
Proposal status: Draft (under way)
Proposed by: Adamant1
Tagging: rental=yes/no/*
Applies to:
Definition: Denotes if a none rental shop rents items. Also, defines what can be rented at a rental (or other) shop when it is multiple items.
Draft started: 2020-02-01
RFC start: *
Vote start: *
Vote end: *


This proposal is a refinement of the previously proposed but not never voted on Proposed_features/rental. If approved, it should depreciate the various competing rental tagging schemes. Including the *:rental= namespace, *_rental=*, and others. So that they are consolidated to a single, simpler, approved one.



There are several places where rental=* can be used.

  • as rental=yes on none rental shops to denote if they provide rental services.
  • as rental=no denote if a regular shop does not rent items.
  • on objects tagged with shop=rental to denote what is rented there.
  • to catalog what items are rented at a shop if it rents multiple items.
  • with none shop related objects to denote if or what the they rent.

A semi-colon can be used in cases where the place rents more then one.

When not to use

There are several instances where it is inappropriate to use this tag.

  • it is not a replacement of existing or future top level amenity rental tags. Therefore, those tags supersede it.
  • it is not to be added in a redundant manor to any objects where the established top level tag already describes what is being rented there.


There are many instances where this tag would be useful to donate if a none rental shop also rents things. There are also many instances where the tag would helpful to use as a way to tell what is rented at a shop=rental place or when the shop rents multiple objects. There also exists multiple competing tagging schemes for the same thing that could use consolidating under a single, simple tag. As most are less then ideal and some have been pushed through bad measures. Most importantly though the various tagging schemes have just led to major fragmentation, that makes it harder for people to map rental related objects and holds back wider adoption.

Why this particular tag

There are several reasons this is the best tag to use compared to the alternatives.

  • this tag integrates particularly well with existing rental tags.
  • shop=rental + rental=foo is much more seamless and intuitive then something like shop=rental + foo:rental=bar is.
  • it uses a minimum of characters compared to other rental schemes and doesn't involve the use of multiple special characters like namespaces would.
  • Using rental=* to tag multiple items does not create a massive list of tags like a namespace would.

Main alternative

The main alternative to this tag seems to be a rental namespace. Its use is problematic for several reasons.

  • it's redundant, since the rental tag was already established and being used more when it was proposed.
  • it doesn't integrate well with already existing tagging schemes, like shop=rental, compared to rental=*.
  • its not being used for the intended purpose of the tag it was meant to replace.
  • there is no reasonable, clear way to tags things as rental=yes with a namespace (yes:rental=yes?).
  • most of the uses are from a series of undisclosed mass edits by the proposer. Which also removed clearer and more established rental tags.
  • the proposer has done multiple edit wars (including on the main site) to artificially boast its prominence and routinely belittles users who ask him questions.

Main values

Tag Description Symbol


use Talk:Proposed_features/rental2

See also

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