and cats that gives both of them up on adoption but boards only cats as secondary service
A veterinary that offers, as secondary services, sheltering for stray dogs and cats and boarding for owned cats
An hotel that offers, as secondary service, boarding for customers' dogs and cats


Please use the Discussion page for discussion.


With 17 votes in favor and 1 against, the proposal has been approved.

  • I approve this proposal. Viking81 00:42, 9 October 2012 (BST)
  • I approve this proposal. bigshot 04:20, 9 October 2012 (BST)
  • I approve this proposal. --Imagic 06:36, 9 October 2012 (BST)
  • I approve this proposal. -- Al3xius 19:53, 9 October 2012 (BST)
  • I approve this proposal. -- cgu66 06:04, 10 October 2012 (BST)
  • I approve this proposal. -- higa4 14:18, 10 October 2012 (BST)
  • I approve this proposal. Ribbon 22:23, 10 October 2012 (BST)
  • I approve this proposal. --Walkingmage 02:59, 11 October 2012 (BST)
  • I approve this proposal. HillWithSmallFields 10:39, 11 October 2012 (BST)
  • I approve this proposal. Kugelfiesch 15:26, 12 October 2012 (BST)
  • I approve this proposal. berse 15:45, 13 October 2012 (BST)
  • I approve this proposal. Sky One 18:42, 13 October 2012 (BST)
  • I approve this proposal. Hedaja 15:21, 14 October 2012 (BST)
  • I oppose this proposal. Up to short time we had a complete tagging-schema for animals at ,why do you want to split it into different categories now? I think that's very unthinkingly. --R-michael 09:21, 14 October 2012 (BST)
It doesn't split your schema, this proposal expands a section that in your schema is just hinted. You (or I if you want) can add references to this sub-schema in your main schema. Why use just this sub-schema? For many reasons: we discussed a lot about it and we came to this final proposal. --Viking81 11:31, 14 October 2012 (BST)
  • I approve this proposal. Giardia 11:55, 15 October 2012 (BST)
  • I approve this proposal. Konfrare Albert 20:03, 16 October 2012 (BST)
  • I approve this proposal. Marcor 11:07, 17 October 2012 (BST)
  • I approve this proposal. -- Schumi4ever 18:08, 18 October 2012 (BST)
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