
Proposal status: Abandoned (inactive)
Proposed by: Ewmjc
Tagging: place=sea
Applies to: node
Definition: Large bodies of marine water
Rendered as: *
Draft started:
Proposed on: 2009-05-21
RFC start: 2009-05-21
Vote start: *
Vote end: *


Map Features does not yet have good support for labelling marine features. This, in conjunction with place=ocean, are proposals for top-level features. Most marine seas are already identified with this tag.


For identifying and locating large bodies of marine water: seas Wikipedia:Sea, gulfs Wikipedia:Gulf, bights Wikipedia:Bight and very, very large bays such as the Bay of Biscay.

Tag values


Can be used in conjunction with these tags (not part of the proposal):


Proposer's Initial Comment

I have already tagged most of the world's seas with this tag.

I am not sure whether it is also a good idea to use this for inland seas such as Aral Sea as natural=water (i.e. a lake) could also be used. I would appreciate comments. MikeCollinson 12:30, 21 May 2009 (UTC)

Please use the discussion page for comments.


Voting has not started. Voting has not started. Please comment and discuss the proposal.

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