< State Of The Map 2011

State Of The Map 2011/Lightning Talks

Lightning talks took place on the Saturday. Lightning talks are 5 minutes max.

Please remove items from this list if they did not take place (Be bold! Edit the wiki)

See also State Of The Map 2011/Unconference. Similar idea on the Sunday

Who What Slides Resources Video etc.
Richard "A good walk, mapped." Mapping golf courses in OSM
Richard on behalf of Dermot McNally. ?Dirty places?

Mikel A Year of Mapping the Margins
Jubal Harpster How community based mapping projects in Africa are ruining my statistics
Oliver Tonnhofer Imposm – Import OSM data into PostGIS, optimized for rendering.
Jaak Laineste OpenMetaMap – Keep OSM database clean by live linking external datasets
Matt Amos & Kai Krueger OSM Development 101
Ivansanchez The State of Spain
Dane Springmeyer New performance features of Mapnik 2.0 video on youtube
Emir Hartato & Vasanthi Hargyono Working experience with HOT for Community Mapping Pilot in Indonesia Slides
Ian Surveying the Volunteer Mapping Landscape
Chris Donaher Gov-OSM: Deploying and Configuring OSM for use by the Federal Government.
Richard "Geocaching, OpenStreetMap and data remediation." One of many intersections of OSM and GeoCaching.
Parveen Arora MeraMap - Fast Track Deployment of Customised OSM Tile Server Slides
Joseph Pavey Youth, Advocacy, and OSM In Cameroon, West Africa
Davidgogishvili OpenStreetMap, GIS and Mapping in Georgia
Ivansanchez So, Why Are We Doing This Frakking License Change From CC To ODBL, Exactly?
David Schloerb BlindAid: a non-visual virtual map

Jim McAndrew, et. al GeoBus: The vehicle for OpenStreetMap Community Building slides
LastGrape/Gregory State of the UK
Schuyler Betashapes, or "It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood"
lucadelu ZOOSM
Schuyler HOT and the WikiProject_Somalia Imports
add your name name of the talk you are going to deliver
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