Proposal:High rope course

High Ropes Course
Proposal status: Abandoned (inactive)
Proposed by: MasiMaster
Tagging: leisure=high_ropes_course
Applies to: , ,
Definition: A high rope course in a forest/trees, at a framework or indoor
Rendered as: rendered as a own symbol
Draft started: 2013-06-27



In many high ropes courses people do seldom climb or do not climb at all, but mainly ascend ladders, walk over moving elements, do a flying fox or the like. Compared to climbing, the movements are quite different, the requirements, the target groups and the conditions (usually no own material allowed, often usage only under supervision,...). There are more similarities with via ferrata (latters, rope bridges etc are common) but also here, big differences do exist. Hence, a specific value for tag sport makes sense - just like there are separate values for tennis and badminton :) and it makes less sense to tag a high rope course as a specialization of climbing (climbing=sport and notes/climbing/climbing:type=high_ropes_course or the like)

Currently, the following tags are used for tagging a high rope course (add if you find more): leisure=ropes_course, sport=ropes_course, leisure=high_ropes_course, sport=high_ropes_course, and some elements with sport=climbing don't refer to climbing but high rope courses.


In vielen Hochseilgärten wird wenig oder gar nicht geklettert, sondern vor allem Leitern hochgestiegen, über wacklige Elemente gelaufen und Seilrutschen entlang gesaust usw. Entsprechend sind im Vergleich zum Klettern die Bewegungsabläufe sehr anders, die Anforderungen, die Zielgruppen und Rahmenbedingungen (meist kein eigenes Material erlaubt, oft nur unter Aufsicht erlaubt,...). Es gibt mehr Gemeinsamkeiten mit Klettersteigen (Leitern, Seilbrücken usw. gibt's auch da), aber auch hier sind die Unterschiede recht groß. Daher macht ein eigener Wert für den Tag Sport oder Leisure Sinn - so, wie es für Tennis und Badminton auch getrennte Werte gibt :) und weniger Sinn, Hochseilgärten als eine Spezialisierung von Klettern zu taggen (climbing=sport und notes/climbing/climbing:type=high_ropes_course o.ä.)



In a forest, at a framework or indoor

  • Tag: high_ropes_course=forest/tree/trees/framework/indoor

Tagging possibilities / variations



  1. rendering of a node with an icon
  2. rendering of a polygon with an icon in the middle; the polygon filling is transparent to show the base layer (forest, building, ...)
  3. icon: two trees at left an right, a rope in between, and a person on that rope (could also be used for slack lines so far, if there's enough space add the security rope above the person)

See also

Comparison of tagging

leisure=high_ropes_course sport=high_ropes_course sport=climbing_adventure

Please note that the sport=climbing tag predominantly describes rock climbing and artificial wall climbing and should not be used for the high ropes:

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